
Jul 26, 2023
Circa Football Invitational - BY ENTRY

Chris Piper (39.5 PTS - 1st) - (37-19-0)
Army (-22) vs Air Force * BEST BET
Louisville at Clemson - OVER (61)
Air Force at Army - OVER (41.5)
Clemson (-10.5) vs Louisville
Vanderbilt (+7.5) at Auburn
Virginia Tech at Syracuse - OVER (53.5)
Memphis at Texas-San Antonio - OVER (61)

Alex White (35.5 PTS - 2nd) - (32-22-2)
Illinois (+3) vs Minnesota * BEST BET
Syracuse (+4) vs Virginia Tech
Michigan ST (+8.5) vs Indiana
North Carolina at Florida ST - UNDER (50)
Oklahoma ST (+4.5) vs Arizona ST
Pittsburgh at SMU - OVER (57)
USC (-1) at Washington

Chuck Edel (34 PTS - 3rd) - (31-23-2)
UCLA (+7) at Nebraska * BEST BET
Auburn (-7.5) vs Vanderbilt
Miami FL (-20.5) vs Duke
Toledo (-9.5) at E Michigan
Arizona ST (-4.5) at Oklahoma ST
Washington (+1) vs USC
UCLA at Nebraska - UNDER (38.5)

Doug Kezirian (34 PTS - 3rd) - (31-21-4)
Arizona ST (-4.5) at Oklahoma ST * BEST BET
Louisville at Clemson - OVER (61)
Old Dominion (-2.5) at Appalachian ST
Pittsburgh (+7) at SMU
USC (-1) at Washington
Memphis (-7) at Texas-San Antonio
Rams at Seahawks - OVER (47.5)

Scott Pritchard (34 PTS - 3rd) - (31-25-0)
Old Dominion (-2.5) at Appalachian ST * BEST BET
Louisville at Clemson - OVER (61)
SMU (-7) vs Pittsburgh
TCU at Baylor - UNDER (64)
Eagles (-7) vs Jaguars
Rams (PK) at Seahawks
Titans (-3) vs Patriots

Steve Fezzik (33.5 PTS - 6th) - (30-24-2)
New Mexico (-7.5) vs Wyoming * BEST BET
Falcons (-3) vs Cowboys
Louisville at Clemson - OVER (61)
Titans (-3) vs Patriots
Saints at Panthers - UNDER (43.5)
Eagles (-7) vs Jaguars
UCLA (+7) at Nebraska

Weston Stradtman (33.5 PTS - 6th) - (30-23-3)
Ohio ST (-3) at Penn ST * BEST BET
Vanderbilt (+7.5) at Auburn
Titans (-3) vs Patriots
Vikings (-5.5) vs Colts
Lions (-2.5) at Packers
Giants (+4) vs Commanders
Rams (PK) at Seahawks

Pete Wilder (33 PTS - 8th) - (31-25-0)
Arizona ST at Oklahoma ST - UNDER (57.5) * BEST BET
Iowa (-3) vs Wisconsin
UCLA (+7) at Nebraska
SMU (-7) vs Pittsburgh
Ole Miss at Arkansas - UNDER (54.5)
Oregon (-14.5) at Michigan
Indiana (-8.5) at Michigan ST

Marc Lawrence (31.5 PTS - 9th) - (28-27-1)
Syracuse (+4) vs Virginia Tech * BEST BET
Arkansas (+7) vs Ole Miss
Michigan ST (+8.5) vs Indiana
South Carolina (+3) vs Texas A&M
Penn ST (+3) vs Ohio ST
Air Force (+22) at Army
Packers (+2.5) vs Lions

Paul Bovi (31 PTS - 10th) - (27-26-3)
Rams (PK) at Seahawks * BEST BET
Rams at Seahawks - OVER (47.5)
Giants (+4) vs Commanders
Dolphins at Bills - OVER (49.5)
Titans (-3) vs Patriots
Illinois (+3) vs Minnesota
Texas-San Antonio (+7) vs Memphis

Chris Macero (30.5 PTS - 11th) - (27-28-1)
Michigan ST (+8.5) vs Indiana * BEST BET
Rams at Seahawks - OVER (47.5)
Cardinals (-1.5) vs Bears
Massachusetts at Mississippi ST - OVER (60)
Mississippi ST (-19) vs Massachusetts
UCLA (+7) at Nebraska
Vanderbilt (+7.5) at Auburn

