Save Terri Schindler


Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
EvilDrunkASS is actually probably far sharper than most of us (at least me) and I believe that his/her comments should be allowed to stay. This is the place for asinine sh t like hers/his. I'm sorry recordkeeper. I agree with you, but I can stand someone typing absolute filth. You can too. This is the place, as was mentioned before you even came in here (which by the archives I've enjoyed perusing is a LONG TIME AGO.) MOST and I mean MOST posters do not do this even in here and you can VERY WELL ASSUME that the dumb sh t is either 12 and has a hard on to annoy everyone or is older but with the mentatility of a 12 year old and has a hard on to annoy everyone. So, in the end, any comment you have like yours, recordkeeper, feeds the fire and so on and so on and so on. Same as it ever was. Same as it ever was.

EvildrunkASS keep it up. You're very bright, I can tell, because you know how to push others' buttons. Thank goodness you can spew your vomit on a place like this where everyone is warned about it before they have to stomach your load. I hope this allows you to deal with other people at your school in a manner more acceptable. If I only knew which school you go to, I would call your counselors and tell them to watch out for your crazy, ill-informed ass and to have you immediately observed and investigated, because as funny as your statements are to you, my non-friend, they indicate a willingness to trouble other people. Have you found yourself doing odd, hurtful things to animals? I'll bet you have.

I, in order to avoid being bothered by another load of crap from you, will say this: You will be absolutely pissed at my post as I have hit some truth, have I not, my non-friend? You will immediately write a post that will denigrate me in various ways, using parts of this post. You will say things like the following: "Tulsa, sounds like you know enough about the animals to talk about how they feel to your yada yada yada!! You are the idiot because...yada yada yada." Does that sound about right? I'm sorry, EvildrunkASS, we're stocked up on crazy here. Go sell crazy somewhere else.

By the way, I'm sure you have received a thrill that I spent this much time discussing you. This was for the other posters out there so that they could see the sick game you play. If it was just you and me I would K**K your *no threats now* AND/OR ignore you totally AFTER I K****D your *HEY, YOU CAN'T THREATEN HERE.*

Regardless of where a person falls on this, (and I can't believe how exorcised both sides are) you, EvilDrunk, have not offered anything to the discussion. Although I'm sure it won't happen, please fellows and ladies of the Rx, ignore this person and they will wilt away as they get their sustenance only from your vitriolic reactions to their bothersome posts. One last thing, Evildrunk: I wish someone would have loved you and shown you even a moment of care. Your illness comes from neglect and in all honesty, though you piss me off, I am concerned for you and why you need to reach out and touch others by hacking people off. I really can't help you, but if you email me privately through the mods, I might be able to direct you to people around you that care about your well-being and can help you realize that people in your life have neglected you (not your fault at all) and further, that you can overcome that neglect (within your power.) tulsa
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It's Super Sunday....Could Go Into Sudden Death
Apr 21, 2003
Tulsa? Tulsa? What kind of a name is Tulsa? Did you spell it backwards? Should your handle read "Aslut"?

I appreciate you taking the time to psycho-analyze me but I am just merely a dude expressing his opinion. I am not really trying to antagonize anybody. My viewpoints may be controversal due to the fact that I don't pull any punches.

I honestly think that this woman (Terri Schiavo) is a stupid whore who brought this whole situation upon herself. I have zero sympathy for her.

Best of luck.

The Great Govenor of California
Feb 21, 2001
Guy is LYING, 25 yr old kids dont talk about plug pulling, secondly Terris freind quoted mike as saying he had no idea what she would want. This was MURDER by the State.

The Great Govenor of California
Feb 21, 2001

When you have no worldly distractions like Teri had in a peacefull state of mind she was in, your fellowship with God is much greater.

New member
Mar 15, 2005
EvilDrunk said:
Tulsa? Tulsa? What kind of a name is Tulsa? Did you spell it backwards? Should your handle read "Aslut"?

I appreciate you taking the time to psycho-analyze me but I am just merely a dude expressing his opinion. I am not really trying to antagonize anybody. My viewpoints may be controversal due to the fact that I don't pull any punches.

I honestly think that this woman (Terri Schiavo) is a stupid whore who brought this whole situation upon herself. I have zero sympathy for her.

Best of luck.

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