<TABLE class=tborder style="BORDER-TOP-WIDTH: 0px" cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR title="Post 6433528" vAlign=top><TD class=alt1>TR, you could change your financial future if you wanted to....or I suppose you could resign yourself - at late 50s age - to 20, 30 years of "retirement".
I gotta think that somewhere deep down you've got the gumption to not surrender this early in life, eh?
Start over with something better will you?
(1) There is nothing that is going to change my or your financial future. Everything is going according to plan so it all crashes and burns on the mean streets of America when they say so. Until then GOVT will reluctantly "bail me out" every month for the 35 year sentence I have just completed until they run out of money. So my only solace is Ill be the last to go. The poor state pensioner will be the 1st to go- like Swartzenegger is doing to California residents sending IOU's instead of cash.
(2) Surrender? Thats a word from your vocabulary - not mine- though I must admit mild suprise the Shebar is letting you stay up late- ostensibly for Mod duties but we know better dont we- its actually so you can troll those sleazy porn sights right? How did you manage to avoid surrender there? Surely she must be onto your master plan.
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