I disagree on your analogies. Because this isn't about entertainment and shit like that. If you think someone is funny then someone is funny. You usually aren't like oh he's black or he's white I don't think he's funny or he can't act. That's just me. I don't do that. The best golfer was black for a while and the best rapper was white for a while. So I don't look at shit like that personally. It's soley about making judgements and actions based on people's race.
Plus, isn't or wasn't there the country music awards? Isn't that ALL white. So really I don't even know what you are talking about. What I said above you really has nothing to do with what you mentioned.
Now it's onto the president lol. I'm not a dem or a rep. But I'm not blaming any president. If anything it's the medias fault. Fox was the devil under Obama. And now CNN is the devil under Trump. It takes more than one person man. It comes from structure that is already put in place and this is the outcome of it. The trickle down
A Lie,,, sadly,,, lol,,, police Brutality on blacks
the same lie that the KKK now has 1 million members,, lol,,
the same lie that the Clan is taking over the world,, lol
the same lie that President Trump is a racist,,,
the same lie that President Trump is responsible for this?? Probably the biggest most pathetic lie,,