Thank you for comparing my body to a Ferrari. I appreciate the compliment.
No I was comparing the cleanse program to a Ferrari.
What I was trying to say was despite the relatively heavy investment you made in this program.
The single most important ingredient in the entire program is free.
That would be water.(gas)
No, I am not implying that you wasted your money on this program, or that water can cleanse alone. I am just saying that no matter how good this program is it wont work without absolutely flooding your body till you cant stand it with water.
I have not done the exact same program you did, but I did one just as expensive and well reviewed as the one you did twice. (arise & shine) You would not be interested because its a company that believes in that man in the sky. Anyway.....
Me and my GF at the time both bought it at the same time.
My results the first time was less then I thought they should be.
So I went reading there message forum about what I did wrong.
And the most common element from people who were less then pleased with the results were the people who did not drink enough water.
Rewind. My GF at the time did it for 1.5 days and quit.
So I saw that $400 sitting on the shelf wasting away.
So I decided to do it again this time drinking a ton of water.
The next time I did it the result were spectacular.
Your body can only do so much when dehydrated.
Water is the engine that makes the whole thing go.
The Ferrari can't do jack shit no matter how much it cost without at least 1 $3.50 gallon of gas.
I would hate to see you less then impressed with your results at the end of all this hard work you are taking on because you refused to drink enough water.
When you think you have enough drink more.
You cant drink enough water on this program.