I find, from looking into the amendments proposed by the State conventions, that several are particularly anxious that it should be declared in the Constitution, that the powers not therein delegated should be reserved to the several States. Perhaps words which may define this more precisely than the whole of the instrument now does, may be considered as superfluous. I admit they may be deemed unnecessary: but there can be no harm in making such a declaration, if gentlemen will allow that the fact is as stated. I am sure I understand it so, and do therefore propose it.[SUP]
Madison, a reasonable man taking a reasonable position, did not want to use the word "expressly" because he thought that might be used to limit the powers of the federal government when such may not be appropriate. He thought the wording they used would be appropriate, and easy enough to understand. He did not know there would one day be libtards who would take the constitution and use it for toilet paper because he left them a 1/100th inch crack in the door
The founders wanted the federal government to be responsible for national defense (addressed in many different amendments), a postal service and the infrastructure. That's it, that's their design
Modern day libtardism is so fucking perverse they actually want politicians to raise your children and they want politicians to choose your healthcare and they want politicians to give them money for whatever personal preference they so choose
they're left, they're wrong and were a "RIGHT". It's really that simple [/SUP]