James Salinas (30.5 PTS - 11th) - (29-27-0)
Colts (+5.5) at Vikings * BEST BET
Bills (-6) vs Dolphins
Raiders (+7) at Bengals
Cardinals (-1.5) vs Bears
Lions (-2.5) at Packers
Rams (PK) at Seahawks
Jaguars (+7) at Eagles

Randy McKay (29.5 PTS - 13th) - (27-28-1)
Titans (-3) vs Patriots * BEST BET
Michigan ST (+8.5) vs Indiana
Memphis (-7) at Texas-San Antonio
Coastal Carolina at Troy - UNDER (53)
Ohio ST at Penn ST - UNDER (47)
Broncos (+9.5) at Ravens
Eagles (-7) vs Jaguars

Kelly Stewart (28.5 PTS - 14th) - (25-23-1)
Arizona (+6) at UCF * BEST BET
Arkansas (+7) vs Ole Miss
Michigan ST (+8.5) vs Indiana
Texas Tech (+13) at Iowa ST
Kansas ST (-12.5) at Houston
Packers (+2.5) vs Lions
Dolphins (+6) at Bills

Chris Fallica (27.5 PTS - 15th) - (25-29-2)
Ohio ST (-3) at Penn ST * BEST BET
Dolphins (+6) at Bills
Vikings (-5.5) vs Colts
Louisville (+10.5) at Clemson
Michigan ST (+8.5) vs Indiana
UCLA (+7) at Nebraska
Miami FL (-20.5) vs Duke

Tony Gordon (27.5 PTS - 15th) - (25-28-3)
Commanders at Giants - UNDER (44) * BEST BET
Colts at Vikings - OVER (47)
Lions at Packers - UNDER (48)
Cardinals (-1.5) vs Bears
Saints (-7) at Panthers
Jaguars at Eagles - OVER (46)
Oregon at Michigan - OVER (45.5)

John Accorsi (27.5 PTS - 15th) - (26-29-1)
Oklahoma ST (+4.5) vs Arizona ST * BEST BET
Old Dominion (-2.5) at Appalachian ST
South Carolina (+3) vs Texas A&M
Michigan (+14.5) vs Oregon
Northwestern (+2) at Purdue
Army (-22) vs Air Force
Colts (+5.5) at Vikings

Vinny Castillo (27 PTS - 18th) - (26-29-1)
Lions (-2.5) at Packers * BEST BET
Bills (-6) vs Dolphins
Ravens (-9.5) vs Broncos
Commanders (-4) at Giants
Eagles (-7) vs Jaguars
Bengals (-7) vs Raiders
Indiana (-8.5) at Michigan ST

Brett McMurphy (25.5 PTS - 19th) - (22-31-3)
Louisville (+10.5) at Clemson * BEST BET
Air Force (+22) at Army
Auburn (-7.5) vs Vanderbilt
Minnesota (-3) at Illinois
Florida (+15) vs Georgia
Rice (+10.5) vs Navy
South Carolina (+3) vs Texas A&M

Rob Brandt (25.5 PTS - 19th) - (22-29-5)
Iowa (-3) vs Wisconsin * BEST BET
Penn ST (+3) vs Ohio ST
Pittsburgh at SMU - OVER (57)
Oklahoma ST (+4.5) vs Arizona ST
Ravens (-9.5) vs Broncos
Chargers at Browns - OVER (42)
Bears (+1.5) at Cardinals

Cris Zeniuk (24.5 PTS - 21st) - (23-33-0)
Lions (-2.5) at Packers * BEST BET
Illinois (+3) vs Minnesota
Louisville at Clemson - OVER (61)
Broncos (+9.5) at Ravens
Kansas ST (-12.5) at Houston
Chargers (-1.5) at Browns
Florida (+15) vs Georgia

Jeff Petch (24.5 PTS - 21st) - (21-31-4)
Rams (PK) at Seahawks * BEST BET
Chargers (-1.5) at Browns
Broncos (+9.5) at Ravens
Raiders (+7) at Bengals
Colts (+5.5) at Vikings
Cardinals (-1.5) vs Bears
Packers (+2.5) vs Lions

Matt Ste. Marie (24.5 PTS - 21st) - (22-32-2)
Colts at Vikings - OVER (47) * BEST BET
Eagles (-7) vs Jaguars
Ravens (-9.5) vs Broncos
Rams (PK) at Seahawks
Colts (+5.5) at Vikings
Bills (-6) vs Dolphins
Falcons (-3) vs Cowboys

