That game already started.
Scratch it from the record, then.
That will bring up the games I have bet today and not been able to post, to 4. Made 5 total bets on the day so far, and one was investment play. And I am only posting and counting 1...not sure what the problem is, if it is my laptop or therx. But it's aggravating me either way...Will post late games if I am able.
Best of luck to everyone.
Numberz, I am not busting your balls. Just no one could have possibly caught that to wager on, that's all I was saying.
Only see 3 plays
Bulls over 101 SH
Detroit -4
Detroit -2 FH
What was the 4th one?
I have made five total bets today..Bulls SH over, Pacers + pts, Warriors, Detroit FH half, and Detroit game. Golden State was played for investment. Of the 5 plays, only 3 were posted, because of internet trouble. They are the ones you have in bold, above. And they are the only ones that will be counted towards my record here. The rest will not. Really upset about not getting the investment play posted. But internet was not cooperating. Very annoying.