Care to tell us how the air has never been cleaner? Lmao!!!
And you are trying to talk to me about global warming and discredit real scientists throughout the world. Absolute comedy gold. You are dumb as fuck... which is why Dave and Joe are your buddies. Real life winners there.
More evidence the globe is all heating up!
Antarctic sea ice hit 35-year record high Saturday
Why would sea ice be increasing? Although the rate of increase is small, it is a puzzle to scientists.”
“This modeled Antarctic sea ice decrease in the last three decades is at odds with observations, which show a small yet statistically significant increase in sea ice extent,” says the study, led by Colorado State University atmospheric scientist Elizabeth Barnes.
Gee, for this being a "fact" there sure are a whole bunch of questions and no actual examples...
Man there are so many threads here with idiotic banter against people who are smart. Now I know why you call the neo-con base here dolts. I mean I can't believe people would give them a fork in fear they would poke their eyes out
No, you are.
I'm sorry but opinion isn't science.
Ever wonder why the scientific community laughs as 'climatologists' the way the medical community laughs at the field of psychiatry?
You are not a part of the scientific community and most definitely the scientific community does not laugh at "climatologists". You're just making shit up again. Scientists definitely are not on your side. You basically have retard conservatives like yourself and paid for talking heads. 97% of people who actually research climate change disagree with you. I'm not surprised. Don't ever include the scientific community on your side, lol. You are as anti-science as it gets.
As always, you think you're laughing at everyone when in reality everyone is laughing at you.
“If you talk to real scientists who have no political interest, they will tell you there is nothing in global warming. It’s an industry which creates vast amounts of money for some people." - Former NASA Scientist Dr. Les Woodcock
Well, DUH!
Real scientists laugh at your "97%" cult (who get it wrong 97% of the time), and especially your mancrush "community organizer" demagogue when he says inane shit like, "the debate is over!"
Oh wow!!! You found a scientist who says global warming is not real. I guess that means 97% of climatologists are wrong and he knows more than everyone else in the world.
Very solid "scientific method" you got going on, lmao!! Let me know when he writes a single research paper disproving global warming that is accepted by the scientific community. Until then, you are still stuck with people talking on blogs because they know they can't disprove it even if they tried.
“The temperature of the earth has been going up and down for millions of years, if there are extremes, it’s nothing to do with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, it’s not permanent and it’s not caused by us. Global warming is nonsense.”
“Its absolutely stupid to blame floods on climate change.
“This is not the way science works. If you tell me that you have a theory there is a teapot in orbit between the earth and the moon, its not up to me to prove it does not exist, its up to you to provide the reproducible scientific evidence for your theory. Such evidence for the man-made climate change theory has not been forthcoming.”
-- Former NASA Scientist Dr. Les Woodcock
"Reproducible scientific evidence for your theory", aka the scientific method, aka REAL SCIENCE.
Oh nos! A real scientist adding some common sense to the debate.
Not looking very good for climate cultists.
"I listen to scientists!" - fratfraud
Until you show me some real peer reviewed research that is accepted by the scientific community you are still going to be thought of as a retard. You literally do not understand how the real world works, lol. If any of these global warming deniers had proof that global warming didn't exist they would present it to the scientific community for review. And if they actually had real proof, they might even win a Nobel Prize. But they don't submit any research for review because they know the scientific community will reject their .com blogger nonsense.
It's hilarious how you don't understand how things work. And you claim Republicans use the "scientific method". Lmfao!