I once did so much cocaine in a 1 year period (daily) that I hallucinated sound effects n all, that the swat team was outside my place asking me to come out peacefully with a megaphone... blue and red lights piercing through my windows as I clenched a gun ready for them to break the door.
Jeez you could have accomplished that for a lot less money, about $22 worth of Marizine Motion Sickness Pills.
I believe that they altered the chemical makeup to prevent such anymore but a Trip on Marazine, 30 or more, would give you what you describe for 24 hours straight.
At least. One time I did (well, I actually lost count of how many) about 65 of them and tripped for 3 days.
Had a long conversation with a Black Rotary Telephone that I could see on the desk from within the holding cell Anaheim Police had me in, about a 1/2 hour conversation with Kareem Abdul Jabar but he had just one big eye in the center of his forehead.
I can't recall what we discussed now but I do remember it was a good and positive conversation but the whole time I wasn't actually talking to a Cyclops Kareem Abdul Jabar but actually a Black Rotary Telephone.