Mitt Romney believes Global Warming is REAL and a Major Problem


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
It's beyond incomprehensible how stupid this idiot it.


I love how this ignorant moron asserts Americans weren't productive before his precious Fed and ridiculous Keynesian theories came along.

New York 1900s:




Is this what a liberal arts college education gets you these days? face)(*^%

New member
Oct 19, 2007

I love how this ignorant moron asserts Americans weren't productive before his precious Fed and ridiculous Keynesian theories came along.

New York 1900s:

Is this what a liberal arts college education gets you these days? face)(*^%

Wow, they were able to make buildings in the early 1900s. There goes my economic theory. You got me, I'm now a full fledged anti-government loon!

New member
Jan 16, 2013
Wow, they were able to make buildings in the early 1900s. There goes my economic theory. You got me, I'm now a full fledged anti-government loon!

The USA overtook Britain as the world's top economic power in or around 1920, much before your precious Fed and ridiculous Keynesian theories came along. Please don't try to set yourself up as some kind of 'Oracle of Delphi' on economic matters,tour last comment it's laughable & cringe worthy

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The USA overtook Britain as the world's top economic power in or around 1920, much before your precious Fed and ridiculous Keynesian theories came along. Please don't try to set yourself up as some kind of 'Oracle of Delphi' on economic matters,tour last comment it's laughable & cringe worthy

His phony Keynesian "money tree" is only possible with an existing productive, prosperous economic base. In this case, the free market capitalism which made the United States the world's number one economic superpower - far more dominant, I may add, at the time than today's declining Empire. It didn't happen overnight, but embarrassingly, China is now the world's number one economy with India not far behind. That's what Keynesian economics and central planning give you - decline, decline, decline until the inevitable collapse.

As I have explained to the troll countless times, his bogus 'theories' do not work if you are starting from scratch. Pick an island with an indigenous culture and drop unlimited amounts of his phony money (paper) on its people. Years from now, they will be still praying to trees and using animals as transport, with virtually ZERO advanced infrastructure and technology.

Contrast his laughable "money tree" theories to an economic system built on American values and First Principles (faith, liberty, hard work and thrift) in an stable, lawful, predictable environment. Adam Smith, the father of economics, wrote a book explaining how rational self-interest and competition under these conditions lead to economic prosperity.

Keynesian economic theory (never-ending govt encroachment on the free market shifting around resources) breaks every rule in the book. The results aren't pretty:

The Logical Outcome Of Keynesian Economics Is A Spiral Of Decline

Read more:

New member
Oct 19, 2007
The USA overtook Britain as the world's top economic power in or around 1920, much before your precious Fed and ridiculous Keynesian theories came along. Please don't try to set yourself up as some kind of 'Oracle of Delphi' on economic matters,tour last comment it's laughable & cringe worthy

Yea, let's be more like the 1920s. That's what happens following a massive Keynesian spending spree. You guys are really dumb.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Don't get me wrong, I do believe in Global Warming ad Cooling... I just don't think man has an impact to be able to change/control the weather.

Why don't scientists work on how to make the earth cooler? What gasses can we employ to counteract the gasses making it warmer if we have that much of an impact?

I guarantee that the earth will continue to warm and cool long after (and before) man walks the earth.

Look at Mars!!! Data shows it been warming consistently (which is weird, cause earth has been warming almost identically), and NOT 1 human lives on Mars.

So whats causing the Global Warming on Mars? Is it our rover we have up there producing some sort of greenhouse gas? Aliens? 3-headed alien monster cows farting?

New member
Sep 21, 2004

I love how this ignorant moron asserts Americans weren't productive before his precious Fed and ridiculous Keynesian theories came along.

Keynes was a dumb-ass socialist himself, so of course he'd be pro-govt spending and of course his ideas appeal to morons like alkiefagdrunk. Suggesting or implying a n economy can't function without government spending is idiotic.

Never fear, though. I'm announcing here on the RX that I'll be running for the presidency in 2024...and I'm also currently accepting all staff opening applications. Want to know my platform? It's simple. Here you go:

I don't give a fuck what your pet programs are, or how much money you think our government should be spending. If it isn't in the enumerated powers, it doesn't get funded.

