Please keep most religious talk out of this.
Why would someone want to believe that after death you end up a bag a bones and not floating around in the blue sky and still with ya.
I guess what im asking on something that cant be proved why believe the negative or depressing side?:think2:
I wouldn’t know how to “choose” to believe something.
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If, by hypothesis, we’re talking about some matter about which I can’t “prove” it either way, and I’m aware I can’t, then that means I don’t have a belief about it. It makes no sense to then say, “OK in that case I’ll believe such-and-such” because by hypothesis I have no grounds for any such belief.
(I wouldn’t use the word “prove” by the way, since beliefs can be justified with grounds that fall well short of some sort of full proof, but I don’t want to get too bogged down in the semantics.)