New Season, so a new thread for the Fraud/Tout Matt Zylbert

Oct 12, 2013
Well Zylbert THE FRAUD is now Zylbert the troll. Wow, you don't even look at what your picks get graded when you hand them in to VI. You are just an ass-kisser for the company that gave you a job even though you did not get hired for football where there is more betting and probably more sales. I can see why no one hired you out of college. The more you talk the more stupd you sound. I hope you post more football plays. It was funny seeing you lay -200,-400 and what was the superbowl prop? Something like -1200? How long did it take to lose that one?:pointer:. You know nothing about betting. No one here respects you. You are a Brandon Lang tout wannabe. You only do totals because you can't handicap sides. You are so jealous of people who can. That is why you keep trolling. You need to accept that you are a loser Loser!@#0 and not get so mad all the time. The mods warned you of that. You avoid the facts presented.

Jul 4, 2012
"Acebb," the nameles, faceless Internet message board character that continues to be jealous of me and my remarkable success on Vegas Insider

There is no "success" to be jealous of.

Again, Matt Zylbert is a documented liar and posts fake lines and has a fake record.

So sue me.

Come on big talker.

Go right ahead.

You're an absolute dumb fuck.
Apr 6, 2012
Well Zylbert THE FRAUD is now Zylbert the troll. Wow, you don't even look at what your picks get graded when you hand them in to VI. You are just an ass-kisser for the company that gave you a job even though you did not get hired for football where there is more betting and probably more sales. I can see why no one hired you out of college. The more you talk the more stupd you sound. I hope you post more football plays. It was funny seeing you lay -200,-400 and what was the superbowl prop? Something like -1200? How long did it take to lose that one?:pointer:. You know nothing about betting. No one here respects you. You are a Brandon Lang tout wannabe. You only do totals because you can't handicap sides. You are so jealous of people who can. That is why you keep trolling. You need to accept that you are a loser Loser!@#0 and not get so mad all the time. The mods warned you of that. You avoid the facts presented.

LOL and again, you ignore the simple request I asked of you by recycling the same moronic commentary that makes no sense whatsoever. Trolling 101 at its finest. Maybe that's why you're some no-name idiot that no one has ever heard of? Isn't that true? And what does a Super Bowl prop bet from February have to do with my baseball record? LOLOLOL someone's getting desperate by ignoring the simple request I'm still trying to figure out!

So that being said, what is ONE baseball game in my game log that has an "incorrect" over/under number?? I'm STILL waiting just to hear one... but instead you can only blatantly MAKE UP one about a Rangers/Mets game from June that was 11... even though it says 7.5 and I was given a loss for it LOLOLOL

By the way, how come you've NEVER posted a play here before?? Again, you keep IGNORING the simple points that are being made. This is too easy.

Again, I'll lay it out for you. Most on this forum knows who Matt Zylbert is. Most on this forum realize that I'm representing you, and that dumbass "acebb" on the NATIONAL SCENE, not to mention the entire RX community, as the biggest success story to come from The RX. Name one other person that moved on from here and is still successful handicapping?? Who??

... and you're some nameless, faceless internet message board loser that continues to post on a sports gambling message board without even posting a SINGLE play! How dumb is that? Do you have no friends or something? Or are you just that jealous, troll, that Matt Zylbert is already a huge star and top guy from Vegas Insider... while you're completely insignificant and unknown in the gambling industry? Aw, someone feels like a complete failure at life, don't they? Just keep working, kid. Maybe start actually, um, posting plays here?

Again, let it resonate. Matt Zylbert is the big star representing the entire RX community on the national scene, going for first place for the biggest company in the industry around the COUNTRY for the second straight year (And only in my second year). And you're... an internet troll that is on a sports gambling message board 24/7, despite never having posted a pick! Gee, I wonder why no one here is supporting you.

So for the 1941872nd time, a simple request: WHAT BASEBALL GAME in my game log has an "incorrect" over/under number? Just fucking name one already, although I know you're enjoying these interactions a little too much. I'm probably the first celebrity you've ever talked to, huh?
Apr 6, 2012
There is no "success" to be jealous of.

Again, Matt Zylbert is a documented liar and posts fake lines and has a fake record.

So sue me.

Come on big talker.

Go right ahead.

You're an absolute dumb fuck.