Jason Jarvis (23 PTS - 24th) - (21-33-2)
Dolphins (+6) at Bills * BEST BET
Giants (+4) vs Commanders
Titans (-3) vs Patriots
Rams (PK) at Seahawks
Browns (+1.5) vs Chargers
Lions at Packers - UNDER (48)
Miami FL (-20.5) vs Duke

Sean Higgs (22 PTS - 25th) - (21-34-1)
Broncos (+9.5) at Ravens * BEST BET
Browns (+1.5) vs Chargers
Lions at Packers - UNDER (48)
Syracuse (+4) vs Virginia Tech
Air Force at Army - OVER (41.5)
TCU at Baylor - OVER (64)
Penn ST (+3) vs Ohio ST
Jul 26, 2023
Circa Football Invitational - BY GAME

CFB - Sat, Nov 2 at 12:00 PM ET - Ole Miss at Arkansas
Marc Lawrence : Arkansas (+7) vs Ole Miss
Kelly Stewart : Arkansas (+7) vs Ole Miss
Pete Wilder : Ole Miss at Arkansas - UNDER (54.5)

CFB - Sat, Nov 2 at 12:00 PM ET - Air Force at Army
Chris Piper : Army (-22) vs Air Force * BEST BET
Brett McMurphy : Air Force (+22) at Army
Chris Piper : Air Force at Army - OVER (41.5)
Sean Higgs : Air Force at Army - OVER (41.5)
Marc Lawrence : Air Force (+22) at Army
John Accorsi : Army (-22) vs Air Force

CFB - Sat, Nov 2 at 12:00 PM ET - Toledo at E Michigan
Chuck Edel : Toledo (-9.5) at E Michigan

CFB - Sat, Nov 2 at 12:00 PM ET - Minnesota at Illinois
Alex White : Illinois (+3) vs Minnesota * BEST BET
Cris Zeniuk : Illinois (+3) vs Minnesota
Brett McMurphy : Minnesota (-3) at Illinois
Paul Bovi : Illinois (+3) vs Minnesota

CFB - Sat, Nov 2 at 12:00 PM ET - Duke at Miami FL
Chuck Edel : Miami FL (-20.5) vs Duke
Jason Jarvis : Miami FL (-20.5) vs Duke
Chris Fallica : Miami FL (-20.5) vs Duke

CFB - Sat, Nov 2 at 12:00 PM ET - Ohio ST at Penn ST
Weston Stradtman : Ohio ST (-3) at Penn ST * BEST BET
Chris Fallica : Ohio ST (-3) at Penn ST * BEST BET
Rob Brandt : Penn ST (+3) vs Ohio ST
Marc Lawrence : Penn ST (+3) vs Ohio ST
Randy McKay : Ohio ST at Penn ST - UNDER (47)
Sean Higgs : Penn ST (+3) vs Ohio ST

CFB - Sat, Nov 2 at 12:00 PM ET - Northwestern at Purdue
John Accorsi : Northwestern (+2) at Purdue

CFB - Sat, Nov 2 at 12:00 PM ET - Virginia Tech at Syracuse
Marc Lawrence : Syracuse (+4) vs Virginia Tech * BEST BET
Alex White : Syracuse (+4) vs Virginia Tech
Sean Higgs : Syracuse (+4) vs Virginia Tech
Chris Piper : Virginia Tech at Syracuse - OVER (53.5)

CFB - Sat, Nov 2 at 12:00 PM ET - Memphis at Texas-San Antonio
Randy McKay : Memphis (-7) at Texas-San Antonio
Doug Kezirian : Memphis (-7) at Texas-San Antonio
Paul Bovi : Texas-San Antonio (+7) vs Memphis
Chris Piper : Memphis at Texas-San Antonio - OVER (61)

CFB - Sat, Nov 2 at 12:45 PM ET - Vanderbilt at Auburn
Chuck Edel : Auburn (-7.5) vs Vanderbilt
Weston Stradtman : Vanderbilt (+7.5) at Auburn
Brett McMurphy : Auburn (-7.5) vs Vanderbilt
Chris Piper : Vanderbilt (+7.5) at Auburn
Chris Macero : Vanderbilt (+7.5) at Auburn

CFB - Sat, Nov 2 at 2:30 PM ET - Old Dominion at Appalachian ST
Scott Pritchard : Old Dominion (-2.5) at Appalachian ST * BEST BET
John Accorsi : Old Dominion (-2.5) at Appalachian ST
Doug Kezirian : Old Dominion (-2.5) at Appalachian ST

