New Season, so a new thread for the Fraud/Tout Matt Zylbert


New member
Aug 28, 2012
Do I need to talk shit to motivate you to get on a winning streak?

Piece if shit scumbag tout motherfucker!!!!
Apr 6, 2012
Do I need to talk shit to motivate you to get on a winning streak?

Piece if shit scumbag tout motherfucker!!!!

Lol relax, 3-3-1 since the break (1-1 each day) but two of those losses were unders that lost because of fluke bad breaks in the bottom of the ninth inning. Tillman/Samardzija under 7.5 on Fri night was 4-2 going into the bottom of the ninth, just needed Zach Britton and his 1.30 ERA (Literally at the time) to close it out but of course he didn't.

And then the next night, had Hudson/Alvarez under 7.5, already received one bad break early when Alvarez got hit with a linedrive and had to leave the game in the second inning. Despite this, was 5-1 going into the bottom of the ninth, Stanton leads off with a homer. Fine, 5-2. Next two get out, so two outs, no one on. Ozuna doubles, Saltalamacchia singles to drive him in in for the tough-luck under loss.

Still locked in for six of the seven games I've taken coming out of the break. I'll be happy to remain on that path and hopefully get back over 58%. I have plenty of motivation, not to mention the passion and love for it, when I do this stuff literally every single night for six-plus months, none extra needed
Oct 12, 2013
What a loser this Zilbert guy is. He is still trying to fool people with his fake tout record.Loser!@#0
Apr 6, 2012
What a loser this Zilbert guy is. He is still trying to fool people with his fake tout record.Loser!@#0

You do realize you could legitimately be sued for a statement like this, right? Still waiting for you to actually mention ONE game that had an incorrect over/under number, Mr Ghost Account. Until then...why do clients continue to subscribe? Aw, is someone still jealous of me being at the top every year in something they wish they were good at? Why is it that you've never posted a play here, by the way?
Oct 12, 2013
I have given you several games, so has other people. Do you have accounts at all those places the you post numbers from? NO. Did you bet thoses games at those prices? NO. Your record is based numbers you grab off the internet, that is a fake record. Take me to court and produce betting tickets on those bets you posted at those prices. I would like you to explain in court how you are "god like". You are a fake handicapper and a joke. If you keep posting fake records people will keep calling you out. Zilbert = joke= fake=fraud.
Oct 12, 2013
Zilbert you are a loser Loser!@#0 and an idiot if you think handicapping is taking a game and posting the lowest number you can find around the world for your record keeping. NFL Trends makes money betting, I make money betting. You will never make money betting, just like your joke Football plays.
Apr 6, 2012
Yaaawn, another 3-0 performance tonight to get The Cat BACK INTO FIRST PLACE ON VEGAS INSIDER. Some of you morons should be proud how I'm representing you, as well as the entire RX community, on the biggest stage possible in the industry. Every other "tout" who left here has become a failure (Isn't that correct, Mods? Who else is well-known and established from The RX besides me?); but The Cat? In only two years, I've already become one of the top guys on the national scene with baseball, at least as far as over/unders are concerned, since I don't do MLs or RLs.

How many people enter an occupation on a national stage for a huge entity the caliber of Vegas Insider and not only finish in first place in their first year, but also take over first place in their second year -- while also perhaps finishing there again -- as well?

Aw, the trolls are speechless as usual. And as usual, they have a giant foot in their mouth, just like last year. But go on, continue to give me the extra publicity and extra sales LOLOLOL, making a few thousand in sales this past month isn't enough when there are guaranteed profits to be had.

To the novice gamblers out there like eventhorizon who are still trying to find their way or become any decent, my story is further proof that the main tool to sustain long-term success is HARD WORK. Period. It's a bonafide fact that nobody studies starting pitchers (Hence my brilliant outstanding bold correct predictions on Tanner Roark, Jake Arrieta, Vance Worley, etc.) more than I do, and that's exactly what it takes: repetition and hard work. That's exactly why I'm in the high desirable position that I'm currently in: passion, dedication, and hard work.

Jul 4, 2012
You do realize you could legitimately be sued for a statement like this, right?

You do realize you have not 1 utter clue what you're saying here, right?