Oh, hey, shit stain. Is that you trying to leech off my major success on the national scene again? Clearly that is the case, as it's actually pretty funny seeing you admit you're saying blatant lies just for the fact of being able to say blatant lies and get my attention. It's pretty flattering.

Why would I sue someone doing something so cute like that? Aw, he wants my attention.

Let me make it as simple as possible: Matt Zylbert is already one of the most well-known rising stars in the industry, nationally, which is why Matt Zylbert is on the verge of finishing in first place for the biggest company in the country regarding this wonderful industry that we all love, Vegas Insider... for a second season in a row! And I've only been working for Vegas Insider two years! How awesome is that?? I mean, I certainly enjoy the multiple thousands in sales that I'm pulling in every month, but it's the dominance of my performance that is probably most notable, being able to succeed so significantly like this on a national stage. I know that really stings you.

So yeah, Matt Zylbert is the big star around here representing the entire RX community, including you, troll. And you're just some loser message board character named "acebb" (Why doesn't anyone know your real name?? Why have you never made it, scrub??) that is trying to leech off my success and try to get noticed. Newsflash, moron: No one has ever heard of you. You are just some insignificant, unknown, useless internet message board character that has never accomplished anything... while Matt Zylbert is working with some of the other fellow greats -- including guys from ESPN! -- and dominating at the highest level possible. Let that resonate, you dumb fuck. Keep living your insignificant life, having never accomplished anything of any significance whatsoever. Aw, does that sting? Well, maybe that's why you go by a fake alias "acebb" on an internet message board and spend all your time on here, while just about everyone on said message board knows who Matt Zylbert is. Does that make you a little jealous?

But hey, carry on saying the same one or two sentences every post that EVERYONE knows is incorrect. If it's not, why not find a game in my game log that has an incorrect over/under number??? Why can't you find just one game??? That's all it takes. Just one. Pleeeeease. Or otherwise keep revealing the true nature of your character: An internet troll that NO ONE has even heard of, and is getting extremely desperate (Not that I can blame you, considering my high standing in the industry) just for my attention. Do you drive a taxi for a living like NFLTrends also? Is that another reason you're so miserable, aside from your own typical losing years in gambling?

Can't blame you from wanting to live vicariously through a big star like me. Oh, and please find that ONE game in my record that has an incorrect over/under number. Just one. One game. Yes, one game.
Oct 12, 2013
Zylbert THE FRAUD can't read. There are several examples on this thread. Try reading. Yes everyone on this site knows of you, AS A FRAUD. Your prop bets on the superbowl (240 to win 20 and 105 to win 15 :pointer:) shows you no nothing about betting. You don't even know what is going on at that site you work for. Ask them about that game. It was corrected but it was first posted at 11. You just put your picks in at VI and let them handle the price that gets posted. I can see why you did not get hired out of college Loser!@#0.
Apr 6, 2012
Zylbert THE FRAUD can't read. There are several examples on this thread. Try reading. Yes everyone on this site knows of you, AS A FRAUD. Your prop bets on the superbowl (240 to win 20 and 105 to win 15 :pointer:) shows you no nothing about betting. You don't even know what is going on at that site you work for. Ask them about that game. It was corrected but it was first posted at 11. You just put your picks in at VI and let them handle the price that gets posted. I can see why you did not get hired out of college Loser!@#0.

Gee, what a shock. This looks like one of the three posts you've copied and pasted about 14 different times already.

And no, there are no "examples" at all in this thread, which is exactly why you keep saying that. The only "example" given was the one you just mentioned (Hence why you only mention that game) for a game that somehow had a line of 11... yet it shows up as a LOSS in my game log... with a line of 7.5. So what the fuck are you actually talking about??

Oh wait, it was "corrected," as you claim... even though it only shows up in my record as LOSS, and there has never been a game at Citi Field in THE FUCKING HISTORY OF THAT BALLPARK that had a line of 11. So again, I ask, what the fuck are you talking about? You just make yourself look stupider with every post you make. Then again, that doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things, since you're an admitted nameless, faceless internet troll that has no significance to anyone here whatsoever. Meanwhile, you do realize I'm the biggest star that has come from The RX community ever to appear on the national scene and sustain major success there, right?

