"I think really, REALLY smart economists should decide the minimum wage" -- aaaktard
Econ Lesson of the Day for Liberal Arts College Students:
Um, you have no education in economics, you've never started a business, ran a business, made business decisions, hired or fired anyone, nor have you had a real job.
So you wouldn't know anything about the topic.
Your posts are comedy gold.
Remember how you don't even know what liquidate means, lol. You probably shouldn't be talking about economics... especially macroeconomics. Way above your pay rate.
You don't know anything and your laughably stupid posts demonstrate it. You have no education in economics, you've never started a business, ran a business, made business decisions, hired or fired anyone, nor have you had a real job.
Except for the fact over half the states have raised the minimum wage above $7.25 and none of that happened. But cool cartoon. I'm glad that's all conservatives need to believe the horseshit they're fed.
As per the norm, you talk our of your ass without any knowledge or logic.
But your space alien econ theories are great make-believe entertainment....kinda like Mr. Rogers growing up.
High Minimum Wage Equals High Unemployment
Why is it that Washington state’s entry-level job applicants faced one of the highest rates of unemployment in the nation this year? The state’s unemployment rate is 15 percent higher than the national average and 42 percent higher than it was five years ago when the state introduced a minimum wage higher than the federal minimum.
Washington state is not alone in experiencing this perpetual high state unemployment. Oregon, Washington and Alaska are among the five states with the highest unemployment rates. It is perhaps no coincidence that these three states have the highest state minimum wages in the nation. Decades of research confirm Nobel Prize-winning economist Gary Becker’s observation: “A higher minimum will further reduce the employment opportunities of workers with few skills.”
It's not rocket science.
Small business is 2/3 of the economy.
If a small business can only spend so much on labor and your government with its magic wand raises the price of labor, there are going to be consequences, but someone like you with zero business experience taking his cues from an equally clueless professor wouldn't understand basic economics.
Your radical rat maze ideology (sanctimonious 'progressives' treating people like rats, believing they will run through mazes the way the social engineers direct them, ignorant their own rational self-interest) is comical.
Lol, your example is 1 state? You seem really intelligent. At least festeringZit agrees with you. That would make me confident.
Table 1: Total Employment in 2013 (%) |