Seahawks' Michael Bennett calls on white players to help with national anthem protests


May 27, 2007
Mob, we all know that you are Not African American . So what's the deal ? You like a major Lib, Live in the "Hood" ? a wantabe wigger ??
Not trying to put you down, just trying to figure it all out. because you are always in these type of threads.

The guy doesn't even know why Kaeperdick sat for the National Anthem. He had no clue when I asked him.

Nov 4, 2009
People are standing and sitting for the exact same reasons lol.

Chris long is standing for the anthem for the same reasons michael bennett is sitting for the anthem. Equality/togetherness. hope that we turn it around. I know you guys are afraid of change. But a lot of people aren't. Long is standing for what we can be. And the other is sitting for what we can be. Their reason is for people to be better people. That's what they hope, that's what they want, that's what michael Bennett is creating attention over. Not for just black people.

Naw...Michael Bennett is on a "Book Promoting Tour", this is Marketing 101: Get Cameras Pointed at Your Head. Then Say Words."

Mike's Book is titled: 'Things that make white people uncomfortable"

That sound like a book title that desires "Positive Change?" or more like a title an attention whore pandering to Cucks & Blacks...would choose?

The Book is most likely DONE already, Mike's PR Team just waiting for the Apex Hour to Release that....after he has achieved that Pinnacle of Promotion & Attention Moment.

Maybe that Pinnacle Moment to Release corresponds with the Coming Eclipse. Book gets released for purchase at 1:13pm College Station, TX time. That'd be interesting. More Probably release is after a couple weeks of him sitting during anthems in Regular Season. Gettin' dat Free Publicity.

Cameras Pointed at His Head.

Maybe Mike's Book reveals that Great Mystery that White People just can't fathom that you speak of

that is at the root of your people's suffering.

Most likely it does not though cuz to reveal that would risk having the Naturally Following Questions to be asked:

1). How Much of that which you describe, that root of ya'll's suffering is due directly to little black babies that had at least a CHANCE to turn out less Violent & Criminal if their Father had not abandoned them and stuck around?

2). How Much of that which has caused ya'll's Oppression, ya'll's horrible circumstances that you're just absolutely FORCED to live in, with No Options due directly to Behaviors ya'll manifest as result of decisions ya'll MAKE?

What are the Odds that any thing like an exploration of what degree Blacks contribute to their own "Oppression" and Misery gets to be a part of Mike's Book?

Not Good, huh? Cuz that would not sell books.

244 pg. playing of The Race Card though....that'll make Cat some money and more importantly: Gets Him Attention. As He PlayActs "Black Savior" as he recreates The Role that similar Charades like Huey Newton and others have consciously chosen to PlayAct on this stage.

Maybe YOU MobD will reveal That speak of that us White Folks just can't ever hope to understand.

Cuz COMMUNICATION is the very first cobblestone in that path that leads to Empathy

without which, that Cobblestone ^^^...that path has no hope whatsoever to get walked.

But You probably don't reveal that Mystery, and neither does Mike. Cuz Empathy, Understanding, Possible Peace & Detour around Conflict

is the opposite of what you people want.

You Want War.

You SAY: "Equality/togetherness. hope that we turn it around." framing that like a desire ya'll sincerely have but thats Bullshit and you wholly know it is.

You think we are gullible and naive, too stupid to see through your Taqiyya Play

When its so Transparent & Obvious that without "The Struggle" ya'll would be left without anything whatsoever to Live For. Your Entire Identities torn away.

Ya'll ain't protesting to ACCOMPLISH Positive Transformation of ANYthing.

You're Protesting to be seen as Warriors, Fighters...No "Cause" matters, what does is The Struggle Itself

cuz without that you'd be left with Nothing.

Evidenced by the fact that Chicago (how Blacks treat other Blacks) & that Insane Rate at which Black babies grow up Fatherless, the roles that these realities play in creating ya'll's circumstance of Misery & "Oppression"....

these things, ya'll do not address.

It is The Struggle, that Matters. To You and Mike. And BLM. Being seen as "Warriors" for Justice. Thats what your Protests are about. Mike also wants to sell Books.

Kaep did it to impress a Girl.