(P.S. It's actually IMPOSSIBLE to post a line that doesn't exist on any given game, since it's an automated system directly connected to the aforementioned books. If that ever happened, don't you think that would become a huge national news story brought about by a client, considering this is Vegas Insider we're talking about? Why do think we've been around since 1997? Why do you think we used to be an entity from the old CBS Sports Line? Why do people from ESPN and ESPN Radio work at Vegas Insider then, you fucking idiot?)
Oct 12, 2013
Zylbert THE FRAUD. On 8/2 your 2 loses were on 5 dimes at a high of -117 and -120. VI posted for you at -105 and -110. The lines are not the same 95% of the time(more lies). Of course you get the better lines even though you say there is no such thing as a best line.? Really! Are you really that stupid? You are not a big star @):mad:. You are just a part time tout and a wanna be handicapper. Take 10 cents from your 125 loses (12.5 units) plus those extra 1/2 points and your fake record is not that good. If you keep printing lies people here will keep printing the TRUTH.
Oct 12, 2013
When you are out of working in 2 months. I hope you will post more of your joke football plays. They are good for a laugh@):mad:.
Apr 6, 2012
Zylbert THE FRAUD. On 8/2 your 2 loses were on 5 dimes at a high of -117 and -120. VI posted for you at -105 and -110. The lines are not the same 95% of the time(more lies). Of course you get the better lines even though you say there is no such thing as a best line.? Really! Are you really that stupid? You are not a big star @):mad:. You are just a part time tout and a wanna be handicapper. Take 10 cents from your 125 loses (12.5 units) plus those extra 1/2 points and your fake record is not that good. If you keep printing lies people here will keep printing the TRUTH.

We're not talking about the -110 lines stuff, you idiot. Every single play, from every single handicapper, is graded as if it were to win $100. The values obviously differ throughout the entire day (Do you have ANY clue how gambling works, kid?) from the time they are posted and made available to our customers, and from the book they are cited from, so again, you have no clue what you're talking about, especially since I ONLY DO OVER/UNDERS (FOR THE FUCKING 194727TH TIME), where everything averages out, obviously, to -110 over time. The full breakdown, which again proves you once again have no idea about anything, is here, moron:

AND AGAIN, I AM STILL YET TO SEE ONE EXAMPLE WHERE A GAME I BET ON HAD AN "INCORRECT" OVER/UNDER NUMBER. THAT IS ALL I'M TRYING TO FIGURE OUT, since you said I have a "fake win-loss record," despite the fact that, FUCKING OBVIOUSLY, EVERY GAME I BET ON HAS THE REAL NUMBERS YOU IDIOT... that's why you keep making up the fake story about the random Mets/Rangers game that never even had a "line of 11" (LOLOLOL again, this has never happened before in the history of Citi Field games, and it obviously says 7.5 in my game log, fucktard)... because, EXACTLY, there are ZERO instances where this has occurred. You fucking idiot.

But hey, keep extending the thread with your same lie (While making yourself look like a complete idiot in the process every time you say it) that you keep reciting over and over and over and over. And while you're at it, keep bowing down to my greatness ( I don't mind the extra publicity so thanks for the countless extra sales this thread has brought me.
Oct 12, 2013
I guess Zylbert THE FRAUD is really that stupid. You don't know how betting works. If you think you post a game and then take the lowest price on the game then that is your record? Then you are an idiot. Oh wait, you are an idiot. You tout, if you bet then you know you can't just take the lowest line for you picks. You are trying to tell everyone you post some of your lays 8 hours apart when the line is best for you and that is not misleading. You post lines at places you cannot get a bet at because it helps your record. Everyone on here has been over this and you just don't get it. You are just too stupid to understand how betting works. You are not betting, you are touting. There is a difference even if you are to dumb to understand. If you want to lie about your record to get sales go ahead. I don't care if suckers want to get taken by you but if you come here with fake records and lies you will be corrected with the TRUTH.
Oct 12, 2013
Did Zylbert THE FRAUD call himself a celebrity?:pointer: And a big star?@):mad:You need mental help. Why are you so angry if this is helping you? Just another lie. You post false claims and we give you the TRUTH and YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH. You claim a historic run. Did you mean losing a $240 to win $20 and a $105 to win $15 bet on the same day historic? Because that was funny as hell. You did something no one here would do. You are not a big star you're a clown. Clowns are funny sometimes.
Oct 12, 2013
Here is one for Zylbert THE FRAUD. 8/3 Washington you have under 7. You said the number is the same all over when you post. Lie. That number was not at any other place. They are just giving you the best number available to make your record look good. You are saying you post your games 1 at a time? More lies. I guess you are the only one to think your record is real But we know THE TRUTH.
Apr 6, 2012
I guess Zylbert THE FRAUD is really that stupid. You don't know how betting works. If you think you post a game and then take the lowest price on the game then that is your record? Then you are an idiot. Oh wait, you are an idiot. You tout, if you bet then you know you can't just take the lowest line for you picks. You are trying to tell everyone you post some of your lays 8 hours apart when the line is best for you and that is not misleading. You post lines at places you cannot get a bet at because it helps your record. Everyone on here has been over this and you just don't get it. You are just too stupid to understand how betting works. You are not betting, you are touting. There is a difference even if you are to dumb to understand. If you want to lie about your record to get sales go ahead. I don't care if suckers want to get taken by you but if you come here with fake records and lies you will be corrected with the TRUTH.

