the scientist already know and have been telling us for a long time. You just don't wanna listen. Its your right I suppose.
Again, as I have said many many times ... scientists and guys like Obama also told us ...
aspartame is safe - its proven to be one of the most poisonous things on earth that people consume
asbestos is safe - how many got cancer because of it? How many hundreds of thousands died? too many to count. Major law suites. etc
WMD's were in Iraq - War is money also. need I say more?
GMO's are safe - protected from law suites by the US government and are being banned all over the world because of all the proven illnesses and disease they cause. Not in the US though. Money comes first as we know.
low fat diets are the way to go! - things like butter is bad for you - since then, NOrth American obesity gone through the roof. Diabetes and all sorts of illnesses. Oh wait, the FDA can approve drugs to help fight this. Maybe you can seen a commercial or two about all these great pills that do all this wonderful stuff. Ya it might cause bleeding of the eyes, vomiting, diarrhea, you may become suicidal and you might get a heart attack but ask your doctor if it may be right for you.
wine and beer are bad - ya right. Now its 2 glass a day is good for your heart.
coffee is bad - now 3 cups of black coffee a day has huge health benefits. Imagine that?
eggs - wow too much cholesterol . remember ... eggs white omelettes only please. - Now eggs are good cholesterol.
we can go on forever.
Believe what you want. Believe those scientists and politicians who keep telling you lies year after year after year just to make money and their share holders money. Ignore the facts as they slap you right in the face. Go ahead and believe those scientist who rely on government funding to come up with these convenient conclusions.
Obey! Trust unconditionally! They are looking out for you! LOL.