S&P,Nasdaq, Dow ALL HIT RECORD HIGHS! Thank you President Biden!


Oct 12, 2008
q4 2018 had other catalysts as well, that was a fuckin insane 3 mths, a 20% drop despite USA having ' a great economy', going all-in with huge decreased corp taxes AND increased spending. the debt ceiling was buried , lol. can u argue agasint Powell raising rates as the govt was fueling massive growth? it would also give them an arsenal when decreasing rates would actually BE NEEDED! the fed's greatest tool for increasing growth during a downturn is decreasing rates. Ya cant decrease rates much when they are at 0.25%

us/china trade tensions were at a high. Trump left the G20 in Argentina saying he and China are making positive ground (market futures ballistic green), gets off airfoce 1 reverses waht he said !! one tweet and BOOM the market reversed in a blink! haha, madness.Heck Trump was egging Powell to go into negative rates, that dude wanted the SPY +30% for a calendar yr on his watch--come yr end he'd b signing SPY charts ....$10 per chart LOL

Dec 27, 2011
The main reason for the massive runup was QE then 0% interest rates, almost 8 trillion dollars worth of bond buying in a little more than a decade.

If they raise rates by any real amount, asset prices will implode thus causing a recession. Once they try to do this, it will be reversed sooner than later similar to Q4 2018.

Once you get on the easy money train, you can't ever get off. Monetary heroin.

Atleast that's what I think.

Dec 27, 2011
Everything now in the USA , in every facet, is And will be to the extreme .. In either direction. Finessing this is not practical. Everyone has sea legs now .. a hint at a step in that direction can create a stampede Travis Scott would approve of and that can occur just with them putting out feelers. Nevermind actually committing to it.

like Lyrics from the great song on the Rocky 4 soundtrack . “ There ain’t no easy way out , there ain’t no short cut home “ cue up the montage of Rocky having flashbacks of Drago murdering Apollo with RockyS arm cocked back with the towel while driving 130 mph in his Lambo

For 2021 the haves got ahead of this inflation Thanks to the SP and what not.. it’s the low and Perhaps middle class that will never get ahead of this. Let’s see what the super rich that are in “ stay rich “ mode can come up with and I doubt it has anything to do with what is the best for the majority nor the future generation(s)

Dec 27, 2011
q4 2018 had other catalysts as well, that was a fuckin insane 3 mths, a 20% drop despite USA having ' a great economy', going all-in with huge decreased corp taxes AND increased spending. the debt ceiling was buried , lol. can u argue agasint Powell raising rates as the govt was fueling massive growth? it would also give them an arsenal when decreasing rates would actually BE NEEDED! the fed's greatest tool for increasing growth during a downturn is decreasing rates. Ya cant decrease rates much when they are at 0.25%

us/china trade tensions were at a high. Trump left the G20 in Argentina saying he and China are making positive ground (market futures ballistic green), gets off airfoce 1 reverses waht he said !! one tweet and BOOM the market reversed in a blink! haha, madness.Heck Trump was egging Powell to go into negative rates, that dude wanted the SPY +30% for a calendar yr on his watch--come yr end he'd b signing SPY charts ....$10 per chart LOL


Dec 27, 2011
Please tell me this is a joke.

it’s not .. he’s serious albeit biased .. anyone that is hyping Biden exposes themselves as being in the group that has a 160k plus Sallie Mae dildo in their ass 24/7/365 until they dirt nap.

the Gay Lords on the far far left Are these losers only hope of
Ever getting their life back.

But he/they will never get their innocence back.

Like the slow kid that was a canteen boy in weeblows or a batboy as a teenager on a little league baseball team on a team with a coach that didn’t have any son on the team, their innocence
Was ripped from them. Or maybe from the guy With the neighborhood ice cream truck before the days of a sex offender registery.

Sallie Mae ripped their innocence from them in a different yet just as devastating fashion .

Even if the gay left that strays , wipes out that debt

it won’t get their manhood or innocence back

Jul 14, 2007
Like most of the high finance mavens, Gundlach can get repetitive but I thought this was a good preview/summation of what is on the table for 2022.

