ENF keeps rollin' with: Cops are targets and you can deny that if you'd like but you'd be wrong.
B: If "cops were targets" then more than a couple dozen per year would be killed by civilians.
If they are "targets", seems those targeting them are scoring very very low.
ENF: A cop responds to incidents including domestics and regular disputes daily.
B: Some days yes, some days no. If they were being harmed at any kind of notable rate in such calls, we'd have headlines daily about "cops get assaulted while on domestic service call".
But we don't.
E: They also pull people over for traffic violations. THIS IS THEIR JOB!
B: Police being harmed by civilians during a traffic stop are incredibly rare. Perhaps you're confusing real life cops with those on television who encounter violence several times in each weekly episode.
E: And in performance of the job they do 40-50 Hrs per week, the chances of being killed or injured is much higher than that of a civilian.
B: Absolute nonsense. There's at least a couple dozen professions in which the worker is in far more danger of injury or death.
Police work is not without danger. But it's hardly the stuff of television and movies.
On a day to day basis, 99% of police work is frankly as mundane and boring as anything done on your job or in my business.
E: If you think a florist or insurance salesman is more at risk than what I just described then you are high.
B: Well hey, we finally have at least one agreement. The average florist and insurance salesman does have a less dangerous job than the average police officer.
But take a deep breath and think for a moment and I'm sure even you could identify a couple dozen or more professions where the worker faces far more danger than a ticket writing cop.
We lose less than two officers a month nationwide out of several hundred thousand law enforcement officers to death by civilians. Tragic for those two, but hardly a reason to bow and worship the remaining several hundred thousand.
I don't think you understand or have attempted to understand one thing I've said here.
My point is this and it's very simple. If a cop is in uniform and performs any sort of patrol duty and responds to any call from a bar fight to a traffic stop his/her life is at risk. I don't care what the percentages are that something happens or not. I've not one time in this entire thread said the percentages of something happening were high. I said if they respond to a situation or perform their duty they are at risk period and if you tell me they're not you are wrong.
You must be joking if you think the media writes articles every time a cop is assaulted. You don't read half of what happens in the U.S. Just because it's not in the newspaper doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Ridiculous argument.
You or I have no idea how many cops are assaulted on traffic stops. We haven't done the research but if they pull someone over their life is at risk. It's a fact.
You mention cops that are killed but you fail to mention those that are injured in the line of duty. That's because you don't know how many and neither do I.
My point again if you didn't see it the first few times, cops are at risk everytime they respond whether something happens or not.
I would also like you to list more than two dozen jobs where people are at risk of dying almost 2,000 hours in a year.