If you could cite a single legal precedent in order to support this, you should {For example, a public figure libel plaintiff gets relief against criticism only if he proves that the defendants have made false statements of fact (not rhetorical hyperbole) and proves by clear and convincing evidence that they made the false statements with actual malice. }

Since you can not and will not, you should probably quit saying this.

It is obvious and inarguable you lie about the lines for your games and your record. Those activities are standard in the industry you are in.

You are a laughable fake record, fake line, point buying fraud.
Apr 6, 2012
You do realize you have not 1 utter clue what you're saying here, right?

If you could cite a single legal precedent in order to support this, you should {For example, a public figure libel plaintiff gets relief against criticism only if he proves that the defendants have made false statements of fact (not rhetorical hyperbole) and proves by clear and convincing evidence that they made the false statements with actual malice. }

Since you can not and will not, you should probably quit saying this.

It is obvious and inarguable you lie about the lines for your games and your record. Those activities are standard in the industry you are in.

You are a laughable fake record, fake line, point buying fraud.

... Says the no-name, faceless Internet troll that is a laughingstock around here. You lost all credibility when you said Sean Payton wasn't even a good coach LOLOLOL not sure why anyone even wastes their time on you.

That's another reason you're constantly ridiculed in other threads I've seen. Aside from being the equivalent of a village idiot on here, you've always been jealous of me so I kinda like these comments from you. But yeah, keep being some nameless, faceless loser Internet character on an Internet message board that NO ONE has even heard of (What is an "acebb" anyway? Lolol) and I'll keep being the well-known Matt Zylbert that is the biggest success story to move on from the RX to a nationally-renown company like Vegas Insider... WHERE I'VE BEEN IN FIRST PLACE FOR THE COMPANY IN BOTH MY YEARS THERE. What else can I possibly accomplish, douche?

How is my record "fake"? If that's the case, why do I keep getting the same dozen-plus clients, not to mention new ones that invest in my daily or weekly packages, aside from the usual clients that purchased my $400 half-season package and/or $300 monthly package? Why do people keep investing in me??

And again, YOU CAN'T BUY HALF-RUNS IN BASEBALL OVER/UNDERS, moron. When you work for the biggest company in the industry, do you think they'd actually allow that?? Are you legitimately retarded, man? And as usual, you throw out blankless, fake lies with no merit whatsoever... if you're going to make a claim like that that could get you SUED (Since that's defamation of character and could potentially take away a sale of a service, if not more than one), then point out ONE instance where an over/under I took had an "incorrect" number. PLEASE!! Look through my ENTIRE GAME LOG OVER ALL THESE YEARS and just find ONE game that had a wrong over/under number... exactly, you can't. Because its IMPOSSIBLE to do that, hence why I'm a top guy for VEGAS INSIDER... and you're just some faceless, nameless loser Internet character that is probably typing from his mom's basement.

Oh, and look at that. Yet another outstanding 3-0 performance today with my dear over/unders. Yawn. But go ahead, keep talking about me/being jealous of me/living vicariously throug me, and il keep being the biggest success story that has ever come from the RX... let that resonate that I'm the big well-known star around here, REPRESENTING THIS VERY RX COMMUNITY ON THE NATIONAL STAGE... while you're just some loser Internet message boar character that has, and probably never will, amount to anything. Let that resonate, clown.

Jul 4, 2012
... Says the no-name, faceless Internet troll that is a laughingstock around here. You lost all credibility when you said Sean Payton wasn't even a good coach LOLOLOL not sure why anyone even wastes their time on you.

Hey dumb fuck: I've never said anywhere, ever, Sean Payton isn't a "good coach"

Notice: I made a post on a specific point which you can not address. Which is why you're left posting a whole bunch of idiotic drivel that has no relationship to reality.

You have no grounds to sue anyone. You are a documented liar and fraud.

Which is why you are widely ridiculed and mocked here.

Again, Matt Zylbert is a documented liar and posts fake lines and has a fake record.

Please, please sue me.

I'm begging you.

Jul 4, 2012
while you're just some loser Internet message boar character that has, and probably never will, amount to anything. Let that resonate, clown.


Uh, I'm not the one lying to people in the hopes they give me $400.

Nor am I the one making $20 football bets buying points.

