You have a Cliven Bundy like understanding of economics. Poor fella. Crazy people simply don't understand they're crazy.
Your answer are just an avoidance of what is real. Amazing you lefties are that far left. I really use to respect Democrats, the new age of Democrats are way off course it isn't even funny.
Another simple mathematics equation, mind you it is simple math now. 17,600,000,000-10,700,000,000=?????
Maybe it is to many comma's, you left people like colon's and comma's so it might be ok for you to understand it.
Just make your point. Your posting style is childish and I can already guarantee the point you think you're making is dumb.
Obama has doubled an astronomic number. Doesn't even compare to any other president. Economics show that fixing a horrible economy is by no means feeding the system with false funds.
This has too much dumb in it. You literally have no clue what you are talking about. By the way people said these same type of statements many times in the past century. They are always wrong. When the debt is $100 trillion you will then be complaining about that number, than $500 trillion, $1 quadrillion, etc. You guys are just very dumb people. You should be asking me questions instead of making comments. That's how education works. You listen to people smarter than you.
it was the right thing to do. some people didn't need to wait several years to see obama is incompetent and bad for the country. i applaud the man
Several questions, but as a lefty you dart around the issue never answering yes or no. So how is 1 billion the same as 7 Trillion? I must be stupid since a billion is great than a trillion.
dude, it doesn't matter, it's all an illusion. His really smart English professor who knows a lot about economics told him so, and really smart people agree with him
he's an economic, monetary, weapons, legal and football specialist don'tchaknow.
Guess I had the wrong impression. Again I am stupid as once told.
Guess I had the wrong impression. Again I am stupid as once told.
it's OK, acceptance is the first step
now if only his really smart English professor could pick winners, we'd be on to something really special