And Dukakis didn't have the most liberal voting record in the Senate.
And Dukakis didn't have a minister like Rev. Wright.
And Dukakis didn't have a best bud who was a Weatherman.
Just saying.
*In 1988, it would be reasonable to state that hard core righties viewed Governor Dukakis on even par with the top half dozen "most liberal US Senators". I should know because it was the first campaign which I worked in at age 28, though I was a fading "Reagan Republican" following the many broken promises from the man who by that point was at best 50% mental capacity.
*Gov Dukakis had one of those "very liberal" US Senators running with him in Texas's Lloyd Bentsen
*Gov Dukakis at one time in his career permitted a convicted murderer to have a weekend furlough and the man killed again. So of course Americans believed that all large homicidal black men would be released if Dukakis was elected because that's just what we told them would happen from our Bush Sr campaign playbook.
*Whatever differing political perceptions we might have in the year 2008 - to suggest that John McCain running behind GW Bush is even remotely like Vice President GHW Bush running behind Ronald Reagan may well be the most laugh out loud position I've encountered within our friendly RxPoliticoPub going back almost four years now.