Please keep most religious talk out of this.
Why would someone want to believe that after death you end up a bag a bones and not floating around in the blue sky and still with ya.
I guess what im asking on something that cant be proved why believe the negative or depressing side?:think2:
Doesn't have to involve religion. Perhaps our thoughts are being backed up by aliens just like computer processes are backed up by humans. When our computers (bodies) die a new one is created and the tape backup is restored into our new bodies.
Or perhaps this is just one elaborate video game where our thoughts reside somewhere else and our real bodies are stimulated by the events in this video game. We could be tricked into thinking we are in a video game body. When we die, the game ends and we end up back where are real bodies are.
Electrical stimulation of our brains can trick us into thinking we are seeing or hearing or feeling something that we really aren't. Perhaps when an object in our video game touches part of our body in the video game, the video game computer stimulates our real brains into thinking that a real object touched us.
Wow.:nohead:Doesn't have to involve religion. Perhaps our thoughts are being backed up by aliens just like computer processes are backed up by humans. When our computers (bodies) die a new one is created and the tape backup is restored into our new bodies.
Or perhaps this is just one elaborate video game where our thoughts reside somewhere else and our real bodies are stimulated by the events in this video game. We could be tricked into thinking we are in a video game body. When we die, the game ends and we end up back where are real bodies are.
Electrical stimulation of our brains can trick us into thinking we are seeing or hearing or feeling something that we really aren't. Perhaps when an object in our video game touches part of our body in the video game, the video game computer stimulates our real brains into thinking that a real object touched us.
Please keep most religious talk out of this.
Why would someone want to believe that after death you end up a bag a bones and not floating around in the blue sky and still with ya.
I guess what im asking on something that cant be proved why believe the negative or depressing side?:think2:
We were intended to. And then we sinned and lost it all and and were sentenced live on this shithole earth until we get redeemed.