they are going up yes, skyrocketing, well not for most. At least some people who couldn't get insured are.
Give me a break.
The worst provisions haven't even kicked in yet.
Obama promised he would save Americans $2300 a year on their insurance. (Who the fuck comes up with these bullshit numbers anyway???)
Obama promised Americans they could keep their doctor.
Obama promised Americans they could keep their plans.
None of this happening.
Do you know what would happen in the
real world for perpetuating this fraud? People would go to jail - rightly so.
But, but, but...the left says the private sector is eeeeeeeeeevil, while government is compassion. How can this be?????
Because liberalism is pure propaganda... no way of sugar coating it.
Call Obamacare what it is - another massive wealth redistribution scheme which ends up screwing anyone who works for a living.