'roseanne' canceled! ... After racist comment


Nov 17, 2004
This wasn't my quote?

I know it wasn't. I was giving you an example of the lack of intelligence on this forum.

As for your other comment. I'm not missing the poiint. I'm giving you an example of hypocritical behavior. I can't explain it any better to you.

Sep 18, 2006
I know it wasn't. I was giving you an example of the lack of intelligence on this forum.

As for your other comment. I'm not missing the poiint. I'm giving you an example of hypocritical behavior. I can't explain it any better to you.

Hypocritical behavior is exactly what you're doing, but you can't see it because you're blinded by trying to fit your narrative......left wing liberals have been doing it since Trump got elected president.

The only one lacking any intelligence in this thread & on the topic everyone explained .......

Sep 18, 2006

'New York Post' cover mocks Trump's meeting with 'Kim Thong Un'

The New York Post received backlash for mocking Kim Kardashian West's White House meeting with President Trump in Thursday's newspaper cover, with some on Twitter calling the front page "sexist" and "pathetic."

During the Oval Office visit, Kardashian West and Trump met to discuss "prison reform and sentencing," according to the president, an issue the socialite has been advocating about for months — specifically for the release of Alice Marie Johnson, a 63-year-old woman who has spent decades serving a life sentence for a first-time, nonviolent drug offense.

Johnson's story went viral thanks in part to a Mic video interview that reached more than 4.1 million views. A change.org petition asking Trump to grant Johnson clemency has also almost reached its goal of 300,000 supporter signatures as of Wednesday.

Kardashian West, who cites Mic's video as how she discovered Johnson, has also helped the case reach a wider audience.

After the meeting, the Post was quick to mock Kardashian West as "Kim Thong Un" in the newspaper cover, referencing their sitdown as "The Other Big Ass Summit."

Sep 18, 2006

This is the mainstream.media at its finest......it makes sexist jokes & nothing will happen to them or the editor.....a few people online will say stuff but it won't be as much of a case as if its about a liberal or a minority.

Jan 16, 2010
The fact that you think you’re making an argument is pretty damn funny.

Roseanne bungled the National Anthem in 1990. That was 28 years ago (you were not an adult then and many people may not even remember) and she did not set out to disrespect the Anthem.

Even if you assume she did, that doesn't mean you can't say it was wrong for her to be fired and be against people in the NFL kneeling.

You aren’t very good at making arguments. In fact, you don't know what one is as demonstrated by the fact you think this utter retardation you're spewing is on shows.

Pretty much...

Jul 4, 2012
Here is what actual hypocrisy in this instance would look like:

(Insert poster name)

  1. Insists kneeling for the National Anthem is disrespectful, says will boycott NFL until players must stand/insists it is awful
  2. Roseanne on her show or in public kneels for anthem/says she supports players right to speak out
  3. [ABC fires Roseanne insisting that a comedy show should have no politics]
  4. Poster then goes on tirade saying Roseanne can’t be fired/what about her free speech rights, etc.

That isn’t the situation here. No hypocrisy is being exhibited.

Sep 21, 2004
Kind of seems that way to me too. And then we have the laughable narrative that somehow it's different and hide being the workplace bullshit. No morons, it's about respect for the national anthem and the country. The outrage is not about your workplace bullshit. And no one would cut any of these athletes/celebrities any slack if they pissed on a flag on "their" time (nor should they). These hypocrites have somehow convinced themselves that their stupid narrative justifies this. This woman mocked the anthem, did a crotch grab, and spit, and you kids are all at bat for her. Fucking hilarious.