This isn't like sports where variables change constantly, some of this stuff takes a minute to develop


Dec 27, 2011
Like most of the high finance mavens, Gundlach can get repetitive but I thought this was a good preview/summation of what is on the table for 2022.

This isn't like sports where variables change constantly, some of this stuff takes a minute to develop

thanks for posting looking forward to watching

Jul 14, 2007
yeah this isnt taking long...SPY puked 6% in a week since fed minutes and ending QE isn't gonna be done for another 3 months, no rates have even been raised yet

i can't really see how he doesn't have to reverse course, the bubble is just too big at this point, gotta keep the gravy train rolling

Cathy Wood better hope so

Oct 12, 2008
a green hammer pattern has formed on the qqq ,bullish-- inside day tomorrow or higher high is the expectation- . if downward pressure wants to persist for the remainder of the month leading to or after tech earnings season--- lookin' at buy at the 200 sma, (sell a put at the area on a harsh red day) AND has a gap fill at the area--this is kinda my hope, but today will stop the bleeding short term

two stocks that have gotten hammered and worth a look CRM, ADBE. These aint lghtwieghts, fundamentally sound........ both with glorious candles today.

XLK/XLF -- plot this chart and its near vertical lol,not stable ....

banks earnings this week

Oct 12, 2008
fun fact:

since 1950, there have been 19 times the SPY has gained 20% + annual returns. In 16 of those 19 occurrences (

1 decade monthly

View attachment 22729

6 red candles on the monthly, lol. vol decreasing, selling drying up.lookin' like bottoming process. would love to see a green hammer pattern...on the lower time frame, the weekly, no stoppage of lower lows yet. need either double bottom or higher low on the weekly or else NADA has changed .

for any that may have been curious, an update on EWZ;...holly molly!!

The monthly Jan candle has turned into green hammer pattern , bottoming process double bottom is looking good here,....... of course we are only 1/2 way through the month. would b nice for it to end just like this!

on the daily chart ? glorious day yesterday . a powerfully bullish day-over-day pattern (kicker signal) that pierced its 50 sma , need to now HOLD its 50 sma... would be huge-- contnuation today has occured

(full disclosure i have skin in the game . had sold Jan 2022 puts. I have Jan 28th @ $27 and Jan 28th @ $26.50. .nicely paid over 2% for each . Do i want to be assigned? no, lol. But again, im cool holding this underlying if assigned . Again, thesis is Brasil reverts to the mean for 2022 and with the help of the USD cooling off for 2022. )

UUP (USD) - broke its 50 sma yesterday to the downside, hasnt done that since sept 2021. GAP DOWN TODAY AND STRIAGHT selling, folks running from the USD, lol......it if has a medium term re-trace ? bullish for commodities, metals, emerging markets (like ewz....eem is the emerging market etf)

where is trouble ? if EWZ breaks $26, there is significant risk to $24-$22 . will this indeed be a double bottom forming on the monthly? , front running as im doing is with higher risk

Jul 14, 2007
Still 2 months away from even 1 rate hike

Powell (well, he's not missing a meal either way) and Biden/establishment just need to get lucky that inflation subsides on its own. Otherwise the balancing act seems too delicate to manage.

Aug 4, 2013
How can we fight inflation when it’s a global problem. As is the supply chain. Both is not unique to our country.

Jul 14, 2007
It’s not an exact science but if you raise rates enough it’ll likely fight inflation but you would probably crash the economy in the process

Delicate balancing act for sure, central planning has severe limitations as we know

Dec 27, 2011
How can we fight inflation when it’s a global problem. As is the supply chain. Both is not unique to our country.

and so is "going gay" , I mean "going green" yet your gay lord is obsessed with it and his homo manifesto
build back the way a fag would .. I mean broke

Apr 14, 2006
It’s not an exact science but if you raise rates enough it’ll likely fight inflation but you would probably crash the economy in the process

Delicate balancing act for sure, central planning has severe limitations as we know
Will be announced today. Rates will go up...if they dont we will know monetary policy is a thing of the past.

Of course, collapsing the economic system due to inflation and welfare overload is most likely what the American hating Democrats want for the United States of Venezuela.

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