I just refuse to read everything this fraud posts, is he actually arguing against judicial review? is he arguing "constitutionality" is irrelevant or should be mitigated?
please tell me he's not THAT FUCKING STUPID, please
More of that libtard gene exposing itself. You see, in libtardville, every problem is always the Republicans fault. If the GOP controls the House and / or the Senate with a libtarded president in office, they're obstructionists. If the tables are turned, libtards are "protecting America" and cite their "constitutional responsibility"
when there's a Republican president, libtards argue Supreme Court Justice nominees have to be chosen / approved by some bipartisan gang of senators. When the tables are turned, the hypocritical scumbags argue such nominees are the president's privilege (which it is btw).
when Obama was senator, he fought against W with every word he spoke, yet he complains about them behaving how he himself behaved
they're just worthless scum, empowered by the scum and parasites of this world.
it's the scum of this world that make good and smart and honest liberals look bad, but good and honest and smart liberals would never be empowered in a country where most good and smart and honest and working citizens are conservatives, so they latch onto the naive who swallow lying losing narratives without reflex. Our resident scum being case in point
carry on