ahh the liberal way presented by facts resort to name calling! I'll spell it out to you, step by step so that you may understand the difference. You cited Rosanne disrespecting the anthem. Was she at work? Answer NO! Was Kaepernick at work YES! Rosanne protested the anthem on her own time. She was a guest singer wasn't PAID to sing the anthem. Can you not see the difference? Rosanne was not the PAID singer of the anthem! She was not at WORK! You do not have freedom of speech, expression, etc etc at work!! You cannot even eat when you want to at work!! Do you understand this? I guess maybe liberals are so used to living off the public dole they have no concept of work! Was Rosanne asked back to sing the anthem? Answer NO! Therefore she wasn't cut any slack! She was condemned in the media, received death threats and Bush called it disgraceful! So much for your narrative of Rosanne getting a free pass! Kaepernick was given numerous warnings to stop his "protest" but he did not. (Therefore Kaepernick was given much more slack than Rosanne.) In the workplace this is called rightful termination! Now speaking of hypocrites how does Reid, Behar, Kimmel, Maher still have their shows!?!?! They made vile comments on air while working and nothing! Can you imagine if the same was said of Obama getting a handjob by her daughter!?!!??! So tell me again who the hypocrites are?

Jul 2, 2010
I’m not sure I’m following the Roseanne/NFL protest arguement, but as for NFL players being at work and protesting, this is more of a gray area due to the fact these are collectively bargained employees.

The CBA is ambiguous at best on anthem protests, leaving the door open for players to protest. The CBA does have a provision stating employees can be fined, suspended, terminated, etc for conduct detrimental to the brand. This could be one approach the NFL could use, but it’s also a gray area. The NFL could point to ratings and sponsorship being down, but the players could point to ratings being down less than other programming and continued increases in revenue, overall team values and salary cap. There are similar provision in the employment contract players must sign with the league, but they would be open to the same scrutiny.

The players manual, which is not collectively bargained, does comment on conduct during the anthem, but unlike the NBA, the NFL fucked up the wording leaving a loophole by suggesting players “should” stand versus “must” stand. The NFL had a chance to shut this down immediately and get in front of it, but has continuously fucked it up every step of the way. The fact the NFL and Goddell basically endorsed this on several occasions gives the Union strong standing moving forward.

The NFL could still have strong grounds to terminate, legally, but they could be stuck paying out contracts, even non-guaranteed monies, and could face significant EEOC litigation if they pick and choose termination, which could be viewed as discriminatory.

It’s a fucking mess to say the least and one the NFL fueled with their own early actions in the matter.
Nov 8, 2012
Again, I think you're missing the point. Guys aren't upset she was fired or her show was canceled and agree her comments were terrible. They are upset at ABC's apparent double standard in administering punishment over this situation compared to others where libs have done the same thing and are still on air.

I think ABC had to pull the trigger b/c advertisers were getting nervous. Lets say AT&T was a big advertiser of Roseanne. ABC and AT&T dont want to hear "lets refuse to use AT&T b/c they support Roseanne and she is racist". Advertisers to that show pay mucho mucho $$$ for a highly watched show.

Sep 21, 2004
It's that time of year, in the election cycle, when the democrats and the liberal news media play the

race card more intently! Just a bunch of race - bating scoundrels. They have destroyed America !


May 27, 2007
I know it wasn't. I was giving you an example of the lack of intelligence on this forum.

As for your other comment. I'm not missing the poiint. I'm giving you an example of hypocritical behavior. I can't explain it any better to you.

But the hypocritical behavior you're describing isn't true? It's not accurate.

You're comparing Roseanne's disrespect for the anthem and the NFL players apparent disrespect for the anthem. But nobody is defending Roseanne's actions? The comparison makes no sense.

May 27, 2007
I think ABC had to pull the trigger b/c advertisers were getting nervous. Lets say AT&T was a big advertiser of Roseanne. ABC and AT&T dont want to hear "lets refuse to use AT&T b/c they support Roseanne and she is racist". Advertisers to that show pay mucho mucho $$$ for a highly watched show.

Oh yeah, I totally agree with her firing but why, two weeks earlier, did ABC/ESPN hire Keith Olbermann who has called POTUS Hitler and all sort of other shit over and over on his Twitter feed?
Sep 14, 2007
Oh yeah, I totally agree with her firing but why, two weeks earlier, did ABC/ESPN hire Keith Olbermann who has called POTUS Hitler and all sort of other shit over and over on his Twitter feed?

