I was informed that you are asking posters to send you cash for your selections and handicapping information.
Before I address that I want to say that The Rx.com appreciates your excellent and popular contributions in the various sport forums and in no way wish to discourage you from continuing to be a member who makes often time consuming but well composed threads and posts concerning various sports. To be honest I wish we had more like you.
However we cannot allow our posters to solicit funds (I mean that in the most courteous way I can put it) in order to continue to post your selections and other information here in our sport forums.
Should you have to continue to ask your fellow posters for funds to subsidise your threads you will have to do it from The Site Promotion Forum only. This has been a long standing Rx policy that applies to everyone who posts in our sport forums.
Kindly either cease soliciting funds here in the sport forums and post any selections or handicapping information freely like everyone else or move your threads and posts to The Site Promotion Forum. Once you do that you will be considered part of the Sport Service Community here at The Rx.com and will have to do all of your posting in The Site Promotion Forum.
On the other hand it is not to late in your case to let this recent business of $25 donations to be forgotten and you will be allowed to continue to post in any of the forums on the entire site, so long as you post your information for free like everyone else.
Bottom line, while I understand you may be experiencing some costs to be able to post your usual information this is a free forum and none of our posters are allowed to solicit funds for anything short of our annual Christmas Orphans Fund and other causes of that nature such as the recent Haiti earthquake relief fund that some posters donated on their own to through various means in their area.
Again thank you for your many contributions to the site they are very much appreciated. Should you feel it necessary to contact me you can email me at
Thank you very much, wilheim