If you have to keep telling everyone how great you are...man, when this guy crashes, it's gonna be ugly.
I don't have to keep reminding everyone how great I am; doing it on the biggest national stage like Vegas Insider, competing against guys from CBS, ESPN, and ESPN Radio, not to mention a lot of the other top well-known guys in the entire country, already makes it publically known every single day.
"Crashes"? Hmm, let's review:
2013: First year at Vegas Insider... finish in first place in the regular season for the company in Total Money Won and Over/Unders. 55% for the regular season (281-230-30), including one of the most historic runs (169-99-16, 63.1% from July 6 until the last day of the regular season Sept. 29) in the history of over/under bets - for ANY sport. No one does that. In fact, who/when was the last to accomplish such a legendary gambling run over THAT many games?
2014: Second year at Vegas Insider... am in first place for the company in Over/Unders AGAIN (My only concentration), and second place in Total Money Won (Only because one of our guys is having one of the best baseball seasons in recent memory; he's from the old CBS Sports Line). Coming into today, I was 57% on the season (166-125-18), which is only over/under bets, obviously.
In actuality, as most people here know, I'm one of the nicest and most helpful people on the entire forum. I only emphasize all of this for the couple of trolls who continue to be comically jealous of my major success in the gambling industry on the national scene... at 28 years old. The trolls are presumably in their 50's or 60's, are still completely unknown and have never made any significant money, and only wish they could be paid for their picks - while winning for their clients. Let me tell you, it's a TOUGH gig with high-pressure stakes every single night. Most cannot handle that mental aspect of it. I, however, obviously do.
OR, the anger from these trolls stems from their hatred of all "touts" in general, even the rare ones such as myself who CONTINUE to CONSISTENTLY win their clients money.
Here's the REAL question: To the likes of the loser nameless, faceless internet trolls that are here such as eventhorizon, why do you despise
ALL people who sell picks? Serious question. Are MOST scumbags and scammers who end up sucking when they enter this profession? OBVIOUSLYYYYYYYY. I've been saying that as long as any of you. But for the FEW who are
CONSISTENTLY WINNING THEIR CLIENTS MONEY... what exactly is so wrong with that? Honest question. If someone wants to invest in my higher-end percentages with -110 over/unders, and I continue to win for them, what exactly is the problem with that??
That question especially goes out to NFLTrends, who continues to ignore this
OBVIOUS point.