yes! these are the turds that i want to see out of Costa Rica. Not the small books,but the maggots running dumps like "little NASA" and "SBG". MyFootballGame,Spacecakes and Boston,my respects for all you guys who have no fear and spoke the truth so everyone could hear.The ones who are probablly hiding in a cave in southeastern Costa Rica are JOE and STEVIE RIZZO.AAHHHHH,poor little rich kids,HOW LONG CAN U LIVE LIKE THAT? As far as suing these guys go,it'll take quite some time for the case to end,besides that they have some "muerto de hambre" costarrican" putting his ass on the line for a few dollars.Anyways,i wish you guys the best of luck in getting some of your cash back. Oh yeah,just in case you can visit there exclusive office located in Oficentro La Sabana,Building 2,2nd Floor.If that doesn't work because of the newly hired security gurads roaming the building,you can try talking to some of the clerks who would probablly have no problem finding out the whereabouts of the Rizzo's.Goodbye