i think the Gold as a hedge agasint inflation is officially dead, lol. This administration is fantastically inflationary , we are seeing this as bond yields just continue to rise and the Fed is on track for another
FOUR rate hikes in the the next 12 months. Add trade wars and look out...YET Gold is negative ytd. Amazing
also , its awesome to watch the near no regard for the national debt. Remember how folks use to worry about it? lol, used as a political talking point. Now, not a whisper. Massive corporate tax cuts and no decrease in spending. In fact, the US govt has an open cheque book. The debt ceiling is officially frozen until mar 2019 (how convenient). No uproar? people just dont care..... too angry with each other. Mindboggling. If nothing were to change, the US govt is on path to have a DEFICIT of 1 trillion....that's trillion , with a T by 2020.
take a look at the bar grath (mid way down), 2018 tax yr isnt DONE YET, LOL!
From January through June, the federal budget deficit hit its largest half-year level since 2012.
'The Trump administration had said that the tax cuts would pay for themselves by generating increased revenue from faster economic growth, but the White House has acknowledged in recent weeks that the deficit is growing faster than it had expected.'
ya think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ytd daily
it seems to mirror the USD , inversely, more than any 'hedge'agasint inflation.