long standing division in this country.
That "Long Standing Division in this Country" is not that but rather a Division between Races and Cultures that has existed since the very second that more than one Race and/or Culture came to be in existence on this planet.
People can, and will, for the duration of our lifetimes here continue to refuse to see beyond the tiny danger-filled box they've been brainwashed into existing within that says Large Scale Multi-Culturalism within a country has any chance of leading to a positive result.
When in fact, there are exactly ZERO instances within the entire History of The Earth that a Large Scale blending of certain races has led to anything other than War, Misery, Bloodshed and along the path to those Horrors: White Anglo-Saxon Males having to carry upon their backs: Negroids and Latinos.
Having to support the people of these Races in a manner that is much like a Momma with a Papoose strapped to her back and occasionally having to Suckle this entirely dependent for it's survival on Her Lifeform.
Keep right on parroting the words of The Deception, that "Division here" is the result of some thing that White Males have done wrong, that this is due to "Racism" or Get Real, Get Bold and Get yourself to a place where you can see the big picture reality that Division between Races/Cultures is due to the Biological/Physiological Construction of the differing Races, themselves.
No Blame if you and others can't manage to rise above the Brainwashing borne of Religious/Geo-Political/Globalist/Liberal Agendas which themselves are borne of Intellectual Limitation (Abject Stupidity/Inability to see the forest for the trees and/or Greed).
Power Mad Men got born here and re-scribed all your religious books that form a large basis of why you feel obligated to welcome in Dark People
to make your lives less Peaceful and More filled with pain than the books, as originally written, were a Blueprint for achieving.
Before those got Stepped On.
Originally those said that people of different races/cultures/belief systems should live amongst their own.
Exceptions mentioned, therein, some number of these can and should if they desire: go and live amongst the other, and this not only encouraged but recommended but by no means just a total and complete melting pot blending in that, as the books warned, would lead to the Cesspools of Misery and Warfare that is your present-day world and is only gonna get worse.
If your species survives that survival will be to a place where the Races and Cultures live separately, within various parts of the Earth. Africa: Black, Asia: Various Shades of Light Beige, South America, obviously Brown (various other parts of Earth for Brown, as well)...
Let me see....who did I leave out?
Oh Yeah.....White People.
They don't make it.
Cuz of what you're doing now.
Chiefly you're inability to take what, from your "Holy Books"
was real and recognize what were false teachings added later by Greedy Power Hungry very very stupid and evil men and designed to allow them to control the world for the so few years they were even here.
What their stupidity in revising The Holy Texts left is a Curse. Of which a blind acceptance of Multi-Culturalism is the Worst
as that is what winds up as "Cause of Death" on that line of the death certificate of the Caucasian People.
Dont get mad at me, for this and don't call me "racist" for it either bcuz I did not create Human Beings. I was not the source of constructing them this way. As they are.