"Written all over the disgusting faces of Cheney and W is the guilt and regret. We should have listened to Richard Clarke and the other competent people left in the administration that were warning us something big was gonna happen."
"The same people who ignored warnings about 911, created ISIS with their Insane invasion of Iraq, and couldn't get the guy responsible for 911. Meanwhile Obama got Bin Laden, has protected us against a 911 type attack, and signed a deal with Iran to stop their march toward Nukes. unless the extremists in Iran and here have their way. Obama has been mediocre or even worse at foreign Policy, his predecessor was an absolute disaster."
I'm almost afraid to axe, who posted such idiocy?
they think Bush was at fault for 9/11, Obama was responsible for the capture of UBL, Obamacare is working just as promised, the jobs market is good, the economy is strong, investing in failed solar energy companies was wise, we did all we could to save lives in Benghazi, a YouTube video was responsible for terrorists attacks, crack whores help the likes of Gates succeed and Romney hates women
how fucking stupid can one be? their cluelessness is limitless
they are ...................................................................................................LIBTARDED