RIO - Please give me an explaination

Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by drunkguy:
Threads like this are great at making EVRYONE look bad<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No, threads like these show the true colors of some!

New member
Sep 21, 2004

"American Idol Capping Expert"
Jul 20, 2001
bucsfan - please re-read this thread. it is NOT about him getting upset about losing 47 bucks. it is about getting ripped off for 47 bucks, complaining about it, receiving no response, asking to contact the shrink, sending him 2 emails, receiving no response, posting on here, having all of the moderators run to save the advertising book...THAT is why he is upset. and i don't blame him.

for once, i wish a moderator would think for himself....GENERAL at least does not take sides right off the bat in order to preserve his job.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Stick by your guns boys. Tell the crybaby he gets nothing close his account and send him his money.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Over the past several days we have seen a first time poster come to the Rx and give a one sided report of an experience at one of the Rio International properties. As much as I think that the forums offer a great resource, it was less than one year ago that the Rx almost imploded due to rumor, accusation, and agenda.

Based on the facts of this situation, I think many of the posters that jumped to conclusions will see why in a public forum we need to be more cautious. A few more situations like this and this forum could be headed down a similar path as before.

I admit that the web page can be viewed as misleading. It was not our intention to mislead, but we did want to keep things concise on the “promotions page” for obvious marketing reasons. Some immediate changes have been made and we are determining what additional ones we will make per the request of many Rx posters. Coincidentally, we have not had a problem before.

There were some parts to this story that did not add up, and since the beginning my gut told me something beyond a website misunderstanding was occurring. Therefore, since Friday early evening I attempted to contact Gamblix. I have repeatedly asked for him to call, with no luck. Yesterday, in fact, he told me (via Live Chat) that he was going to call me at 6pm EST, and never did. This leads me to believe that there is something amiss.

Here are some of the facts that lead me to believe that something more was going on:

<UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>His first LiveChat communication, he used vulgar language with the staff and threatened to post at the same time as he asked for a manager.
<LI>The title of his first email to me was, “Complaint that will go public”
<LI>He made it sound like we took money away from him when he was suspended. He did not mention that his account was at $0.00 available when I suspended it (standard procedure in an attempt to talk to him). He had already played all the money.
<LI>He told me he would call me at 6pm EST Saturday evening, and never called.
<LI>Later Saturday night, he wrote me, and told me to “go to hell,” that I “lie, cheat and steal from ur customers,” and that he would charge back his credit cards.
<LI>Most interesting, he claimed that we did not cover his fees. We covered his fees since the beginning. He sent $451.20 with $18.80 in fees.

We are going to refund $47 to his PrePaidATM and close his account. As far as I am concerned this matter is over, but if he wants to call and talk to me I am still available and waiting.


Keith Anderson
General Manager
Rio International Sportsbook

New member
Sep 21, 2004
$47 is too much! It is good to hear that this crybaby pussy got the boot. Ofcorse some of the dumbasses in this thread will say you did'nt do enough. Can't belive posters were dumb enough to think there was not more to the story. Would have like to see some of the 50+ posters that have no problem entering your free contests come in here with a bit of support.

Oh well typical

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by IDENTITY:
bucsfan - please re-read this thread. it is NOT about him getting upset about losing 47 bucks. it is about getting ripped off for 47 bucks, complaining about it, receiving no response, asking to contact the shrink, sending him 2 emails, receiving no response, posting on here, having all of the moderators run to save the advertising book...THAT is why he is upset. and i don't blame him.

for once, i wish a moderator would think for himself....GENERAL at least does not take sides right off the bat in order to preserve his job.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I have read the posts, and instead of being a useless poster that always jumps to some kind of "conspiracy" theory like you, i read between the lines, with what is being said, and things dont add up.....I dont post to keep my job, and thats a funny comment coming from someone who constantly begs to be in the board room....

Now I am sure that Rio must be lying, cuz i am sure you wouldnt be wrong on any of your assumptions....

Now don't you have a goy play for the game tonight? maybe you should work on that..

And quit making assumptions about me that you obviously have no clue on...

Of course, that has never stopped you before..

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rio International Sportsbook:
Over the past several days we have seen a first time poster come to the Rx and give a one sided report of an experience at one of the Rio International properties. As much as I think that the forums offer a great resource, it was less than one year ago that the Rx almost imploded due to rumor, accusation, and agenda.

Based on the facts of this situation, I think many of the posters that jumped to conclusions will see why in a public forum we need to be more cautious. A few more situations like this and this forum could be headed down a similar path as before.