CFB - Sat, Nov 2 at 3:30 PM ET - Arizona at UCF
Kelly Stewart : Arizona (+6) at UCF * BEST BET

CFB - Sat, Nov 2 at 3:30 PM ET - North Carolina at Florida ST
Alex White : North Carolina at Florida ST - UNDER (50)

CFB - Sat, Nov 2 at 3:30 PM ET - Florida vs Georgia
Brett McMurphy : Florida (+15) vs Georgia
Cris Zeniuk : Florida (+15) vs Georgia

CFB - Sat, Nov 2 at 3:30 PM ET - Kansas ST at Houston
Kelly Stewart : Kansas ST (-12.5) at Houston
Cris Zeniuk : Kansas ST (-12.5) at Houston

CFB - Sat, Nov 2 at 3:30 PM ET - Texas Tech at Iowa ST
Kelly Stewart : Texas Tech (+13) at Iowa ST

CFB - Sat, Nov 2 at 3:30 PM ET - Oregon at Michigan
John Accorsi : Michigan (+14.5) vs Oregon
Pete Wilder : Oregon (-14.5) at Michigan
Tony Gordon : Oregon at Michigan - OVER (45.5)

CFB - Sat, Nov 2 at 3:30 PM ET - Indiana at Michigan ST
Chris Macero : Michigan ST (+8.5) vs Indiana * BEST BET
Randy McKay : Michigan ST (+8.5) vs Indiana
Kelly Stewart : Michigan ST (+8.5) vs Indiana
Alex White : Michigan ST (+8.5) vs Indiana
Marc Lawrence : Michigan ST (+8.5) vs Indiana
Chris Fallica : Michigan ST (+8.5) vs Indiana
Pete Wilder : Indiana (-8.5) at Michigan ST
Vinny Castillo : Indiana (-8.5) at Michigan ST

CFB - Sat, Nov 2 at 3:30 PM ET - UCLA at Nebraska
Chuck Edel : UCLA (+7) at Nebraska * BEST BET
Pete Wilder : UCLA (+7) at Nebraska
Chris Fallica : UCLA (+7) at Nebraska
Chris Macero : UCLA (+7) at Nebraska
Steve Fezzik : UCLA (+7) at Nebraska
Chuck Edel : UCLA at Nebraska - UNDER (38.5)

CFB - Sat, Nov 2 at 4:00 PM ET - Wyoming at New Mexico
Steve Fezzik : New Mexico (-7.5) vs Wyoming * BEST BET

CFB - Sat, Nov 2 at 4:00 PM ET - Navy at Rice
Brett McMurphy : Rice (+10.5) vs Navy

CFB - Sat, Nov 2 at 4:00 PM ET - Coastal Carolina at Troy
Randy McKay : Coastal Carolina at Troy - UNDER (53)

CFB - Sat, Nov 2 at 4:15 PM ET - Massachusetts at Mississippi ST
Chris Macero : Massachusetts at Mississippi ST - OVER (60)
Chris Macero : Mississippi ST (-19) vs Massachusetts

CFB - Sat, Nov 2 at 7:00 PM ET - Arizona ST at Oklahoma ST
Doug Kezirian : Arizona ST (-4.5) at Oklahoma ST * BEST BET
John Accorsi : Oklahoma ST (+4.5) vs Arizona ST * BEST BET
Pete Wilder : Arizona ST at Oklahoma ST - UNDER (57.5) * BEST BET
Rob Brandt : Oklahoma ST (+4.5) vs Arizona ST
Chuck Edel : Arizona ST (-4.5) at Oklahoma ST
Alex White : Oklahoma ST (+4.5) vs Arizona ST

CFB - Sat, Nov 2 at 7:30 PM ET - Louisville at Clemson
Brett McMurphy : Louisville (+10.5) at Clemson * BEST BET
Doug Kezirian : Louisville at Clemson - OVER (61)
Scott Pritchard : Louisville at Clemson - OVER (61)
Chris Piper : Louisville at Clemson - OVER (61)
Steve Fezzik : Louisville at Clemson - OVER (61)
Cris Zeniuk : Louisville at Clemson - OVER (61)
Chris Piper : Clemson (-10.5) vs Louisville
Chris Fallica : Louisville (+10.5) at Clemson

CFB - Sat, Nov 2 at 7:30 PM ET - Wisconsin at Iowa
Rob Brandt : Iowa (-3) vs Wisconsin * BEST BET
Pete Wilder : Iowa (-3) vs Wisconsin