Simply put, fuck everyone. That's my campaign slogan...fuck everyone. We as a nation are obese, so to get back into shape...take spending down to -1% of revenue and make equal percentage cuts to every single government program...INCLUDING FEDERAL SALARIES, pensions, and elected officials.

Fuck all of them. Balance the damn budget like any grown adult has to balance their own damn budget. Make it a damn federal law that simply states the following.

1. Government is forbidden from spending more that 99% of revenues in any tax year.

2. Half of all surpluses above projected and actual revenues automatically go towards paying down the national debt.

3. Of that remaining half, half of that will go towards paying back money borrowed from Social Security...and the other half will go to a rainy day National Emergency Interest Bearing fund which can only be used when Congress declares a national emergency.

4. Congress can only borrow money during times of a declared National Crisis, or declared war by a vote of Congress...and any such money borrowed must be paid back within the next Congressional or Presidential Term.

My other idea? Abolish the Federal Reserve, then transfer the debt to the treasury. The Treasury then can take the interest on the national debt down to zero and (by law) start paying it down...back to the Federal Reserve member banks at 0% interest, just paying the principle. Treasury notes could be fractional gold and silver notes, and the value of the dollar would increase after it gets tied to real currency.

Voila...back we go to a Constitutional money supply. It would improve our standard of living and elevate US currency to greater global respectability We would become the de facto standard for international trade. The end result? We become debt-free in a decade, and then the surpluses could start going to things people want/vote for (providing we can afford them). Maybe community college?

Vote JD in 2024. Remember...Fuck everyone! That's my campaign slogan!

New member
Oct 19, 2007
No offense JDouche, but Sarah Palin is smarter than you and she is fucking retarded. You remind me of that dude who wore a cutoff leather vest and a hat to a debate. Idiocracy coming to life. Just please don't have children. We don't need any more clowns running around with you and Sheriff Joe's thought process.
Sep 24, 2009
Add that one to your ever-growing list of retarded quotes.

Whenever someone tries to present an argument to me, I make an effort to understand what it is they're attempting to convey. If I find fault with their logic, I'll point it out. Most of the time, I see where they are coming from. Good liberal intentions, and all that...just not practical in the real world. Not here, though. I have no clue whatsoever what the fuck akfagdrunk is talking about, and I doubt he does either. It's like looking at some alternate fantasy universe.

By his logic, if I wanted to start a new civilization on my own private island...I wouldn't need to do anything besides just print money. Everyone would prosper by trading paper money among each other for whatever reason. No one would need to do provide any goods or services to earn that paper, because "free enterprise has nothing to do with it."

Newsflash to the resident alcoholic: economies have existed long before governments became involved. Plenty still do exist without regulation. The only thing paper currency accomplishes is to provide a standard medium of exchange for goods and services. Otherwise, a farmer would have to trade his crops for goods and services, LeBron James would make his living by offering to allow people to watch him shoot hoops in exchange for whatever he wanted, you'd make your living by offering to regale people with idiotic economic theories, etc...

As I mentioned before, how regulated are black market items? It's actually the perfect example to support my argument and destroy his. No regulation necessary, pure free-market trade. My grandfather was a mechanic who escaped a communist nation in Europe, and he'd tell me how common it would be for him to fix someone's car in exchange for the other person painting his house or maybe a few days' worth of groceries. This happens a lot in communist nations...the trick is to do it behind the scenes when Big Brother isn't watching.

Anyway, I guess all these companies who are just wasting their know, producing things. All they need to do is stay at home and exchange paper money with someone every so often, then we'll be golden.

It's beyond incomprehensible how stupid this idiot it.

You are and asshole with extremely low character. I would hate to
think you have children

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Keynes was a dumb-ass socialist himself, so of course he'd be pro-govt spending and of course his ideas appeal to morons like alkiefagdrunk. Suggesting or implying a n economy can't function without government spending is idiotic.

Never fear, though. I'm announcing here on the RX that I'll be running for the presidency in 2024...and I'm also currently accepting all staff opening applications. Want to know my platform? It's simple. Here you go:

I don't give a fuck what your pet programs are, or how much money you think our government should be spending. If it isn't in the enumerated powers, it doesn't get funded.

