Always in favor of the truth, so don't mind at all. I'll clarify the things you got wrong. I was not off, but due in about 9:45, so I never left my house. Was never "consumed with hate", like you sickos. In my darkest hour, that will never happen. I was angry that I lost people I knew, and for a very short period, was looking for someone, anyone to blame, as we all were. Quickly came to my senses, and realized no Religion was to blame, when I went to the Muslim owned Candy store across the street, and they were as upset and shocked as everyone else. Only sick people consumed with hatred, like many of you RX Stormfronters, blame a Religion for some sickos within it, that bastardize it for their own evil purposes.
The Ideology ("religion") does, at it's Core, contain Barbaric Edicts that yes all who call themselves "Muslim" do not observe, incorporate into their lives. I do feel like the level of Challenge that we have with Islamic Ideology will lessen greatly in generations to come, no way I can see the coming Generations of Young People submitting willfully to continued subservience to such obvious myth and blueprint for Ongoing Warfare to continue Partying like its 666 A.D.
with the Western World looming. Calling out to them
Islamists know this. Part of why they fight The West. Today. They know their ways will die, in time.
I do wish more than ANYTHING that the Fanatics were the ones "bastardizing" the Ideology but it is in fact as its always been those who do not follow the Savage Edicts that are "misusing" the Holy Texts. I appreciate that it is easier to pretend that Islam is not Terminally Flawed and that if not Revised there will be Hundreds of Thousands of Fleeing refugees every year for as long as it is not revised, in addition to thousands of murders and massive numbers of sexually abused people but this is reality.
Fine that you know people who choose to call themselves Muslim and not practice certain parts of The Q'uran or adhere to instructions of Imam but they fully know they exist in Disobedience and they live with Risk.
Islamic Ideology gets Revised, the Primitive Barbaric stuff eliminated or the world remains where it is now and your Muslim associates have to keep on pretending that there is no Problem within Islam itself.
I'd like to think that they would prefer to not live a Lie. That they'd prefer to live in Honesty. And Peace.
If their position is that Islamic Doctrine is fine as it is then they do not mind living in Lie and they do not care whether peace is found.
No un-biased Religious Scholar would even attempt to make an argument that Islamic Doctrine on the whole seeks Peace.
A few Verses nearer the front of The Q'uran yeah, when Mohammed was trying to work the "getting Jewish People to Worship Him by copying their own teachings" angle, after that its Barbaric Crap and the book says if a later verse contradicts an earlier verse you have to observe and follow the later verse.
Book says you can't pick and choose, either. What you follow
(observe)and do not. To do so is to greatly disrespect God & The Prophet.
No Clue what those you know who claim to be faithful to Islam are actually Following....what Religion it is that they think that they are but they are not "Muslim" and in many countries they'd be made very very aware of this truth.