Self portrait snowflake?
No wonder you're so scared of Mooslems, or anyone for that matter. Stay under that bed. They won't hurt you.
Donnie, like Obama and GW Bush before him, is facing predictable opposition to his core policy plans. That should be wholly unsurprising to all.
His primary troubles, however are virtually all self inflicted. His level of dishonesty is either pathological or worse, outside his awareness of reality.
Obama, Bush and yes - Hillary Clinton - all were exposed for numerous acts of outright dishonesty over their respective eight year terms (12+ for HRC as Senator+SOS). One might think that would temper a new President, but Donnie seems determined to tell a fresh, usually easy to refute falsehood almost daily since Nov 8.
Worse, he is commissioning those closest to him to lie publicly on his behalf.
Look for anyone remotely close - Conway, Preibus, Miller, Spicer - to be unemployed by Mar 1 or sooner. Meanwhile, Pence, Ryan & McConnell are just counting the days until Donnie sufficiently destroys his tiny infrastructure and is coerced legally into shameful resignation. They will then do their best to leverage Pence into reelection 2020 and advance their preferred policies just as they would have were they able to have won the 2016 election w a true GOP stalwart. Since no such stalwart existed in spring of 2016, they - along with the rest of America are forced to watch the absurd DonnieTrump Reality Farce 2017 stumble forward to it's inevitable dissolution.
The day of the 65+ year old man or woman leading our populace is thankfully nearing it's end
This needs to be. Its Vital, for any True Recovery as a Nation, absolutely necessary if we are going to locate a Path to Positive Evolution & Progress as a People.
Witness The Black Ones talk, the Old Black Ones: John Lewis, John Conyers, Maxine Waters and others that I forget their names. No way to listen to these people and not fully realize why the Government is dysfunctional. No Racial Deal meant by that, these people literally seem as thought they are retarded or have Alzheimer's.
Here's hoping some truly enlightened individuals in the age range 48-55 make themselves known by 2020 or 2024 at latest so our nation might experience some true transformation in Wash DC.
you always have a reserved barstool at the Bar n Grill, MLD
The primary policies espoused by Donnie during his campaign were obviously supported by enough Americans in key states to win the election.
It is not those espousals that endanger his Presidency. If he truly knew how to work with a very large group of influential people, he could be raking right now.
But it's increasingly clear all of his heretofore business successes have been founded on making deals with small groups of highly leveraged people, ailing companies and financially troubled city governments. His sociopathic, narcicistic personality has him - at age 71 - virtually friendless and with no one who will voluntarily hang with him save for his three oldest kids and even they are likely motivated by financial fealty.
In short, he painted an attractive fantasy of "changing WashDC" and it got him the election.
Now we just wait for the very well-oiled WashDC power structure to finish shaming him and spitting him out.
Anyone ready to create a betting pool here at the Rx with regard to his last day as POTUS?
And FTR, I would have preferred to see Clinton win, but have no complaint she failed.
She took down the status quo national Democrat party just as McCain/Palin/Romney wiped out the status quo national GOP from 2008-2012. Here's hoping some truly enlightened individuals in the age range 48-55 make themselves known by 2020 or 2024 at latest so our nation might experience some true transformation in Wash DC. The day of the 65+ year old man or woman leading our populace is thankfully nearing it's end
Self portrait snowflake?
No wonder you're so scared of Mooslems, or anyone for that matter. Stay under that bed. They won't hurt you.
Well put. Fucking Hillary could not even manage cyber communications without fucking up to the point of almost criminal prosecution. Trump does not even know how to use a PC (documented) and I guarantee McConnell, Pelosi, Boxer, Schumer, McCain and upwards of 2/3 of Congress is equally inept.
"Trust Us! We are Older and Wiser!"
The true majority of the voting population aged 55 and under hear, "Trust Us! We created virtually every destructive political and social policy of the past 35 years!!"
at Memphis Tigers Liberty Bowl Memorial Stadium, Memphis, TN | 8:00pm ET ESPNews | Lost 77-3 |
now tells us what you really think?
He just got into Wash, bro. Entirely different animal, govt and private sector. Can't just pick up the phone and get shit done. He'll adapt. Will there be fuck ups? fucks up, then moves forward (remember the previous admin fuck ups? TPP almost went thru, corporates running amok). Difficult to give a fair shake, esp when coming left of left, ....give it a shot.........ya might like it..................dagone
What the hell is wrong with you? Once again......who is paying for all these people and what assets do they bring? Why do you hate America so much? Have some may wake up and think...damn I need to quit being such a vagina.