You and your logical fallacies, lol. The anti-science in you is strong!!
If you want people (outside of your isolated inner-social circle) to take you seriously, you have to be right and prove your competency every now then.
That's how things work in the real world - performance. You perform, you get rewarded. You don't perform, better find another line of work.
Alas, we all know how things work in the fantasy world of academia.
No wonder climate frauds and Keynesians have everything in common. And of course, being the lying clueless troll you are, you would worship both.
"Climate scientists" @)
Yea, and Obama and climate scientists have performed better than you. Which is why I listen to them, lol.
'Sotoero' the community organizer is the least popular AND most incompetent individual EVER to set foot in the Oval Office - FACT
Obama polling lower than George W. Bush on competency
Meanwhile, the Alaska troll lists the Kenyan as one of his top 5 historical figures! face)(*^%
this is yours
Hahaha, the President is far smarter than you. You are in fact really dumb. Which is why you think like the other retards on this site.
Let's see what the anti-science group thinks... lol
Scottcarter - Global warming isn't real because scientists have been wrong before
NFLTrends - Global warming isn't real because there was an ice age
Gas Man - Global warming isn't real because it snowed in places
Acebb - Global warming isn't real because I found some .com articles telling me so
Sheriff Joe - Just normal sheriff joe bullshit
Just hilarious. These are how anti-scientific minds think. Aka... conservatives.
Got to love watching them try.
97% of climate scientists agree that climate change is man made. Those dissenters that scottcarter is talking about aren't even climate scientists. Just a group of most likely conservatives from across the world that don't believe in global warming for no reason other than not believing.
It's a compliment for me. Sounding like a Harvard grad, 2 term President of the largest and most complex country in the history of mankind. Versus sounding like you guys? I'll take that any day of the week. Tell me again how global warming doesn't exist because aspartame is dangerous... lmfao!! The clown show never stops.
Guys, got bad news... the mods have made the decision to ban me. The AK experiment is done. I'll leave the site up for a while for those that can extract the data that they want from it. Was a good run... sorry fellas.
You scumbags win, just got banned. Apparently the mods favor sick fucking racists and obsessed stalkers. Fuck this place. I'm out!
More .com geniuses... lmfao!