If you put a dent into the gun homicide rate, you put a significant dent into the overall homicide rate. That's just common sense.
Then why does Britain have a higher over all homicide rate than us? But no guns. Explain that? People are creative and will find other creative ways to kill. These mass shootings are not even a blip on the the homicide rate. But like I said if you want to stop them we have take everyone's guns. None of these mass shootings will be stopped by back ground checks ect..
I don't know what their homicide rate is but they have a lower population. What are the stats?
Yes, people will be creative and kill. True. But with a knife, this guy doesn't kill 10 and that's a fact.
I agree that with a knife the guy doesn't kill 10 as easy, that's why I think a complete gun ban is the only thing that will curb mass killings. But can we agree that mass killings are very rare compared to other homicides?
Who the hell still uses My Space is the most important question.
Yeah, of course.
I've said all along, what's wrong with a law that simply says if caught with an illegal firearm (not saying this guy had an illegal firearm), it's an automatic 25 years. No questions asked. That's a start right?