Did Zylbert THE FRAUD call himself a celebrity?:pointer: And a big star?@):mad:You need mental help. Why are you so angry if this is helping you? Just another lie. You post false claims and we give you the TRUTH and YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH. You claim a historic run. Did you mean losing a $240 to win $20 and a $105 to win $15 bet on the same day historic? Because that was funny as hell. You did something no one here would do. You are not a big star you're a clown. Clowns are funny sometimes.

Here is one for Zylbert THE FRAUD. 8/3 Washington you have under 7. You said the number is the same all over when you post. Lie. That number was not at any other place. They are just giving you the best number available to make your record look good. You are saying you post your games 1 at a time? More lies. I guess you are the only one to think your record is real But we know THE TRUTH.

Uhh, this is really getting creepy. Aside from the fact that you're on this message board 24/7 always obsessing over me/talking about me/wishing you could be me (Which is understandable, I guess, although I could probably get a restraining order from you at this point. It's scary how much you wish you were me), it might be even more creepy that you spend ALL THIS TIME on a sports gambling message board... without posting any sports gambling picks. Why is that??? Why do you ALWAYS dodge this very crucial question, troll? So answer this finally: Why do you spend all this time on a sports gambling message board without contributing one sports gambling pick? Why? Oh yeah, that's right: Because you're someone's ghost account and should be banned already. Why do the Mods not do their job?

"Best number available" huh? What about the Morales vs Verlander under 9 I had on Friday night? Notice how the "9" is underlined... because in most places, the line was 9.5, yet unfortunately, I was only able to offer it at 9 (Unsurprisingly, it still won without a sweat). So what about that example?? Typical loser scumbag ignoring everything he possibly can in attempt to find one incorrect example. Typical. The Hamels vs Strasburg game was 7 (Which I had to settle for relatively poor -130 value so it was a big risk, too) in places overnight, so duh, I took advantage of Vegas' stupid mistake (Although understandable, since a Strasburg vs Hamels matchup a few weeks ago was 7 also, and actually ended up going over in that matchup, albeit because of a fluke collapse late) while the line was still 7 and was able to offer it at that. And as I even mentioned in my article for that game, I told my clients that even if went down to 6.5 into the afternoon to take it anyway, and obviously, we won with plenty of room to spare (4-0). And no, I don't post all my picks at the same time because that would be stupid. I post it when I think the best number is available (Ex. An under that is 7 that I might think go to 6.5 later on, like in that Strasburg/Hamels; if you have any clue about baseball over/unders, you know there are many instances where they'll start a game at 7 before inevitable moving it to 6.5), but sometimes I wait till an hour prior to gametime (The maximum allotted time allowed before we can post a pick on any given game) because it might be vice versa where I wait for an under to be 7 instead of 6.5 (Or wait to see when the starting lineups are out. Ex. I'll obviously like an under a lot more in a Royals game if Brett Hayes is starting at catcher instead of Salvador Perez).

And again, you're getting so desperate that you're bringing things up (Random football prop bets from the Super Bowl) that have NOTHING AT ALL to do with the topic at hand. This is baseball handicapping we're talking about, the thing I get paid thousands of dollars to do per month for the biggest company in the entire country, Vegas Insider, and the thing I get paid to do arguably better than any other professional handicapper in the country (Although no one can really argue it when I'm the only documented person who is consistently above 56%. Who else in the entire country does that with over/unders annually? And who else in the history of the country has even had a 169-99, 63% run like I did last season??).

