Obamacare Working


Jul 4, 2012
Hell Acebb even posted a link where it says that health care costs not premium inflation is at it's lowest in 50 years. His link even states that the economy is getting better.Gee go figure

Actually, it said:

The increase is a marked change from slow-growing rates of health care prices and spending in recent years.


What consumers pay for health care also may edge higher. Annual medical inflation has drifted down since the recession and was at a 50-year low of 0.9% in January, according to Capital Economics. But the decline was partly due to the expiration of a large number of drug patents in 2011 and 2012, causing expensive branded drugs to be replaced by cheaper generics.

With fewer patents expiring the next two years, "most of this fall in drug inflation will be reversed," says Paul Dales of Capital Economics. Dales counts that among the factors that should push annual health care inflation to 2.5% during the next two years and nudge overall inflation,

Carry on, now.
Sep 24, 2009

But by all means, carry on with the dumb 1 liners.

What do you think it means? You proved my point. Medical inflation is as low as it's been in 50 years. The Health Care spending growth is what the providers are spending, higher tech equipment. The ACA has let the hospital run more efficiently with less readmission rates. The improved economy could allow people to afford their premiums. Medical expenditures prices should be driven down

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Yes most of that happened, no doubt, I am not going to argue some of the misrepresentation.

So the people who 'misrepresented' the facts should go to jail?

If not, then from now on businesses can do as the government did?

Or are ethics and laws only for the citizens while the ruling class can do whatever the hell it wants?

It's mandatory because for the system to get better, you need everyone paying in and not just the sick. Why don't you get that? It's a simple theory.

Oh I get it alright - it's more of your left wing propaganda with absolutely no basis in facts or evidence.

You're not going to make a "system better" with mandates and insulating people from the aggregate cost. In fact, it's the opposite:


Look how that turned out genius. face)(*^%
Sep 24, 2009
So the people who 'misrepresented' the facts should go to jail?

If not, then from now on businesses can do as the government did?

Or are ethics and laws only for the citizens while the ruling class can do whatever the hell it wants?

Oh I get it alright - it's more of your left wing propaganda with absolutely no basis in facts or evidence.

You're not going to make a "system better" with mandates and insulating people from the cost. In fact, it's the opposite:


Look how that turned out genius. face)(*^%

So you think people should go to jail because they were wrong? How about going to jail for misrepresenting the facts to the US Citiizens with WMDs?
You are comparing 1965 to 2011? There are a lot more factors now than there was back then. Nice try

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Yes most of that happened, no doubt, I am not going to argue some of the misrepresentation. It's mandatory because for the system to get better, you need everyone paying in and not just the sick. Why don't you get that? It's a simple theory. Hell Acebb even posted a link where it says that health care costs not premium inflation is at it's lowest in 50 years. His link even states that the economy is getting better.Gee go figure

By that logic, everyone should pay for auto insurance even if they don't own a car...in the interest of making the auto insurance industry better. That's basically your argument.

Please cite for me where it is stated in either the Constitution or even the Federalist Papers that every American's existence carries an obligation to look out for the common good,,,

New member
Jan 9, 2009
She was probably optimistic about Obamacare until she had to use it:

[h=1]UPDATE: Woman Drops to 83 Pounds After Obamacare Denies Meds[/h]





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by Wynton Hall 24 Apr 2014, 6:10 AM PDT 30post a comment

[h=2]A Staten Island woman battling a neurological disease that has required four brain surgeries dropped to 83 pounds after her Obamacare plan denied her three months worth of vital medications.[/h]Margaret Figueroa signed up for Obamacare when the plan she liked was canceled. Despite being told that her plan would cover her longstanding doctors and medicines, Figueroa's Obamacare plan denied her medications and dropped all her doctors. In three months, Figueroa said she dropped 22 pounds and endured excruciating pain.
On Wednesday, Staten Island Advance reporter Tracey Porpora, who originally broke the story, said Figueroa's doctor of several years, Dr. Germaine Rowe, intervened and offered free services. Dr. Rowe says she will continue to offer the pro-bono help until the provider of the Obamacare plan Figueroa purchased sorts out the confusion surrounding why EmblemHealth has yet to accept her application.
"There are a lot of patients falling through the cracks," Dr. Rowe told the Advance. "This is one of those issues with Obamacare."
Despite Dr. Rowe's intervention, it remains unclear whether Figueroa will be able to continue seeing her doctor.
Figueroa's congressman, Rep. Michael Grimm (R-NY), also intervened on her behalf. He says he's received at least a dozen similar complaints from Staten Island residents.
"Margaret's brave struggle demonstrates the disastrous effects of Obamacare facing millions of Americans," said Grimm. "My office had to personally reach out to top-level health insurance and pharmacy executives and pressure them to intervene so Margaret could see her doctors and receive the medications she needs to live a normal life."