My guess is even though ABC and ESPN are connected, they are still being run by totally different management. I’m sure the people in charge of hiring for ESPN are not the same ones who cancelled Rosanne. This a huge company with many different organizational charts for each area of business. And I’m sure many different decisions are being made within each one. I agree it’s somewhat of a double standard, but in reality I’m sure both of these situations are actually being made by 2 separate companies within the major company.
Dec 11, 2006
Except Bob Iger who is the president of Disney who owns both ABC and ESPN made a direct call to Valerie Jarrett to apologize for Roseanne Barr's twitter comment.
Sep 14, 2007
Except Bob Iger who is the president of Disney who owns both ABC and ESPN made a direct call to Valerie Jarrett to apologize for Roseanne Barr's twitter comment.
But again I’m guessing he is not the one who makes the decision who to hire at ESPN and who to fire at ABC. I’m sure he has other people who makes those decisions.
Sep 14, 2007
Yeah, he's a hypocrite with double standards.

Maybe the government should step in and set regulations so these things don’t happen. Or we can let companies run their business as they see fit as long as they are not breaking laws.(I don’t think any law was broken here). I don’t see any other solution do you? Which do you prefer?

Sep 18, 2006

NEW YORK (AP) — Comedian Samantha Bee apologized to Ivanka Trump and viewers on Thursday for using an obscenity to describe the president's daughter, an incident that quickly thrust her into the middle of the nation's political divide.

Her network, TBS, also said it was "our mistake, too," in allowing the language on Bee's show, "Full Frontal," on Wednesday. Her show is taped and not aired live.

Bee called Ivanka Trump a "feckless c---" toward the end of a segment about President Trump's immigration policies. She used the slur in urging Ivanka Trump to speak to her father about policies that separate children from their parents.

"Put on something tight and low-cut and tell your father to f---ing stop it," she said.

Bee, a former correspondent on "The Daily Show" with Jon Stewart whose own show has been one of TBS' big successes since it started in 2016, said that her language was "inappropriate and inexcusable.

"I crossed a line, and I deeply regret it," she said.

Before the apology, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders called Bee's language "vile and vicious" and said executives at TBS and corporate parent Time Warner needed to demonstrate that such explicit profanity about female members of the administration would not be condoned.

TBS said Bee had taken the right step in apologizing. The network made no mention of any disciplinary action.

The car company Autotrader said that it would pull its advertising sponsorship from "Full Frontal," calling Bee's language offensive and unacceptable. Bee's show is being honored Thursday by the Television Academy as one of the most "meaningful and relevant" on the air; the academy said the controversy over her language won't change that.

The academy said its event is "non-political" and that Bee's recognition is for "her engagement in 2017 on the subject of sexual harassment and the #MeToo movement."

Coming two days after ABC canceled "Roseanne" following a racist tweet about former Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett, Bee's remark was immediately seized upon by culture warriors. Some conservatives upset about the "Roseanne" cancellation suggested Bee should meet the same fate, while liberals wondered whether Bee's words were any worse than some used by President Trump, notably in the "Access Hollywood" tape.

"I dream of a life where we hold our president to a higher standard than we hold comedians," said another comic, Marie Connor, on Twitter.

Ari Fleischer, former press secretary to President George W. Bush, said there was a double standard when you compare media reaction to Barr and Bee. He said the media would go "nuts" if a conservative Republican used the same slur that was used by Bee against Nancy Pelosi.

"The outrage would be instant and overwhelming," Fleischer said online.

Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore noted that President Trump and his aides had not condemned Barr's racism and tried to "confuse the issue by going after Samantha Bee's brilliant rant against Ivanka."

Bee's commentary had the potential to be a corporate headache. Time Warner, which owns channels including TBS, CNN and HBO, is in the process of being acquired by AT&T for $85 billion. The Justice Department has sued to block the deal, however, due to monopoly concerns, and a decision on whether or not it will proceed is expected June 12.

One of the sharpest attacks against Bee came on corporate cousin CNN. Bee is no better than the behavior she sought to criticize in her immigration segment, said CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin.

"To use that word from a woman to another woman is offensive," Baldwin said. "Wrong is wrong, whether you're on the left or the right."

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