So yeah, as far as the handicapping industry goes, I'm the well-known commodity around here and the most successful handicapper on the national stage to come from The RX community. And again, you're just a loser nameless, faceless internet message board character that no one has heard of, nor would ever talk about and admire, who is just honored to be interacting with Matt Zylbert. So you're welcome for once again granting you attention, I know it's the biggest thrill you've ever had.

P.S. Take a look around, scrub. You're the only one carrying on this discussion. So by "we," you really mean "you," the most jealous one here LOLOLOL keep it up, I kinda like it. I like people blatantly begging that they wish they could be me. It's a pretty cool feeling.
Oct 12, 2013
More Zilbert THE FRAUD lies. You are the only one consistently over 56%? really, You were 53% last year. This thread was quiet after the all-star break because you were not winning. Then you had a couple of winning days and like the troll you are you come back into a thread that exposes you for the FRAUD that you are. No one wants to be you. You are a loserLoser!@#0. Mistermj is hitting a higher % than you. Of course you will ignore that because you think you are the best. VI will let you go bacause you have nothing to offer for football. You will probably post more joke Football plays here and try to se tha to get hired for Football.
Oct 12, 2013
People were saying in your football thread that you would end up a loser and you did because you are a loser. You also spoke of yourself in the third person?Loser!@#0 You are just jealous of people who can make money betting because you cannot. Have you posted plays since the superbowl? Did you not get baned to the rubber room for trolling is other peoples thread? You bring this on yourself with your fake claims. You can try but you can't spin THE TRUTH.
Apr 6, 2012
More Zilbert THE FRAUD lies. You are the only one consistently over 56%? really, You were 53% last year. This thread was quiet after the all-star break because you were not winning. Then you had a couple of winning days and like the troll you are you come back into a thread that exposes you for the FRAUD that you are. No one wants to be you. You are a loserLoser!@#0. Mistermj is hitting a higher % than you. Of course you will ignore that because you think you are the best. VI will let you go bacause you have nothing to offer for football. You will probably post more joke Football plays here and try to se tha to get hired for Football.

People were saying in your football thread that you would end up a loser and you did because you are a loser. You also spoke of yourself in the third person?Loser!@#0 You are just jealous of people who can make money betting because you cannot. Have you posted plays since the superbowl? Did you not get baned to the rubber room for trolling is other peoples thread? You bring this on yourself with your fake claims. You can try but you can't spin THE TRUTH.

Again, man, in all seriousness, this is the kind of stuff that can legitimately get you SUED in the real world. Whether or not you're someone's ghost account, which is most likely the case, in the real world, a BLATANT LIE like this that YOU FUCKING KNOW IS FALSE can get you sued. Mods?

And with that being said, you obviously know what I'm referring to. Do you remember what my record was last year from July 6 until the end of the season? 169-99-16 (63.1%). Obviously, as you'd expect, that documented record led the entire country ( over that stretch. Don't fucking insult my hard work, which is exactly why I'm so highly-regarded and thankfully have been making thousands every month doing this for Vegas Insider.

I understand you hate fucking touts; I do, too, which is why most of them are scum and scammers. But obviously, like NFLTrends already has (Which is exactly why he doesn't even post in this thread anymore. Do you notice he's not here?), you have to recognize I'm one of the [few] good guys who do this, and consistently make my clients money. I bust my ass and contribute several hours of hard work every single fucking day/night doing this. Enough with the fucking lies/defaming of my name when I could easily fucking sue you. It's getting old, especially now when you're at the point where you're just blatantly saying lies (Like the one mentioned in the above comments when I've cited my historic three-month run last year that no one else accomplished).

Mods? Are you finally going to ban this obvious ghost account/internet troll? It's so annoying that I, the man who SUCCESSFULLY REPRESENTS THE ENTIRE RX COMMUNITY ON THE NATIONAL SCENE, even have to keep responding to this so newer readers are aware of the actual facts, in case that affects potential future sales from new customers. So, Mods?
Apr 6, 2012
And what a shock, another perfect night with that Cobb vs Samardizja under ending successfully just now to put me over 57% for the season. Yawn.

