Is The Gooser holding that sign?
He's selling them out of the large cardboard box that he lives in under the bridge on 39th Street in Astoria Queens.
Phone Pic of the pole there, its how peeps ID where to go to get the sign:
Ih his Box Beneath The Bridge He was making love to a Puerto Rican Bag Lady named Vincenzia Robles last night,
for hours cuz he had taken 4 Cialis (Generic Version) which kept the 3 other bums living beneath the bridge up all night then finally when that was over and they could get some sleep The Guesser and Vincenzia got into a super loud drunken fight.
Which woke all the bums up again.
So, he might have to move.
At one point The Guesser, Vincenzia and their whole cardboard box actually rolled down the embankment last night, about 3:40 am....with them in it. That was fuggin hilarious.