S&P,Nasdaq, Dow ALL HIT RECORD HIGHS! Thank you President Biden!


Oct 12, 2008
Powell not relenting. Citizens with delusional of grandeur. Price to pay for gross fiscal irresponsibility - recency bias is what it is- the Fed will save the day. He's more concerned with inflation being a detriment to growth, ...gonna need much more damage under he steps in . Detractors must be smiling as inflation pressure wasnt 'transitory ' at all, he was part of the problem

Oct 12, 2008
the great part of having a 2 party system is partisan hackery can breed, flourish The Great Charlatan told American citizens he'd take care of the USA debt in 8 yrs, the dude eliminated the debt ceiling (WITH complete red consent , unreal )-he made a mockery of red fiscal conservatives, the tea party.Will take likely yrs to recover . You guys remember how the debt was a worrisome issue when obama was around? lol. Now, get to blame the geriatric Biden

the Fed runs the show,. USA has come the way of Japan, the ship has sailed. Increase birth rate or immigration

Jul 14, 2007
Last year wasn't interesting at all, just straight risk on, most accommodative policy you could get both fiscal and monetary.

Gonna be interesting to see how the fed balances this now though if inflation persists. You tighten monetary policy, seems that is gonna be very difficult to do without blowing the markets up and you let inflation run then how palatable is that?

At this point it isn't transitory but seems like it possibly subsiding on some level is only way they aren't in a tough spot. Which I do think is possible, also I think with that last big Dem spending bill basically everyone behind the scenes knew they couldn't press CTRL Print again and had those 2 Senators conveniently take the rap to avoid blowback. Pretty good way to kick the can a bit, then GOP takes house and they can gridlock it a bit. But who knows what that does to main st if there is no easy money coming into economy?

Dec 27, 2011
wow Pat what a tight rope to walk that is, lets see if they walk it

but saw this coming , just didnt know when , so im prepared and benefiting from it big time
by being ahead of it all .. so why am I so mad about it ?

because of friends , family that aren't able to keep up and get ahead of the inflation

and people I dont even know I care about because they were busy with big things in their own little world
while they were fighting a losing battle without knowing it

and its been every man for themselves for a long time but they didnt know the rug was
gonna pulled out from under them

Oct 12, 2008
what the greatest fear for all should be? that fed policy isnt able to control inflation (see Brasil), see the Brasil decade chart i posted.. Can u imagine if that's the SPY for the next decade? hard time seeing young brides having large families given the current cost of housing /education , so i think immigration has to increase . Cant copy Japan , that's fuckin dead

dunno, candidly, i live in a country where they punted Harper who ran a fiscal surplus with sub $50 oil his last yr as PM and replaced with numbnuts Trudeau. I have thrown in the towel. Try desperately to not infect those around me with my half glass empty outlook. .......'i see dead people ..'...im toast...KAPUT

Dec 27, 2011
not to mention the culture war being thrown at us while we try and get our sea legs
from this dosnt help.

Workforce moral at an all time low. Those that are working are overworked and their money going less far.

and on and on and on I can go and pile onto workforce moral, but I will try to not sabotage the topic and take it off ccourse

Jul 14, 2007
Well, you definitely can fight it, but at the expense of what? In the early 80's, we just raised rates until inflation was dead. But the entire economy wasn't tied to 40 years of interest of ever decreasing rates including the last 13 of close to 0% at that point either.

So I dunno, maybe it just has to run and it is the new normal.

As far as transitory vs new normal, I guess well findout. I think people tend to look at inflation in all or nothing terms. Some of it is a monetary reason (printing too much), some of it is supply chain issues, some areas there is tons of inflation (finite productions like land), some areas there isn't much (software/tech) but obviously any nuance is going to be lost on the media and even in the financial media.

Dec 27, 2011
what the greatest fear for all should be? that fed policy isnt able to control inflation (see Brasil), see the Brasil decade chart i posted.. Can u imagine if that's the SPY for the next decade? hard time seeing young brides having large families given the current cost of housing /education , so i think immigration has to increase . Cant copy Japan , that's fuckin dead

dunno, candidly, i live in a country where they punted Harper who ran a fiscal surplus with sub $50 oil his last yr as PM and replaced with numbnuts Trudeau. I have thrown in the towel. Try desperately to not infect those around me with my half glass empty outlook. .......'i see dead people ..'...im toast...KAPUT

the fed got over confident. Speaking of Brazil if the border is open let them in , the woman are way hotter than
Central American woman , I mean thats not even a debate my god.. if were gonna fall on hard times id rather it be shacked up
with a bad ass Brazilian chick than a guatamalen ( with all do respect to guatamalens) ..

Venezuelan and Colombian too

we have enough Mexican and guatamalen woman already

Dec 27, 2011
Well, you definitely can fight it, but at the expense of what? In the early 80's, we just raised rates until inflation was dead. But the entire economy wasn't tied to 40 years of interest of ever decreasing rates including the last 13 of close to 0% at that point either.