CFB - Sat, Nov 2 at 7:30 PM ET - Texas A&M at South Carolina
John Accorsi : South Carolina (+3) vs Texas A&M
Marc Lawrence : South Carolina (+3) vs Texas A&M
Brett McMurphy : South Carolina (+3) vs Texas A&M

CFB - Sat, Nov 2 at 7:30 PM ET - USC at Washington
Doug Kezirian : USC (-1) at Washington
Chuck Edel : Washington (+1) vs USC
Alex White : USC (-1) at Washington

CFB - Sat, Nov 2 at 8:00 PM ET - TCU at Baylor
Scott Pritchard : TCU at Baylor - UNDER (64)
Sean Higgs : TCU at Baylor - OVER (64)

CFB - Sat, Nov 2 at 8:00 PM ET - Pittsburgh at SMU
Scott Pritchard : SMU (-7) vs Pittsburgh
Rob Brandt : Pittsburgh at SMU - OVER (57)
Doug Kezirian : Pittsburgh (+7) at SMU
Pete Wilder : SMU (-7) vs Pittsburgh
Alex White : Pittsburgh at SMU - OVER (57)

NFL - Sun, Nov 3 at 2:00 PM ET - Dolphins at Bills
Jason Jarvis : Dolphins (+6) at Bills * BEST BET
Vinny Castillo : Bills (-6) vs Dolphins
James Salinas : Bills (-6) vs Dolphins
Chris Fallica : Dolphins (+6) at Bills
Paul Bovi : Dolphins at Bills - OVER (49.5)
Matt Ste. Marie : Bills (-6) vs Dolphins
Kelly Stewart : Dolphins (+6) at Bills

NFL - Sun, Nov 3 at 2:00 PM ET - Broncos at Ravens
Sean Higgs : Broncos (+9.5) at Ravens * BEST BET
Matt Ste. Marie : Ravens (-9.5) vs Broncos
Vinny Castillo : Ravens (-9.5) vs Broncos
Jeff Petch : Broncos (+9.5) at Ravens
Cris Zeniuk : Broncos (+9.5) at Ravens
Rob Brandt : Ravens (-9.5) vs Broncos
Randy McKay : Broncos (+9.5) at Ravens

NFL - Sun, Nov 3 at 2:00 PM ET - Raiders at Bengals
James Salinas : Raiders (+7) at Bengals
Jeff Petch : Raiders (+7) at Bengals
Vinny Castillo : Bengals (-7) vs Raiders

NFL - Sun, Nov 3 at 2:00 PM ET - Chargers at Browns
Sean Higgs : Browns (+1.5) vs Chargers
Jeff Petch : Chargers (-1.5) at Browns
Jason Jarvis : Browns (+1.5) vs Chargers
Cris Zeniuk : Chargers (-1.5) at Browns
Rob Brandt : Chargers at Browns - OVER (42)

NFL - Sun, Nov 3 at 2:00 PM ET - Patriots at Titans
Randy McKay : Titans (-3) vs Patriots * BEST BET
Jason Jarvis : Titans (-3) vs Patriots
Weston Stradtman : Titans (-3) vs Patriots
Steve Fezzik : Titans (-3) vs Patriots
Paul Bovi : Titans (-3) vs Patriots
Scott Pritchard : Titans (-3) vs Patriots

NFL - Sun, Nov 3 at 2:00 PM ET - Commanders at Giants
Tony Gordon : Commanders at Giants - UNDER (44) * BEST BET
Jason Jarvis : Giants (+4) vs Commanders
Paul Bovi : Giants (+4) vs Commanders
Vinny Castillo : Commanders (-4) at Giants
Weston Stradtman : Giants (+4) vs Commanders

NFL - Sun, Nov 3 at 2:00 PM ET - Cowboys at Falcons
Steve Fezzik : Falcons (-3) vs Cowboys
Matt Ste. Marie : Falcons (-3) vs Cowboys

NFL - Sun, Nov 3 at 2:00 PM ET - Saints at Panthers
Tony Gordon : Saints (-7) at Panthers
Steve Fezzik : Saints at Panthers - UNDER (43.5)

NFL - Sun, Nov 3 at 5:05 PM ET - Jaguars at Eagles
Matt Ste. Marie : Eagles (-7) vs Jaguars
Scott Pritchard : Eagles (-7) vs Jaguars
Vinny Castillo : Eagles (-7) vs Jaguars
Steve Fezzik : Eagles (-7) vs Jaguars
Tony Gordon : Jaguars at Eagles - OVER (46)
James Salinas : Jaguars (+7) at Eagles
Randy McKay : Eagles (-7) vs Jaguars