You are a joke.

Again, Matt Zylbert is a documented liar and posts fake lines and has a fake record.

Please, please sue me.

I'm begging you.

Jul 4, 2012
What joke. On 7/5 Zylbert the fraud posted Tex-NYM under (11)??? The line was 7 1/2. It was graded as a win, then was corrected to 71/2. Different line, different time stamp. His time stamps are sometimes 11 hours apart. So he is sitting in front of his computer for 11 hours waiting for the best line?

Again, Matt Zylbert is a documented liar and posts fake lines and has a fake record.

Jul 4, 2012
if you're going to make a claim like that that could get you SUED (Since that's defamation of character and could potentially take away a sale of a service, if not more than one),


So sue me.

Come on big talker.

Go right ahead.

You're an absolute dumb fuck.
Apr 6, 2012
Again, Matt Zylbert is a documented liar and posts fake lines and has a fake record.

Uh. You do realize he was blatantly lying on purpose to cause a shit storm, right?

Where in my game log do you see a Rangers/Mets game that had a magical over/under of 11? LOLOLOLOLOL wow, you're dumber than I thought. Do you really think Vegas Insider -- the most well-known and popular company in the industry, which now ALSO hosts the services of ESPN Hank Goldberg, by the way -- would allow for something so beyond dumb like that? Seriously, are you retarded?

But yes, keep thinking that there was actually a Rangers/Mets game with a line of 11. Wow, have you ever gambled on baseball before, kid?
Apr 6, 2012
"Acebb," the nameles, faceless Internet message board character that continues to be jealous of me and my remarkable success on Vegas Insider -- as the youngest expert on the roster, by the way, so I'm sure that fuels your jealousy also, with meobviously being the biggest success story to come from The RX -- also continues to prove how he has absolutely ZERO credibility around here by citing a BLATANT Internet troll like eventhorizon in hilariously believing there's a Rangers/Mets game in my game log that had an over/under of 11 LOLOLOLOLOLOL

Try again, scrub. That being said, SIMPLY NAME ONE GAME that has an incorrect over/under. Just one. Please.

Notice how you and the other retard continue to ignore that SIMPLE request. But keep making up false claims out of jealousy for me being the biggest star from the The RX community, while representing all of you on the national stage. It's flattering
Oct 12, 2013
Zylbert THE FRAUD has a hard time reading. It was posted at 11 then the next day corrected because it was posted as a win not a loss. Zylbert THE FRAUD thinks the place that gave him a job is so honest. Zylbert THE FRAUD is just a small time loser. You have a tout record not a betting record. You and the company that hired you mislead the public. There is no disclaimer saying that your results may vary because no one has accounts at all those places you use to post your picks. Zylbert THE FRAUD is the one who does not know anything about betting. Your FAKE record uses stations numbers. Do you have an account with them? No you don't because you can't get one. Zylbert THE FRAUD could not get a job out of college so he went to being a tout scum. He wants to be another Brandon Lang.
Oct 12, 2013
Zylbert THE FRAUD you do know you can be charged with misleadng the public for financial gain. Don't worry you are so small time they won't take the time to go after you. Zylbert THE FRAUD thinks he can handicap. He forgot his joke plays from football last year. Zylbert THE FRAUD thought he could post here and get hired at VI but they did not hire him. Zylbert THE FRAUD can't make money betting so he sells his plays. Search his name and you get a report about him at RIPOFF report. Zylbert THE FRAUD is an idiot tout and if you look at his picture you can see he looks like an idiot. Football gets the most bets and Zylbert THE FRAUD could not get hired to sell plays. Zylbert THE FRAUD has been exposed for what he is a FRAUD and a LIAR. Zylbert THE FRAUD is just jealous of people who can make money betting because he can't.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
"Acebb," the nameles, faceless Internet message board character that continues to be jealous of me and my remarkable success on Vegas Insider -- as the youngest expert on the roster, by the way, so I'm sure that fuels your jealousy also, with meobviously being the biggest success story to come from The RX -- also continues to prove how he has absolutely ZERO credibility around here by citing a BLATANT Internet troll like eventhorizon in hilariously believing there's a Rangers/Mets game in my game log that had an over/under of 11 LOLOLOLOLOLOL

Try again, scrub. That being said, SIMPLY NAME ONE GAME that has an incorrect over/under. Just one. Please.

