Rubber Room.

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LA Clippers Junkie
May 14, 2005
wilheim said:
Actually the rudest clerks down here are the small group of states born guys that still man phones for a livin, it's kind of their was of keeping alive an old tradition...Get em on and get em off.. You want nice nice - call an escort service and ask for the deluxe package that includes a limo with matching blondes..


Even though he is not a clerk, fucking Judge Wapner ruins the reputation for all Americans with his attitude...damn that guy!


New member
Jul 20, 2002

Do you have any recommendations Wil?

Ceretainly, if you call in your bets do so with professionalism and intelligence. Make sure you get the team, line, amount and type of bet you want. Be very certain the readback is correct in regards to what you wanted to bet before you agree to it. Personally I don't try to make friends, I don't ask who a clerk likes. I don't ask if he is busy or any other questions that have nothing to do with my reason for dialing his particular phone number.

Be curteous yourself, over 90% of all the clerks at any book, including BetCRIS, are curteous themselves. Do not make such a big deal of it if a clerk doesn't say good luck, thanks or (heaven forbid) goodbye. The final words you want to hear from the clerk are your plays exactly the way you played them and pin and password if that is correct sir. (sir being optional).


Oct 3, 2004
I just wish they would not call me. Two more calls last night. Please stop calling me CRIS!


New member
Jan 20, 2000
Anyone answering phones should be courteous, even if they are a sponsor of this site. I am shocked at the responses given to this thread starter. It is not any more difficult to take a phone bet in a nice manner than it is to be rude. Anyone who thinks this is too much to ask should be ashamed of themselves. Get the order right, be friendly, and pay on time should all be top priority.

Jan 20, 2002
That's right Clip, you mfing prick. I've played with CRIS for over ten years. I have found the majoirty of their clerks to be very courteous. Sometimes you get one with an attitude but that's the exception, not the rule. In my opinion, Skybook has the nicest clerks. If you want personalized service, or clerks that will shoot the shit with you, you are better off at a small shop. I have found those clerks to be the most personable.

New member
Sep 27, 2004
Judge Wapner said:
That's right Clip, you mfing prick. I've played with CRIS for over ten years. I have found the majoirty of their clerks to be very courteous. Sometimes you get one with an attitude but that's the exception, not the rule. In my opinion, Skybook has the nicest clerks. If you want personalized service, or clerks that will shoot the shit with you, you are better off at a small shop. I have found those clerks to be the most personable.
I didn't know 'banging their hotttest, newest clerks' qualified as playing with CRIS for ten years!

Jan 20, 2002
CC, I've always said Cris gives great service. If you knew her, you'd agree. Where you been stranger?

New member
Dec 11, 2006
How Long Have Been Around? O 5 Yrs
How Much Do I Make As I Csr ? 7/h
How Many Clients Per Day? O 70 Mofo's
Don't Little Like A Little Girl Just Cause Somone Didn't Throw You Roses By The End Of A Freaking Call
Thanks Mister
And Yea Im A Sweetheart

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Dec 20, 2003
InSpades said:
Yeah..NORMAL. I wouldn't take it personally. There are only a handful of books these days where a bettor's money is rock solid safe. CRIS is one of them. So, I deal with it.


My point is, this is not a perfect world. In a perfect world a book would pay promptly, have great customer service, offer great bonuses, and have great website. Bettors can't have everything.

Should all books have excellent customer service? Yes. But it is not realisitc.


New member
Aug 1, 2005
prodigy said:
since your money is safe at cris, people shouldnt be critical of their customer service?

just goes to show how low some gamblers expectations are.

lets be honest, they look at their players as 'losers'. they know that most of the players will lose money to them yet keep coming back because of the psychological need to gamble.

my money is safe at my local bank and they process my deposits and withdrawals accurately. does that give them the right to act like theyre doing their customers a favor by processing their transactions?

its not about really caring if they mean it when the offer a simple 'good luck' or 'thanks for calling'.

its about being professional.

i dont give a shit how busy there are. who cares what theyre earning. i didnt know these people were forced into labor at the sportsbooks against their will. next time i win a bet, maybe ill give the phone operator a kickback just because of all he went through to take my call.

'woe is the sportsbooks'. they have it so rough with people phoning them on an nfl sunday just waiting to lose money to them.

they charge us a % on deposits. they charge us a fee on withdrawals. they take 10% on our losing bets.

wake the up guys.

instead of being degenerates that are just happy to be subservient because books are doing you a favor by facilitating your need to gamble, why not actually EXPECT them to treat you with some dignity when you give them business.

poor customer service doesnt fly in the real world. it shouldnt fly in the gambling world just because 'they pay on time'.