NFL - Sun, Nov 3 at 5:05 PM ET - Bears at Cardinals
Chris Macero : Cardinals (-1.5) vs Bears
James Salinas : Cardinals (-1.5) vs Bears
Tony Gordon : Cardinals (-1.5) vs Bears
Jeff Petch : Cardinals (-1.5) vs Bears
Rob Brandt : Bears (+1.5) at Cardinals

NFL - Sun, Nov 3 at 5:25 PM ET - Lions at Packers
Cris Zeniuk : Lions (-2.5) at Packers * BEST BET
Vinny Castillo : Lions (-2.5) at Packers * BEST BET
Sean Higgs : Lions at Packers - UNDER (48)
Tony Gordon : Lions at Packers - UNDER (48)
Weston Stradtman : Lions (-2.5) at Packers
James Salinas : Lions (-2.5) at Packers
Kelly Stewart : Packers (+2.5) vs Lions
Jason Jarvis : Lions at Packers - UNDER (48)
Jeff Petch : Packers (+2.5) vs Lions
Marc Lawrence : Packers (+2.5) vs Lions

NFL - Sun, Nov 3 at 5:25 PM ET - Rams at Seahawks
Jeff Petch : Rams (PK) at Seahawks * BEST BET
Paul Bovi : Rams (PK) at Seahawks * BEST BET
Paul Bovi : Rams at Seahawks - OVER (47.5)
Chris Macero : Rams at Seahawks - OVER (47.5)
Jason Jarvis : Rams (PK) at Seahawks
Matt Ste. Marie : Rams (PK) at Seahawks
Scott Pritchard : Rams (PK) at Seahawks
James Salinas : Rams (PK) at Seahawks
Weston Stradtman : Rams (PK) at Seahawks
Doug Kezirian : Rams at Seahawks - OVER (47.5)

NFL - Sun, Nov 3 at 9:20 PM ET - Colts at Vikings
James Salinas : Colts (+5.5) at Vikings * BEST BET
Matt Ste. Marie : Colts at Vikings - OVER (47) * BEST BET
Tony Gordon : Colts at Vikings - OVER (47)
Chris Fallica : Vikings (-5.5) vs Colts
Weston Stradtman : Vikings (-5.5) vs Colts
Jeff Petch : Colts (+5.5) at Vikings
Matt Ste. Marie : Colts (+5.5) at Vikings
John Accorsi : Colts (+5.5) at Vikings

Let's go Brandon!
Nov 6, 2012
Easy Pickins -
Red Sheet - VSiN Pro Picks -

Newsletter Tracking
This season so far -

Jan 16, 2022

Jan 16, 2022

Westgate NFL SuperContest Picks, Odds & Standings from Las Vegas​


NY JETS -2 vs. Texans
TITANS -3.5 vs. Patriots
Chargers -2 vs. BROWNS
Saints -7 vs. PANTHERS
BILLS -6 vs. Dolphins
FALCONS -2.5 vs. Cowboys
RAVENS -9 vs. Broncos
BENGALS -7 vs. Raiders
VIKINGS -5.5 vs. Colts
Commanders -3.5 vs. NY GIANTS
Rams -1.5 vs. SEAHAWKS
Lions -3 vs. PACKERS
EAGLES -7.5 vs. Jaguars
CHIEFS -9 vs. Buccaneers

ARI 385
BUF 339
WAS 334
LAR 329
ATL 310

GB 306
CLE 268
IND 243
DEN 236
MIN 198
DET 194
LAC 191
NE 180
TB 169
NYG 167
NO 156

MIA 153
PHI 147
DAL 141
CIN 139
BAL 138
JAX 131
SEA 131
CHI 112
TEN 94
LV 89
NYJ 84
CAR 80
KC 64
HOU 42
SF 0

KENOCOP – W28 L11 LW 2-3
BOOROO – W28 L12 LW 5-0
Week 9 Picks: DAL CIN MIN SEA GB
CBPB – W28 L12 LW 4-1
Week 9 Picks: NO BUF MIN WAS LAR
TA2 RG – W27 L12 LW 4-1
Week 9 Picks: DAL CIN IND WAS TB
LOCA LOSERS – W27 L12 LW 4-1
Week 9 Picks: NE LV WAS ARI JAX
BIG LOUS BOYS – W27 L12 LW 4-1
Week 9 Picks: CLE MIA DAL SEA GB
DAMN I AM GOOD – W27 L12 LW 3-2

Aug 6, 2023
Newsletter Tracking (through 11/03/2024)

**Got em up early, since no newsletter has a play for Monday night**

The records here will reflect the lines listed in the newsletters at the time the plays were published. This is for the rated plays, the high-ranking plays, and any type of play worth tracking. There’s no reason to keep track of every bottom-tier or “recommended” play; it’s not worth the work.