I admit that the web page can be viewed as misleading. It was not our intention to mislead, but we did want to keep things concise on the “promotions page” for obvious marketing reasons. Some immediate changes have been made and we are determining what additional ones we will make per the request of many Rx posters. Coincidentally, we have not had a problem before.

There were some parts to this story that did not add up, and since the beginning my gut told me something beyond a website misunderstanding was occurring. Therefore, since Friday early evening I attempted to contact Gamblix. I have repeatedly asked for him to call, with no luck. Yesterday, in fact, he told me (via Live Chat) that he was going to call me at 6pm EST, and never did. This leads me to believe that there is something amiss.

Here are some of the facts that lead me to believe that something more was going on:

+ His first LiveChat communication, he used vulgar language with the staff and threatened to post at the same time as he asked for a manager.
+ The title of his first email to me was, “Complaint that will go public”
+ He made it sound like we took money away from him when he was suspended. He did not mention that his account was at $0.00 available when I suspended it (standard procedure in an attempt to talk to him). He had already played all the money.
+ He told me he would call me at 6pm EST Saturday evening, and never called.
+ Later Saturday night, he wrote me, and told me to “go to hell,” that I “lie, cheat and steal from ur customers,” and that he would charge back his credit cards.
+ Most interesting, he claimed that we did not cover his fees. We covered his fees since the beginning. He sent $451.20 with $18.80 in fees.

We are going to refund $47 to his PrePaidATM and close his account. As far as I am concerned this matter is over, but if he wants to call and talk to me I am still available and waiting.


Keith Anderson
General Manager
Rio International Sportsbook

Thanks for your response Rio, however what you have said does not jive with what Identity said, therefore you must be lying....Identity said this poster did call you, did email you, that you stole his money, and that he emailed shrink and he was ignored...And as you well know, Identity wouldnt post that if she wasnt 100% sure it was true....

Therefore we will wait for Identity to chime in again and give us the "real" truth...

Simply the best
Sep 20, 2001
Originally posted by Rio International Sportsbook:

I admit that the web page can be viewed as misleading. It was not our intention to mislead, but we did want to keep things concise on the “promotions page” for obvious marketing reasons. Some immediate changes have been made.
Some immediate changes have been made ?

Where ?

Huh ? Please correct me if I'm wrong but I see no change.


New member
Sep 20, 2004

He has not called us. That was just another lie of his.


We've added the words, "Up to" before each applicable cash deposit bonus, and added a line to read: Restrictions apply. See House Rules for details under the Free 1/2 Point program description located within the promotions page.

Please give the page a few minutes to refresh. Thanks.

[This message was edited by Rio International Sportsbook on June 13, 2004 at 02:51 PM.]
Sep 20, 2004
Some of you are pathetic. You shoot down a posters story because he is new & because he attacked an advertiser. If he attacked a non advertiser, some of you would probably be on his side. The predictable bullshit that comes out of some of you is quite sad. So Rio posts he didn't call etc.... but what if they aren't telling the truth?

I am not saying they are lying but just pointing out the hypocrites some of you are. Rio says something & you automatically believe it to be true.

If they were not an advertiser, why am I not surprised to think you wouldn't just automatically believe what they say.

It is the bs political games some play that give people doubts.

Pump n Dump
Sep 21, 2002
This was posted by Gamblix at Covers.

If you believe the email from Keith you have serious problems-

Ask him to send the tape of him hanging up on me 4 times over the past 2 days. Or better yet the fact I sent $500 PrePaid ATM which I can proove and post here. Or the fact their clerks won't allow me to connect with Keith- saying he'll have to get back to u- please leave a phone Numb. How about theprescription canceling my account so I can't respond to the statement????? They will protect RIO because the RX is in bed with RIO- that's why COVERS is the best (no hidden agendas) just the truth. Why don't u post this on the RX- since they are deny me access.

Jan 20, 2002
What about the tape? What happened to the tape?

New member
Sep 20, 2004

I would like to think that our reputation speaks for itself- advertiser or not.

Pump n Dump
Sep 21, 2002

Already done by Gamblinx, he would like people to read it all and judge for themselves.

I think Rio is a fine sportsbook, this is definitely bad for both parties involved. Looks like you've done what was asked for and changed your site to prevent it from happening again, good move.
Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rio International Sportsbook:

I would like to think that our reputation speaks for itself- advertiser or not.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The past reputation of this site also speaks for itself so you can understand why I posted what I did.

I just posted not to you but more so the cheerleaders whose motives are always clear.

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