Some well said stuff here!:103631605

New member
Aug 2, 2005
i sent cris CS an email 2 weeks ago and they never even bothered to answer

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
I thought this thing would be on page 3 by now, but since it is not here are some additional thoughts.

I dont expect the clerks to kiss my ass, leave that to the guys who are trying to get me to reup.

But I thought it was unprofessional to just flat hang up after I gave pin and password. For a minute I wasnt 100% sure that I had a bet, maybe we got disconnected or something. Even a simple "you have a bet" would be cool with me.

Now this Sunday I was away from the computer and phoned them 3 different times to make bets. Each time the clerk was friendly and professional. So maybe I just got the wrong person the first time.

New member
Dec 11, 2006
magking1 said:
I thought this thing would be on page 3 by now, but since it is not here are some additional thoughts.

I dont expect the clerks to kiss my ass, leave that to the guys who are trying to get me to reup.

But I thought it was unprofessional to just flat hang up after I gave pin and password. For a minute I wasnt 100% sure that I had a bet, maybe we got disconnected or something. Even a simple "you have a bet" would be cool with me.

Now this Sunday I was away from the computer and phoned them 3 different times to make bets. Each time the clerk was friendly and professional. So maybe I just got the wrong person the first time.

finally somebody got it right!:thumbsup2: :modemman:

She's either funnin' or bunnin' or else I'm runnin
Jan 11, 2005
wilheim said:
Calling in a bet is not like calling Sears customer service and asking how the Maytags are moving. Sure some clerks could be a little more curteous or jocular etc. but what really counts is getting the bet written correctly and the read back verified also correctly. Everything else is window dressing. Call center clerks are not there to get you to take a particular side, lay a particular number or bet any particular type of bet. They want your account number, password,game number after which they give you what hopefully is the correct line or lines at that moment. The player then says give them the team they want at that price they were read for however much money they want to bet and then the readback insues again hopefully a correct one. End of story.

I have had players actually cancel a bet on me because I said good luck at the end of the call.


I have learned two things about gamblers:
1. never say good luck, that is a jinx
2. never pay with $50 bills.

don't ask me why, my gambling friends have sworn by this.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Players who are bothered by this kind of thing.

Maybe an official complaint in writing to the Better Business Bureau in your area complaining about rudeness expressed by a ticket writer from your sportsbook in Latin America who takes your action from time to time. Explain how the guy didn't even have the common curtesy to say "thanks ahole"..

Seriously speaking there is a big difference in attitude between wagering clerks and CSD clerks. Most wagering clerks are there to deal with players who for one reason or another do not place all of their wagers online where there is little concern about anyone being polite, the phone clerks job is to get the bet right or even run the lines correctly and audibly for the player, you all know the stuff you call wagering for. CSD (even live chat) is a different breed of cat, CSD conversations should always include a degree of civility from both parties (more so from the sportsbook side). CSD people are supposed to be nice, unless of course the player is a stone cold ignororamous (it happens) but generallyconversations between players and CSD clerks should be full of yes sirs and no sirs and thank you sirs etc. etc.

Calling in bets..

Before the late 1990's almost all bets were done by telephone between the player and his natrual enemy the wagering clerk and approximately 95% of all calls were civil businesslike and not much different than ordering a pizza. You called took care of business as did the pizza joint who answered took the order and made sure the caller got the pizza he ordered. A small % of calls went bad for one reason or another and that is why books have tapes. If Magkin1 is that bent out of shape by the call he should call BetCRIS and ask for a manager to listen to the call and even re-listen to it himself by doing so he may rid the industry of a rude clerk, or maybe find out he didn't hear a good night sir for one reason or another but bottom line the culprit (I assume it must be the the rude wagering clerk) might think twice if he still has a job before he doesn't say thank you, good luck, have a great day or whatever other pleasantry would have left Magking1 with a better feeling about BetCRIS, the clerk himself and the offshore gambling business in general..

Off course there are a great many old timers from both sides of the counter that probably are saying to themselves "did the guy get his bet down like he wanted - yes or no? If he did then what the hell is the big deal.

I know it's almost the year 2007 and guys writing $500 bets on football games had dam well better be real polite like those bank tellers, traffic cops, insurance adjusters, auto mechanics, supermarket checkers, civil servants, doctors, plumbers, lawyers, house painters and the rest of the world that know how to treat a guy making a $500 bet even if he was laying a shitty number feel good about what he just did to himself..

Last edited:


New member
Jan 20, 2000
Wil, you seem a little bitter about this.

Why don't you tell us how you REALLY feel? heh

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Wil, you seem a little bitter about this.

Why don't you tell us how you REALLY feel? heh

Not really, I just happen to have been around bookmaking for over 40 years and some time shit happens. People have good days and sometime they have bad days, guys that write tickets like everyone else on this planet are no different - they have good days and bad days..

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