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
And you wonder why the Democrats have the White House, and will continue to have the White House. Anyone who does not toe the conservative line on every issue is a Rino/Liberal in Drag/Commie. You can't win elections without "Rinos" and Independents. This kind of delusion is the problem.

If you are suggesting that I assimilate then you’re talking to wrong person. I’m a fiscal conservative and I will remain so.

Your assertion that conservatives can’t win without Rino’s and Independents is fallacy.

What the last 2 Republican nominees, McCain, the biggest Rino of them all and Romney the closest thing to a Conservative failed to do was to get the “silent majority” (the conservative base) off the couch and into the voting booth.

Reagan did it, so did Bush Senior (once) and Bush Jr. (twice) it’s not rocket science.

If the next Republican nominee can’t get the attention of the conservative base then Hillary will be the next POTUS.

If that happens, so be it. I’ll survive no matter who is the next president and so will the USA.

The question is, what will be the definition of survival?
Sep 24, 2009
I guess AKI is right, bang your head against the wall with some of these people. Yeah when midterms come the Repubs will show em, Can't wait to see what cluster fuck of system they come up with. Point fingers, blame, fear monger, deflect, and interfere. Wash, rinse, repeat. They should of done something when they had a plan. Come up with solutions, instead do nothing and then attack others who make an attempt.

Oct 12, 2008
Actually, it said:

The increase is a marked change from slow-growing rates of health care prices and spending in recent years.


What consumers pay for health care also may edge higher. Annual medical inflation has drifted down since the recession and was at a 50-year low of 0.9% in January, according to Capital Economics. But the decline was partly due to the expiration of a large number of drug patents in 2011 and 2012, causing expensive branded drugs to be replaced by cheaper generics.

With fewer patents expiring the next two years, "most of this fall in drug inflation will be reversed," says Paul Dales of Capital Economics. Dales counts that among the factors that should push annual health care inflation to 2.5% during the next two years and nudge overall inflation,

Carry on, now.

who the Fuxk is 'Paul Dales of Capital Economics' ?

' What consumers may pay for health may edge higher ' ....'2.5% a 'nudge ' over inflation ? U upset Mr Dales? Angry at ur leader ? Have a look at country's balance sheet :)..really Mr . Dales? ......you want deflation ? Pick ur poison .
Jan 24, 2012
By that logic, everyone should pay for auto insurance even if they don't own a car...in the interest of making the auto insurance industry better. That's basically your argument.

Uh, no. By that logic, everyone who could get into a car accident driving should have insurance, which is the system we have now.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Thanks for the response I have little faith in either party . I do believe , our planet is in trouble without a strong USA (balance sheet ,military ..)

My thoughts, could be way off. China might be the answer ...u boyz might just be part of the puzzle ..:)
OK. What is the question?
Sep 24, 2009
By that logic, everyone should pay for auto insurance even if they don't own a car...in the interest of making the auto insurance industry better. That's basically your argument.

