The Idiot Drumpf and his supporters ignore these people at their own peril. Anyone who thinks these are a few loser loons being paid by Soros, or whatever they think, is in for a very rude awakening.
I was on 5th Ave this afternoon and early evening. The energy, the vibrancy is VERY real. I was frankly pretty surprised. It was great to see so many young people getting involved in our system, and exercising their right to peacefully protest. That is what made America, and made America Great. They represent slightly more than half of the Country, since Drumpf lost the popular vote. He knows it. That's why he's shifted to a conciliatory tone, and it's the tone he should take.
Haven't seen this much energy Politically by young people since the great Viet Nam Protests, when I was one of them. It was great, and encouraging to see.
Yes, they realize Drumpf is The POTUS, even those chanting "Not My President". But just like Drumpf's voters weren't heard, and made their voices known at the ballot box, these young people are making sure they are heard. They will give him the chance he earned, but they are making sure they are heard. G-d Bless America.
What exactly is it that they WANT THOUGH?
They are parading around exhibiting and showing off how Un-Racist they are and yelling about how Racist Trump and those who voted for him are and that seems to be pretty much the extent of their "Message."
Were you able to ascertain what it is specifically that they want?
Do they even know? What it is that they want?
Exactly what I keep thinking.
OK, you don't want Trump to be POTUS. Noted. What now?
Guesser compares these protests to the Vietnam protests. Those had a stated goal. Trump is not going to be removed from office no matter how loud these people scream. So...congrats on having your "voice heard", now go find a job.
It was the passion I was impressed with, more than the message. In this day and age, all we hear is how young people are detached, selfish, don't care about anything, coddled. I believed that. These people cared. At least in NYC, it was a largely young White Crowd, marching in support of their Latino, Muslim, Black brothers and sisters. As White kids, they'll have it fine, but they were protesting on behalf of those that don't have it so fine, and maybe won't have it so fine.The 60's had 'Nam and Actual Racism to protest against, as you point out, Guesser means the "feeling" the Vibe is like the 60's, I reckon.
Which I can dig that and suspect thats exactly why 7/10s of the people participating are out there, to mimic the 1960's.
Just without any actual thing to protest about, no actual thing they want.
Unless its Open Borders, that they want. As many Black & Brown people as possible here, regardless of whether some of these people will present a threat to their safety and regardless of the fact that many of them desiring these Open Borders themselves will be victims of the Rape, Assaults. other crimes and Murders that do occur when large numbers of such people are allowed into Western Countries and societies that are so vastly different than those they came from.
Thats Simple Reality. Exhibited in recent past and even as we speak within Sweden, Germany, France and other countries.
I have a feeling, if they are pressed on coming up with a Goal. a thing they they actually want, that thing would be Open Borders.
Which would literally mean that what they want is The Death of their Country, as they now know it.
As many as 600 Million People would enter here, with Open Borders, the overwhelming majority of those from Africa and Central/Southern American countries that have the highest crime rates in the world.