Sometimes the newsletters will cheat a little by claiming a different common or later line if it turns a loss into a push or otherwise boosts their record. I’ll usually be able to note what happened to explain the discrepancy.

I’ll also highlight particularly good or bad weekends or short-term runs. I will not include picks from newsletter issues that we don’t get in time.

Starting to color-code the hottest and coldest records. Usually just anything hitting/missing around 70% or more with a reasonable sample.

Gridiron Gold Sheet (records represent the 7 times we've gotten it this season)
NCAA (17-24-0) (includes 1-4 this week)
NFL (16-14-1)

Bondi Bulletin
2* NCAA (3-4-1)
1* NCAA (11-11-1)
2* NFL (4-2-1)
1* NFL (2-10-0)

11* (0-0-0)
10* (0-0-0)

Marc Lawrence Playbook NCAA
5* (6-4-0)
4* (6-4-0)
3* (5-5-0)
Upset pick (5-5-0)
Betcha Didn't Know (4-4-1)
Awesome Angle (7-4-0)
Incredible Stat (3-7-0)

Marc Lawrence Playbook NFL (0-3 overall this week after 3-0 last week)
5* (5-4-0)
4* (4-5-0)
3* (3-6-0)

Pointwise NCAA
1* (13-6-1)
2* (6-4-0)
3* (6-4-0)
4* (10-10-0)
5* (11-9-0)

Pointwise NFL
3* (1-8-0)
4* (7-10-1)
5* (6-11-1)

Power Sweep NCAA
4* (7-3-0)
3* (13-7-0)
2* (11-8-1)
Underdog Play of the Week (4-6-0)
Tech Play of the Week (2-3-0)
Revenge Play of the Week (6-3-0)
Situational Play of the Week (5-3-0)
Series Play of the Week (2-6-0)

Power Sweep NFL
4* (5-4-0)
3* (2-7-0)
2* (7-2-0)
4* Pro Angle (0-0-0)
3* o/u play (6-3-0)
Power Rating POW (5-3-0)

Power Plays
NCAA 4.5* (18-10-0)
NCAA 4* (33-28-2)
NFL 4* (4-5-0)

Red Sheet
90* (0-0-0)
89* (6-14-0)
88* (22-8-1) (includes 10-1-1 the last 4 weeks)
NFL 88* (5-4-0)

Sports Reporter
NCAA Super Best Bets (0-0-0)
NCAA Best Bets (16-14-0)
NFL Super Best Bets (0-0-0)
NFL Best Bets (6-11-1)

Winning Points (we didn't get it again this week)
NCAA 4* (3-5-0)
NCAA 3* (4-4-0)
NFL 4* (3-4-0)
NFL 3* (3-3-1)

King’s Totals Tipsheet (4th winning week of the season, going 3-2 overall again)
3* (4-4-0)
2* (9-9-0)
1* (1-0-0)
Team Total of the Week
2* (0-4-0)
1* (8-6-0)

Gold Sheet NCAA
Key Releases (6-11-1)
Priority Picks (6-7-0)
Tech Plays (7-5-0)

Gold Sheet NFL
Key Releases (10-6-0)
Priority Picks (2-6-0)
Tech Plays (6-5-1)

Powers' Ratings NCAA
(can't really track his main plays this year)
Top Computer Play (4-6-0)

Powers' Ratings NFL
3* (0-0-0)
2* (0-0-0)
1* (0-0-0)

Inside the Press Box NCAA
Phil's Best Bets (19-20-0) (includes 0-6 the last two weeks)
Computer Best Bets (22-15-0)

Inside the Press Box NFL
Phil’s Best Bets (10-14-0)
Computer Best Bets (0-0-0)

Feel free to point out any typos or grading errors

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Oct 5, 2023


Bowling Green over CENTRAL MICHIGAN by 16
Finally, the college football season begins tonight with midweek MACtion. Central Michigan’s season has been death by a thousand chips, along with a big chunk taken out in a 45-7 loss last week to Miami-Ohio. CMU is 2-12 ATS in their last 14 conference outings, but it can be a spoiler here as BG is one game back of Western Michigan for the conference lead. Ohio’s real Brown and Orange football team is 8-0 as road chalk when coming off a double-digit win, and for some odd reason, the visiting team cleans up in this series, going 7-1 ATS. The BeeGee’s are fighting to stay alive in the conference title game race, and with Tuesday Night Fever, we suggest you don’t throw it all away on Central.