Please cite for me where it is stated in either the Constitution or even the Federalist Papers that every American's existence carries an obligation to look out for the common good,,,

That's just really dumb. By that logic, I shouldn't have to pay taxes for other people's children to go to school. Comparing auto insurance and health insurance is like comparing apples to oranges. Everyone is going to need health care at some point.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Stuff like this will help the costs go down I am sure (despite poor performance/the big gov way):

[h=4]Global Navigation[/h]
[h=4]Primary Navigation[/h]
[h=4]Location Specific Navigation[/h]

[h=1]Despite Rollout Failures, Federal Obamacare Employees Awarded Big Raises[/h]





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by Warner Todd Huston 23 Apr 2014 168post a comment

[h=2]Last year employees at the federal office in charge of implementing Obamacare were given raises despite the massive failures of the rollout of the president's takeover of our healthcare system.[/h]A recent Freedom of Information Act request made by the Washington Examiner discovered that employees of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) were paid substantially more in 2013 compared to their 2012 salaries.
The CMS is Obama's "ground zero in launching and managing Obamacare."
The Examiner found that the payroll total for 2013 was $76 million, up from $69 million the previous year.
"Of the nearly 400 people in the data who worked with CMS in 2012 and who remained with the agency last year, nearly half got raises," the paper reported, "with the average raise being worth $4,706, the data shows. Of those who got raises, their average pay rose from $147,279 to $149,289, a raise of about 1.4 percent."
One executive, data center chief Corey B. Stevenson, received a hefty $13,036 per year raise, giving him a new annual salary of $157,421.
Of those supervisors and executives the office deigned to report on--many employees were left out of the report--none make less than $113,000 a year, and many make over $200,000 a year.
Henry Chao, listed as the deputy director of the office of information, made $163,052. As the Examiner reported, Chao was one of those who was behind the "troubled launch" of Medicare expansion.
Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @warnerthuston or email the author at igcolonel@hotmail.com.
Jan 24, 2012
If you are suggesting that I assimilate then you’re talking to wrong person. I’m a fiscal conservative and I will remain so.

Your assertion that conservatives can’t win without Rino’s and Independents is fallacy.

What the last 2 Republican nominees, McCain, the biggest Rino of them all and Romney the closest thing to a Conservative failed to do was to get the “silent majority” (the conservative base) off the couch and into the voting booth.

Reagan did it, so did Bush Senior (once) and Bush Jr. (twice) it’s not rocket science.

If the next Republican nominee can’t get the attention of the conservative base then Hillary will be the next POTUS.

If that happens, so be it. I’ll survive no matter who is the next president and so will the USA.

The question is, what will be the definition of survival?

It's not 1988, it's not 2000 and it's not 2004. It's 2014. Who cares what happened in 1988? Carter won in 1976, does that mean following his plan a Carter clone could win today? That logic is incredibly flawed.
Jan 24, 2012
That's just really dumb. By that logic, I shouldn't have to pay taxes for other people's children to go to school. Comparing auto insurance and health insurance is like comparing apples to oranges. Everyone is going to need health care at some point.

Actually, he proved your point. If I were you I'd applaud his comparison.We force anyone who could potentially have a car accident to get insurance, so shouldn't we then force anyone who could use healthcare to get insurance? No doubt it's a silly comparison but it does prove your point.
Sep 24, 2009
Actually, he proved your point. If I were you I'd applaud his comparison.We force anyone who could potentially have a car accident to get insurance, so shouldn't we then force anyone who could use healthcare to get insurance? No doubt it's a silly comparison but it does prove your point.

Hey thanks lol. I have had it I'm giving myself a weekend ban from here but I work nights tonight and will have down time

Oct 12, 2008
OK. What is the question?

Huh? The question is how can mankind stay peaceful

China will in time surpass USA in GDP. The planet needs a China with good intent , loving. Starting to believe they r the answer...20 yrs comes in a blink .

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
So you think people should go to jail because they were wrong? How about going to jail for misrepresenting the facts to the US Citiizens with WMDs?
You are comparing 1965 to 2011? There are a lot more factors now than there was back then. Nice try

Yes, that is how it works in the real world. It's called a breach of contract. The rule of law is one the essential pillars of Western civilization. Take that away and you have anarchy, which is what you're advocating.

Let the record show that you're justifying lawlessness (lying! stealing! cheating!) to advance your radical ideology.

And what the hell does a breach of contract in the private sector have to do with government war powers and WMDs? face)(*^%

"Nice try" is not an argument, you ignorant disgraceful Big Government left wing hack!

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