If ya'll sincerely wanted to improve black lives you'd be willing to Communicate, about what are TRULY the problems holding ya'll DOWN but you don't choose to do that. You elect instead to just yell racist crap, at white people. And break stuff. Occasionally kill some cops.

You don't want Empathy from us.

You want to Kill. Us.....or whoever.

So you can gets seen as a Warrior.

You believe that this is just a yuge-ass Video Game.

Nov 7, 2008
Mob, we all know that you are Not African American . So what's the deal ? You like a major Lib, Live in the "Hood" ? a wantabe wigger ??
Not trying to put you down, just trying to figure it all out. because you are always in these type of threads.

I dislike the word wigger. I've been called that since grade school. I've been in a melting pot since kindergarten. I grew up very diverse and around many different cultures. I've lived plenty of lives, I'm everything. Race is a man made concept.

Nov 4, 2009

^^^^^ To Clarify

that By No MEANS the Truth that folks DO consciously CHOOSE to Play specific roles upon this stage

to (often) just get perceived as "heroes"

equals =

They Spoke No Truth.

No way did I intend to communicate THAT.

I actually like ya'll's Revolutionary Zeal.

Just Wish ya'll could see that Coming To A Table....

Coming Together, Uniting

is the way to go.

Cuz We've a Common Foe, to Fight.

Same "Guy" that orchestrates us fighting against each other.




Nov 4, 2009
I dislike the word wigger. I've been called that since grade school. I've been in a melting pot since kindergarten. I grew up very diverse and around many different cultures. I've lived plenty of lives, I'm everything. Race is a man made concept.

Both You and MobD could provide Insight into what conditions do exist that cause Black People to live in Misery, "Oppression" and have lives less happy than those could be. To do so would risk that Question though: of what behaviors on the parts of Black People themselves contribute to Black Unhappiness.

Thats a conversation you are not allowed to have. You "Cannot Go There." Its Forbidden.

How does it feel to be in a place where you may even be able to SEE some Greener Grass "on just the other side" of a Dialogue happening

but thats a Dialog that You are Forbidden to have, by the very people You want to Help? Forbidden to the very Black People who's "Oppression" you so want to help end....but You are Forbidden by those very people

to have a dialog of Honesty, that could help You accomplish Your Goal....of lessening that Oppression.

Forbidden. :(
Jan 17, 2007
I dislike the word wigger. I've been called that since grade school. I've been in a melting pot since kindergarten. I grew up very diverse and around many different cultures. I've lived plenty of lives, I'm everything. Race is a man made concept.

not trying to offend You or anyone else. Only used that term because he comes off as one.
In my early years, until H.S. i grew up with a diverse group of people. Shit, I hung out with Michael Wright of the Sugar Hill gang in the late 70's and early 80's
Had more than a few friends of color back in the day, and still Today.
But I guess since I didn't live in the Hood, I'm not understanding some of the shit that's happening lately.

anyway, sorry if I offended anyone with the "W" word.

Nov 4, 2009
Let me know when you are Ready to Learn of Your Mission, MobDeeper....that I promised you in that other Thread...Kaep Thread, or whatever.

Its quite an exciting Mission, involves establishing an Alliance with a certain Sharp Cat from Buffalo, he's a Superior Lyricist....dude's command of Words and Knowledge (especially of Olde Stuff....Ancient Ancient Stuff) is astonishing.

You'd have to earnestly like his Music though, His make this Your Mission. Might be Someone Else's Mission...right now its just a Mission, in need of a Warrior. Feels like Your Mission and this ain't like: EricsJobs dot come or anything....not like just anyone can do it like a Job Opening

its not totally *unlike* a Job Opening either. Needs the Correct Person though. Very Good Chance thats You cuz you have immense knowledge of the style of Music that would be a partial Platform from which The Brother in Buffalo will relay The Message.

So You'd have to like what he does with that. The Music. If ya earnestly did not, if the Music did not Move Ya...whole deal off.

Liking the Music necessary for earnest enthusiasm.

Mission involves Allying with a certain smoking hot "", Yung Girl who don't even know who & what She Is a certain college, maybe near you.......too.

She is beginning to "suspect" though.....The Dreams, The Visions are a'Creepin' in on Her.