So I dunno, maybe it just has to run and it is the new normal.

As far as transitory vs new normal, I guess well findout. I think people tend to look at inflation in all or nothing terms. Some of it is a monetary reason (printing too much), some of it is supply chain issues, some areas there is tons of inflation (finite productions like land), some areas there isn't much (software/tech) but obviously any nuance is going to be lost on the media and even in the financial media.

could be the new normal , I agree that could be, but shit you better have a lot of money to maintain current lifestyle
were used too

Jul 14, 2007
I saw Onterio county shutdown again. That's crazy they just close everything and we're almost on the 2yr anniversary of this thing.

Also saw Trudeau say people that won't get the vax are racist and misogynistic lol, that's a Hitler move for sure.

Oct 12, 2008
lol, dont get me started u trying to upset me bro? yup further restrictions in Ontario. The Premiere is Doug Ford. IF EVER a guy out of his league its Ford. Poor guy just keeps going, too dumb to resign. He's the guy that was crying --TEARS , i mean real TEARS on tv 8 mths ago o so as i guess he felt responsible during for an uptick of cases. cases are an obsession around here. He relented,like a frightened turtle ... Ontario is controlled by idealist public health officials all nicely paid by taxpayers.
trudeau? he has increased the Cdn national debt by more than ALL prime ministers combined, lol . he should be in jail- he has destroyed the balance sheet of this great country.. but they love him here, fridge is full .......plan C?...RV .if it wasnt for the wife id be cruising now.....golf clubs , course to course ...


Oct 12, 2008
kaput . housing is gone in ontario

Oct 12, 2008
'The latest figures from the Canadian Real Estate Association show the average home in Ontario selling at a price 44 per cent higher than it did two years ago, and forecast to rise another 11.5 per cent in 2022'.

lol , the vast majority of Canadian born kids cant afford a house in Ontario without the help of the Bank of mom and dad . What's odd is that Ontarians seem largely proud of their housing wealth, kinda like the game of Monopoly, .......bizzaro world for sure. Trudeau is busy countign covid cases, he'll be ready to tackle the Canadian real estate debacle soon enough, that should end well

Oct 12, 2008
the fed got over confident. Speaking of Brazil if the border is open let them in , the woman are way hotter than
Central American woman , I mean thats not even a debate my god.. if were gonna fall on hard times id rather it be shacked up
with a bad ass Brazilian chick than a guatamalen ( with all do respect to guatamalens) ..

Venezuelan and Colombian too

we have enough Mexican and guatamalen woman already
agreed, go out with a bang

Dec 27, 2011
'The latest figures from the Canadian Real Estate Association show the average home in Ontario selling at a price 44 per cent higher than it did two years ago, and forecast to rise another 11.5 per cent in 2022'.

lol , the vast majority of Canadian born kids cant afford a house in Ontario without the help of the Bank of mom and dad . What's odd is that Ontarians seem largely proud of their housing wealth, kinda like the game of Monopoly, .......bizzaro world for sure. Trudeau is busy countign covid cases, he'll be ready to tackle the Canadian real estate debacle soon enough, that should end well

Oct 31, 2021
One of the main driver for the stock market over the last decade plus is low interest rates. I think you would be hard pressed to find one other single factor that drove the market up like it did (the other big one would have to be government spending......because recently that has been the driver). When interest rates go up the market will come down.

The only solution to stop inflation will be high interest rates.

I think they will let inflation run for awhile versus raising rates too much. Quote unquote pay off the debt with dollars that are not worth as much. Although lets be real is anyone concerned about the debt? I think it will be the eventual downfall of the United States. Too much debt and then file for bankruptcy, screw a bunch of little guys..... sounds like an ex presidents playbook.
Dec 11, 2006
One of the main driver for the stock market over the last decade plus is low interest rates. I think you would be hard pressed to find one other single factor that drove the market up like it did (the other big one would have to be government spending......because recently that has been the driver). When interest rates go up the market will come down.

The only solution to stop inflation will be high interest rates.

I think they will let inflation run for awhile versus raising rates too much. Quote unquote pay off the debt with dollars that are not worth as much. Although lets be real is anyone concerned about the debt? I think it will be the eventual downfall of the United States. Too much debt and then file for bankruptcy, screw a bunch of little guys..... sounds like an ex presidents playbook.
I think this is pretty accurate. But I would say that low interest rates fueled a healthy economy but off the charts government spending fueled inflation.

I do agree that raising interest rates is the way they will combat inflation. But they must also curtail government spending or inflation will never get back under control leading to massive problems for the lower and middle classes. That means massive problems for the country.

Jul 14, 2007
The main reason for the massive runup was QE then 0% interest rates, almost 8 trillion dollars worth of bond buying in a little more than a decade.

If they raise rates by any real amount, asset prices will implode thus causing a recession. Once they try to do this, it will be reversed sooner than later similar to Q4 2018.

Once you get on the easy money train, you can't ever get off. Monetary heroin.

Atleast that's what I think.

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