like SDS does not understand the basics of betting horses. He says his uncle called him, which means he had no prior intention of betting a horse and may never have. Regardless, SDS please post the race, track, date, horses name, and the exact off time you were given on your ticket. I guarantee you will be past post. Remember a book cannot know the exact off time of every race at every track, and it is up to the bettor to enter his bet before the race starts. Do books except bets after a race starts, yes, but ALL winning and losing bets are cancelled if they are past post. Regular horse players will make note of their off time and believe if they lose and are past post they are on the phone to the book if the bet has not been cancelled real quick. This is a case of a player betting a sport he knows nothing about, if the horse had lost I quarantee the book would still have cancelled his bet.