I have mentioned away from the house like 4 times. There are reasons for away from the house and yes that makes it a little harder. Nice thoughts but not at home.
My Grandad was the king of Swiss bank accounts and had one of the best rare coin collections ever. He headed the ANS. One coin could be worth 250k and wifey would not know the difference between a 250k coin and a 1 k coin. He gave me my first safe when I was 5. He was the man! Rip.
Most people wouldn't know a 250k coin from a 1k coin, actually,Dub. I certainly would with US coins, but make it world coins and I wouldn't know.
My Grandad was the king of Swiss bank accounts and had one of the best rare coin collections ever. He headed the ANS. One coin could be worth 250k and wifey would not know the difference between a 250k coin and a 1 k coin. He gave me my first safe when I was 5. He was the man! Rip.
Is that the sitting Liberty. I have 1874 s I think it is in a safety deposit box AU to MS 62 that has been sitting in a safety depost box since I inherited it. I may be wrong. I also go a 5$ Gold coin 193? in there that is definitely MS 60+ or better with no visible scratches or wear.
He left them both for me specifically and I was the only inheriting male grandson so they may be better than that! My run away or in trouble safety net.