Let me know when You're Ready. I need whoeverz Mission this is to ask for it, to want that.....A Mission.
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
I dislike the word wigger. I've been called that since grade school. I've been in a melting pot since kindergarten. I grew up very diverse and around many different cultures. I've lived plenty of lives, I'm everything. Race is a man made concept.

Shub, I hear ya, but i can GUARANTEE you I've seen the inside of all 3 major races, Latino, African-American, and Caucasian, more than anyone here, my whole life.

I am one of those 3 races, grew up in and around one of the others in which my only acquaintances & closest thing I've had to a dad was, and dated & married my whole life to and have mixed kids, with the 3rd.

I've seen it ALL from deep inside all 3 my ENTIRE life.

I know it's difficult for anyone to comprehend or even believe, but I know all 3 cultures like the back of my hand...
Dec 11, 2006
So....Yeah.....some deep Illuminati-like Mystery exists at the depths of why ya'll need to make the role of "Victim" the Main Role you and those you type here in support of. play on this stage.

That is when ya'll ain't playing the roles of Killer, Rapist, Armed Robber, House or car Burglar, Slanger of Dope, Car Jacker, Shoplifter or Totally Absent Father dodgin' Child Support payments.

Decades of Food Stamps, Housing, actual $$$$ totally for Free, School Lunches for ya'll's offspring and not a single fucking "Thank You."

Instead: Whining and Pain from ya' all ya all gave in Return.

Billions of Dollars, sustain ya'll. Not a single" "Hay Man. Thanks Man. Sincerely: Thank You."

One would expect there'd been at least one. But No. :(



Guarantee most everyone on this board's dad and or granddad grew up with less food in their belly and less medical care than any black person today. Where were their excuses? There weren't any. Instead they overcame their circumstances, with NO GOVERNMENT HELP, and raised respectful families.

STOP CRYING BLACK MAN. Stop blaming everyone and everything, including things that happened 6, 7, 8, 9 generations ago, for your miserable plight. Stand up and salute the flag and be grateful that you were born in the land of freedom and opportunity. Be moral. Study hard. Get your hands dirty. And taste the sweet fruits of success that every other nationality around you has tasted through blood and sweat.

Above all else, stop calling the people who would give you a hand up, racist. It's a sickness you have. The cure is in the mirror.

Nov 7, 2008

Guarantee most everyone on this board's dad and or granddad grew up with less food in their belly and less medical care than any black person today. Where were their excuses? There weren't any. Instead they overcame their circumstances, with NO GOVERNMENT HELP, and raised respectful families.

STOP CRYING BLACK MAN. Stop blaming everyone and everything, including things that happened 6, 7, 8, 9 generations ago, for your miserable plight. Stand up and salute the flag and be grateful that you were born in the land of freedom and opportunity. Be moral. Study hard. Get your hands dirty. And taste the sweet fruits of success that every other nationality around you has tasted through blood and sweat.

Above all else, stop calling the people who would give you a hand up, racist. It's a sickness you have. The cure is in the mirror.

Where to start? Lol. Let's start with your first point. Different times. How can you compare the two? Ask yourself this. Did your father/grandfather have more rights/luxuries/freedom than a black man at that same time? Fast forward to present. The white supremacist were pushing against the police line the other day. Can you imagine if black people were to do that?

6,7,8 generations ago? I think you mean currently lol. Take a look at the people who have held seats in the house and senate for 30-40 years. Their parents were slave owners. Look at the dollar bills, slave owners.

Like I said before, you can't lead someone out of their would until you enter it.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Where to start? Lol. Let's start with your first point. Different times. How can you compare the two? Ask yourself this. Did your father/grandfather have more rights/luxuries/freedom than a black man at that same time? Fast forward to present. The white supremacist were pushing against the police line the other day. Can you imagine if black people were to do that?

6,7,8 generations ago? I think you mean currently lol. Take a look at the people who have held seats in the house and senate for 30-40 years. Their parents were slave owners. Look at the dollar bills, slave owners.

Like I said before, you can't lead someone out of their would until you enter it.

Blacks did that plus a whole whole lot more in Ferguson. Lol

Sep 21, 2004
I've heard nobody talk about these clowns sitting down at anyplace I've been this week

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