Miami-Ohio over BALL STATE by 15
Speaking of teams in the race for the title game, the RedHawks march into Muncie just one game back of WMU. Ball is on a roll with two straight wins, and Miami has a three-game W streak. It’s another edition of the Redbird Rivalry, in which Miami has won the last four. The RedHawks are 6-1 ATS as a favorite after changing out of puppy clothes the week before. The Cardinals have been tightening up a vulnerable defense since conference play began, but they’re still ranked 127th in the nation, weighed down by a pass defense ranked 131st out of 133 teams. Miami is still being led by 6th-year QB Blaine Gabbert, who has been around so long that he was MAC Freshman of the Year before COVID. Gabbert gets to throw against a defense that’s given up 24 TD tosses this year and gives up 50% of its third downs. There’s no defense for no defense, and not even David Blaine can make magic out of that secondary.


Ohio over KENT STATE by 24
Guess what, another 3-1 MAC team on the road and a heavy favorite. Ohio should be, too, as Kent State is historically awful this season, 0-8 and losing the stats charts by a staggering 276 YPG. Ohio is not just trying to nail down a spot in the MAC Title Game, but another year of bowling, and the Bobcats are 12-6 SUATS on the road in MAC play of late. We didn’t think the Well-Oiled Machine worked on Wednesdays, but it reminds us that MAC home dogs that allow 44 or more PPG are only 4-11 ATS. If there really were Premier League-style relegation, we’re not even sure Kent State could be sent down to Ohio AAA High School ball.

WESTERN MICHIGAN over Northern Illinois by 7​
NIU was good enough to knock off a playoff-bound Notre Dame team in South Bend, but it is only 1-3 in the MAC. This is proof of where the best football is being played and a warning to the Broncos to avoid overconfidence. Western leads the MAC at 4-0 but the desert isn’t buying, installing the Huskies as the favorite. That’s a role NIU has bumbled and stumbled in, going 9-18 SU and 5-21-1 ATS when the leader of the pack. The Broncos are led by QB Hayden Wolff, who has thrown 15 TD passes in his last six games. He’s a pocket-passing throwback and will not in any way beat you with his legs but will with his arm. The Broncos have bowling on the brain; NIU is 1-9 ATS against teams coming off a win. In Kalamazoo, Nixon’s the One…RB Jaden Nixon, that is, the team’s leading rusher, and hopefully, not a crook.


EAST CAROLINA over Florida Atlantic by 11
Boca Raton hasn’t received any terrible tropical weather this year, but it’s been a stormy season at FAU. The Owls are 2-6 / 0-4 in a massively disappointing campaign. However, the Pirates are also trending in the wrong direction, having gone 2-4 after a 2-0 start. ECU does something we don’t appreciate at the Playbook: lose and lose big in the stats battle, over 100 yards per game during that six-game stretch. Even so, the Buccos are a hearty 21-0 SU and 18-3 ATS as a home favorite of seven or more points, and 4-0 SUATS when coming off a home game by an average margin of 55-118. FAU brings in a generous defense that may help balance the ledger, giving up 410 YPG. Last week, Owls coach Tom Herman went after his University of South Florida counterpart after a bad loss to USF, accusing him of running up the score. That was the exact accusation Herman was hit with by USF last year. Karma has flown the nest at FAU and may be found aboard a Pirate ship.

Appalachian State over COASTAL CAROLINA by 4​
The Coastal defense has been incontinent lately during the Chanticleers ' three-game SUATS losing streak, giving up season-high yardage to Troy and Louisiana in the last two, a combined 1,031 yards of leakage. App State did all of Western Carolina a big favor with an exciting upset of Old Dominion last week, giving the Mountaineers hope for a bowl game at 4-4 and extending their post-season streak to 10. CCU has knocked off App State the last two years, but the numbers are darker than the evening skies after the fall time change: Coastal is 1-11 ATS as the favorite when taking on a .250 or better conference team that is coming off a win, and seeking revenge in the next game. ASU QB Joey Aguilar has thrown seven touchdown passes in the last two Mountaineers wins. While the mountain air of Boone is refreshing, some South Carolina sea salt is on the menu for Appalachian State this evening.

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