By the way, who else in the entire country is over 57% this year with baseball over/unders? Please find me one person. Thanks. Until then, keep bowing down to my greatness, trolls.

Sep 21, 2004
Uhh, this is really getting creepy. Aside from the fact that you're on this message board 24/7 always obsessing over me/talking about me/wishing you could be me (Which is understandable, I guess, although I could probably get a restraining order from you at this point. It's scary how much you wish you were me), it might be even more creepy that you spend ALL THIS TIME on a sports gambling message board... without posting any sports gambling picks. Why is that??? Why do you ALWAYS dodge this very crucial question, troll? So answer this finally: Why do you spend all this time on a sports gambling message board without contributing one sports gambling pick? Why? Oh yeah, that's right: Because you're someone's ghost account and should be banned already. Why do the Mods not do their job?

"Best number available" huh? What about the Morales vs Verlander under 9 I had on Friday night? Notice how the "9" is underlined... because in most places, the line was 9.5, yet unfortunately, I was only able to offer it at 9 (Unsurprisingly, it still won without a sweat). So what about that example?? Typical loser scumbag ignoring everything he possibly can in attempt to find one incorrect example. Typical. The Hamels vs Strasburg game was 7 (Which I had to settle for relatively poor -130 value so it was a big risk, too) in places overnight, so duh, I took advantage of Vegas' stupid mistake (Although understandable, since a Strasburg vs Hamels matchup a few weeks ago was 7 also, and actually ended up going over in that matchup, albeit because of a fluke collapse late) while the line was still 7 and was able to offer it at that. And as I even mentioned in my article for that game, I told my clients that even if went down to 6.5 into the afternoon to take it anyway, and obviously, we won with plenty of room to spare (4-0). And no, I don't post all my picks at the same time because that would be stupid. I post it when I think the best number is available (Ex. An under that is 7 that I might think go to 6.5 later on, like in that Strasburg/Hamels; if you have any clue about baseball over/unders, you know there are many instances where they'll start a game at 7 before inevitable moving it to 6.5), but sometimes I wait till an hour prior to gametime (The maximum allotted time allowed before we can post a pick on any given game) because it might be vice versa where I wait for an under to be 7 instead of 6.5 (Or wait to see when the starting lineups are out. Ex. I'll obviously like an under a lot more in a Royals game if Brett Hayes is starting at catcher instead of Salvador Perez).

And again, you're getting so desperate that you're bringing things up (Random football prop bets from the Super Bowl) that have NOTHING AT ALL to do with the topic at hand. This is baseball handicapping we're talking about, the thing I get paid thousands of dollars to do per month for the biggest company in the entire country, Vegas Insider, and the thing I get paid to do arguably better than any other professional handicapper in the country (Although no one can really argue it when I'm the only documented person who is consistently above 56%. Who else in the entire country does that with over/unders annually? And who else in the history of the country has even had a 169-99, 63% run like I did last season??).

So yeah, as far as the handicapping industry goes, I'm the well-known commodity around here and the most successful handicapper on the national stage to come from The RX community. And again, you're just a loser nameless, faceless internet message board character that no one has heard of, nor would ever talk about and admire, who is just honored to be interacting with Matt Zylbert. So you're welcome for once again granting you attention, I know it's the biggest thrill you've ever had.

P.S. Take a look around, scrub. You're the only one carrying on this discussion. So by "we," you really mean "you," the most jealous one here LOLOLOL keep it up, I kinda like it. I like people blatantly begging that they wish they could be me. It's a pretty cool feeling.

Why does almost every one of your posts read like a WWE Heel Promo, including the self 3rd person reference?

New member
Aug 28, 2012
I'm guessing his plays today are:

Brewers, dodgers, yankees... All unders

Jul 4, 2012
Oh, hey, shit stain. Is that you trying to leech off my major success on the national scene again? Clearly that is the case, as it's actually pretty funny seeing you admit you're saying blatant lies just for the fact of being able to say blatant lies and get my attention. It's pretty flattering.

Why would I sue someone doing something so cute like that? Aw, he wants my attention.

WTF is this even supposed to mean?

You have posted more than 20 times on this Web site that pointing out you are a fraud is something a person could get sued for.

So go ahead and sue me.


Do it, you silly little long winded asshole.

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