Ok tell me, why it is racist to tell the truth?



New member
Sep 21, 2004
I had to read this thread simply for entertainment but I do have one thing to say out of pure experience..........I am damn tired of hearing about racism. Does racism exist? Yes. Is it new to this world? No. Is there racism against Chinese, East Indian, Mexicans, Blacks etc etc? You bet your ass. (and the REVERSE holds true) Are there any races out there that hate the white man and blame racism on him, who were actually initially put into slavery by their OWN people? Again, your ass can be bet. Are there members of a minority group who are MORE racist than the whites that they despise, but are able to pawn this hatred off simply as a "response to what they have endured" ? Again, a resounding YES!

How about in Toronto - homicides are up from a regular 50 a year to 72. Over 90% of those are black on black crime. Why is this so? Is it becasue the white man oppressed the black youths? These kids come from solid middle class families and attend the same schools as we do. Is it because they have to fight to survive the oppression? No, their parents are professionals and work hard to give these kids the $300 Nike's they wear. What about the influence of their Rap music? Have you listened to the lyrics and the message it sends to these kids? Who is filling their heads with ideas of gun toting, woman raping, cop killing, drug slinging bullshit? /.................it is not the white man.
(I am also part of a charitable organization aiming to assist and hopefully curb this problem by giving time and money to these youth groups and TRY and facilitate positive ideas and goals among our youth) The real route of the problem today is NOT solely due to the white man. It is due to groups who do not respect each other or those around them.
The sooner we end the BS and start taking responsibility for our own actions, the sooner we will see many issues resolve themselves. Some people work to keep the hatred alive so they keep a purpose in life. As long as the fires are fanned, there will never be any real movement forward.

My two cents...and now back to harness racing :party:


New member
Sep 21, 2004
40 people have run the 100 meter dash in less than 10 seconds. All black.

One of the last 50 pro bowl cornerbacks have been white.

This was from the last SI.

in your heart, you know i'm right
Mar 21, 2002
tooran said:
40 people have run the 100 meter dash in less than 10 seconds. All black.

One of the last 50 pro bowl cornerbacks have been white.

This was from the last SI.

exactly. this is not opinion...this is fact.

Custom designed to blow the mind
Aug 21, 2000
I'm so sick and tired of this FUCKING black and white issue. Relative to white QB's, blacks are not as successgul at QB. But what if we say whites are not as successful at the tailback position, do we open a whole new can of worms ? It's bullshit that there are people who have to make everything a black/white thing. Can't we just all get along, and realize that some people are just better than others at doing certain things. I'm white and my step-dad is black. He schools in me hoops all the time, but I kick his ass on the golf course. Do we have to make that a black/white thing ?

Later..................Rugby :toast:

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
rugby said:
I'm so sick and tired of this FUCKING black and white issue. Relative to white QB's, blacks are not as successgul at QB. But what if we say whites are not as successful at the tailback position, do we open a whole new can of worms ? It's bullshit that there are people who have to make everything a black/white thing. Can't we just all get along, and realize that some people are just better than others at doing certain things. I'm white and my step-dad is black. He schools in me hoops all the time, but I kick his ass on the golf course. Do we have to make that a black/white thing ?

Later..................Rugby :toast:

:103631605 :103631605

in your heart, you know i'm right
Mar 21, 2002
rugby said:
I'm so sick and tired of this FUCKING black and white issue. Relative to white QB's, blacks are not as successgul at QB. But what if we say whites are not as successful at the tailback position, do we open a whole new can of worms ? It's bullshit that there are people who have to make everything a black/white thing. Can't we just all get along, and realize that some people are just better than others at doing certain things. I'm white and my step-dad is black. He schools in me hoops all the time, but I kick his ass on the golf course. Do we have to make that a black/white thing ?

Later..................Rugby :toast:

this is just my opinion but, it seems like statements like "blacks are crappy qbs" are different than statements like "there are no white tail backs or corner backs in the nfl". one is opinion (which may have some basis in fact) the other is a fact.

take a black guy that has talent, is intelligent and wants to work hard...you can make him a good qb. (see moon, williams and a healthy mcnabb). however, there is very little or nothing you can do to help a white guy run faster, jump higher, etc. craig ehlo can lift weights, run all day, train with ankle weights...he is never gonna be able to jump like michael jordan.

fast twitch/slow twitch. its biology, not racism.

New member
Oct 11, 2004
blue, I think it works the other way as well. You can't tell me there isn't any white guys that can run fast and jump high but they don't get the chance to play RB because its a black position. and generally blacks are way better at that position, but I know from my experiance when I was in high school I ran a 4.34 40 yard sprint, and could dunk a basketball. But when it can time for football season the coach wanted me to play WR insted of RB. And the actual RB was a fat piece of shit. The facts are that rasism does exist. and there are whites who are rasist and blacks who are rasist. And people assume that a black can't play QB and a white can't play RB. And in general they are right, but there is always exceptions to the rule.

New member
Sep 29, 2005
for people asking about a white RB...heath evans for the Pats.....for the QB thing by BaseballGuy, like people mentioned, questioning whether white or blacks make better QBs is racist in itself. IMO it is racist to consider a player's skin colors when discussing skill levels, etc. Why even make a post like this? Who gives a shit if the majority of good QBs are currently white? There have been, and there are, good black QBs too....so let the thing rest

New member
Oct 11, 2004
obviously skin color shouldn't matter, and it definatly doesn't matter to me. But apparantly it does come into play. Because there is no reason other than skin color that there isn't more black QB and there isn't some white CB and RB's. The real question is why does it come into play and who's fault is it.

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