Notice how you and the other retard continue to ignore that SIMPLE request. But keep making up false claims out of jealousy for me being the biggest star from the The RX community, while representing all of you on the national stage. It's flattering

Acebb is an obsessed loon that will lie about anything. I wouldn't give too much of a response to him. He'll never change. Real life psychopath.
Apr 6, 2012
Zylbert THE FRAUD has a hard time reading. It was posted at 11 then the next day corrected because it was posted as a win not a loss. Zylbert THE FRAUD thinks the place that gave him a job is so honest. Zylbert THE FRAUD is just a small time loser. You have a tout record not a betting record. You and the company that hired you mislead the public. There is no disclaimer saying that your results may vary because no one has accounts at all those places you use to post your picks. Zylbert THE FRAUD is the one who does not know anything about betting. Your FAKE record uses stations numbers. Do you have an account with them? No you don't because you can't get one. Zylbert THE FRAUD could not get a job out of college so he went to being a tout scum. He wants to be another Brandon Lang.

LOLOLOLOL what drugs are you on? So you're making up some wild story that for WHATEVER REASON, Vegas Insider had that Rangers/Mets game listed at 11 (What game at Citi Field in its history has EVER had a line of 11??? How fucking delusional are you?) despite the fact THAT IT FUCKING SAYS "7.5" IN MY GAME LOG ANDDDDDD I was given a loss for it. OBVIOUSLY, you're pulling shit out of your ass, something that should be getting you banned from this forum? Mods?? How fucking weird is this kid?

And yeah, Vegas Insider "misleads" the public so much that it's only the most dependable and highly-regarded company in the ENTIRE INDUSTRY across the whole fucking country. It's so much so that we've only been highlighted by the likes of Yahoo, ESPN, ESPN The Magazine, Sports Illustrated, Wall Street Journal, etc. while also having well-known giants like ESPN's Hank Greenberg and Dave Cokin on our roster. Aw, is someone still on suicide watch that they could never make it? It's alright, loser. Just work hard and maybe you'll make it one day to the desirable position that I'm in. But probably not.


Mods? Can he be banned already? I'm so sick of saying the same CORRECT thing OVER AND OVER AND OVER. Thus, let me try and make it as simple as possible:

I ONLY do baseball over/under plays. NOTHING ELSE. When I post a pick for my subscribers/new customers, 95% of the time, THE OVER/UNDER NUMBER FOR THAT GAME IS GOING TO BE THE SAME EVERYWHERE. The "book source" listed next to each game is basically useless BECAUSE THE NUMBER WILL BE THE SAME EVERYWHERE. YOU FUCKING MORON.

Holy shit. Will it ever stop? Seriously.

Ex. In my excellent Shields vs Kazmir under today, the over/under for most of the day was 7 EVERYWHERE. Doesn't matter if it was 5 dimes. Doesn't matter if it was Stations. Doesn't matter if it was The LVH. Doesn't matter if it was Caesar's, etc. So regardless, my clients STIL GOT IT AT THAT SME EXACT NUMBER OF 7 BECAUSE IT'S A BASEBALL OVER/UNDER. Thus meaning, OBVIOUSLY, that my win-loss record is the same regardless as I maintain my country-leading 165-125-18 (56.9%!) record with baseball over/under bets.

But yeah, feel free to keep talking about me/obsessing over me/stalking me/trying to live vicariously through me. That's not creepy at all. Matt Zylbert will continue to be the big star around here that everyone has heard of and that has already accomplished so much in this industry at such a relatively young age... and you can continue to be the loser nameless, faceless Internet message board character that no one has ever heard of nor has ever accomplished anything.

Just let that resonate. And that goes for all you nameless, faceless Internet trolls that continue to be jealous of the historic work I've already produced at such a young age. Just keep bowing down to my obvious greatness and admire it if you'd like. It's pretty special.

P.S. if you want to talk about companies misleading the public, why not investigate I'll gladly join you in that fight - notice how when you look at their handicapper's records, it only shows you their "last ten games" lololol you can't even see their records! What a disgrace

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