Unfuucking believeable going thru this shit again.
In August we'll be told see, the warning signs were their for book XYZ.
Shrink-- If you have concerns becuase you believe a book has been hit hard, you then undoubtedly have some inside information. Please call the book(s) in question and inquire as to the veerascity of the information you received, and if accurate, the action plan they have, or will, undertake to cure the deficiency identified. With your immense (not sarcasm) knowledge of the industry, I would trust your asssessment of the feasibility of their plan.
TOW- No one expects a watchdog to be omnipotent, but if you feel you have relevant information to share, perfrom you standard due dilligence, and report your findings and conclusions. We al can then make more informed judgements based on the information provided and our own confidence in TOW ability.
You are talking about money here, no some BS schoolyard crap. If you don't feel this is your duty, responsibility, area of expertise, then lets change the RX to movie review, current events forum and TOW you should just stay away. I hope thats not where we are headed.
Don't mean to be a pissy prick in all this. I used to be a big fan, hopefully will be again.