Like Carville, Michael Moore, and Al Franken. Oh and Sean Penn, Alec Baldwin, etc.
Alec Baldwin...just another piece of shit in a long line of pieces of shit that thinks taxes are good as long as he isn't the one paying them....
And with that much poundage in play, it’s no wonder the ground keeps shifting under his feet.
Three years ago tomorrow, Baldwin took to the Huffington Post to rail against
“Tax Cuts and the Republican Legacy.” He was very upset about possible cuts in federal arts funding:
If you ever want to get a clear and determinative view of how our government works, and why, go to Washington. Go and see your Congressman or Congresswoman. Sit down with them and ask them why the richest nation on earth can’t afford dance classes for little girls in underserved rural parts of this country that are affected by the NEA’s budget. And beyond the issue of NEA funding, ask them who these tax cuts are serving? Who are they hurting? What, to the extent that any of them can reasonably defend these cuts, are their real purpose? Is their purpose to starve social programming in this, the “greatest country on earth?”
Prominent, veteran members of Congress tell me that, yes, that is their purpose. These tax cuts are not only to make Bush’s wealthiest supporters richer, they are intended to hurt less powerful Americans by killing many of the social programs they depend on. That is the legacy of this Republican-controlled Congress. To hurt those who aren’t wealthy enough to write Bush-Cheney a big check. I urge all Americans to keep that in mind during this election cycle. A Republican-controlled Congress is killing important social programs that we all depend on, so that Bush’s friends can avoid paying a reasonable share of their taxes.
Well then, problem solved. Welcome to 2009: Social programs for everyone! And why stop there? No such thing as a bad government program at all. Sure, your taxes are going to go up, but it’s worth it, isn’t it? Alec Baldwin is a happy guy these days, right?
Wrong. From Saturday’s
We’re constantly told that taxes don’t matter to business and investors, but listen to that noted supply-side economist, Alec Baldwin. The actor recently rebuked New York Governor David Paterson for threatening to try to help close the state’s $7 billion budget deficit by canceling a 35% tax credit for films shot in the Big Apple.
“I’m telling you right now,” Mr. Baldwin declared, “if these tax breaks are not reinstated into the budget, film production in this town is going to collapse, and television is going to collapse and it’s all going to go to California.” Well, well. Apparently taxes do matter, at least when it comes to filming “30 Rock” in Manhattan.
“Taxes are good, you thoughtless little pig… except when they affect my livelihood.” It’s like he thinks individuals and private industries know how to spend their own money better than the government does. Sheah, right! Doesn’t he care about those who aren’t wealthy enough to write Gov. Paterson a big check?
There’s one thing Alec Baldwin will never tax: his intellect.