Simply put, fuck everyone. That's my campaign slogan...fuck everyone. We as a nation are obese, so to get back into shape...take spending down to -1% of revenue and make equal percentage cuts to every single government program...INCLUDING FEDERAL SALARIES, pensions, and elected officials.

Fuck all of them. Balance the damn budget like any grown adult has to balance their own damn budget. Make it a damn federal law that simply states the following.

1. Government is forbidden from spending more that 99% of revenues in any tax year.

2. Half of all surpluses above projected and actual revenues automatically go towards paying down the national debt.

3. Of that remaining half, half of that will go towards paying back money borrowed from Social Security...and the other half will go to a rainy day National Emergency Interest Bearing fund which can only be used when Congress declares a national emergency.

4. Congress can only borrow money during times of a declared National Crisis, or declared war by a vote of Congress...and any such money borrowed must be paid back within the next Congressional or Presidential Term.

My other idea? Abolish the Federal Reserve, then transfer the debt to the treasury. The Treasury then can take the interest on the national debt down to zero and (by law) start paying it down...back to the Federal Reserve member banks at 0% interest, just paying the principle. Treasury notes could be fractional gold and silver notes, and the value of the dollar would increase after it gets tied to real currency.

Voila...back we go to a Constitutional money supply. It would improve our standard of living and elevate US currency to greater global respectability We would become the de facto standard for international trade. The end result? We become debt-free in a decade, and then the surpluses could start going to things people want/vote for (providing we can afford them). Maybe community college?

Vote JD in 2024. Remember...Fuck everyone! That's my campaign slogan!

I have been saying it forever: enumerated powers or fuck off. If it ain't explicitly spelled out in the Constitution, it gets tossed. Then you start from scratch and prioritize - pay-as-you-go government. People can't simply "vote for it", it has to go through the amendment process and has to be paid for. It's called a return to constitutional government. Lawful, stable and predictable government - exactly what the free market needs to flourish.

This "money tree" economics is unlawful bullshit, brought to you by those who believe in and want unlimited tyrannical government: 'progressives'

Ted Cruz wants to abolish the IRS (cut off the 'progressive' money machine at the knees) and crack down hard on the Fed. It's a start. He's also a fearless brawler - the only candidate with balls who would fight the commie swine in both parties....which means if he became president I'm sure he'd be assassinated. (Oops, did I just say what I think I said? face)(*^%)

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
No offense JDouche, but Sarah Palin is smarter than you and she is fucking retarded. You remind me of that dude who wore a cutoff leather vest and a hat to a debate. Idiocracy coming to life. Just please don't have children. We don't need any more clowns running around with you and Sheriff Joe's thought process.

Very academic response, lol

You seem very educated, lol

Real life psycho, lol
Sep 24, 2009
Ted Cruz wants to abolish the IRS (cut off the 'progressive' money machine at the knees) and crack down hard on the Fed. It's a start. He's also a fearless brawler - the only candidate with balls who would fight the commie swine in both parties....which means if he became president I'm sure he'd be assassinated. (Oops, did I just say what I think I said? face)(*^%)

I'm sure he would be but you have a better chance of winning the lottery twice before he is elected.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
No offense JDouche, but Sarah Palin is smarter than you and she is fucking retarded. You remind me of that dude who wore a cutoff leather vest and a hat to a debate. Idiocracy coming to life. Just please don't have children. We don't need any more clowns running around with you and Sheriff Joe's thought process.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I'm sure he would be but you have a better chance of winning the lottery twice before he is elected.

Then the American people aren't willing to face the truth - yet. At some point, this is all going to come to a head and candidates like Cruz will take center stage.

Of course anyone who wants to keep the 'progressive' money tree charade going is going to be attacking Ted Cruz. Convincing people he's 'stupid' won't work, so they will try defining him as 'crazy' (whatever that means). If Cruz were black, the lamestream media would call him an Uncle Tom. It's same and song dance over and over against anyone who threatens the entrenched criminal establishment.

The middle class is getting hammered by aaaktard's Big Government money tree bullshit, so one would think at some point the American people are going to wisen up and stop letting the criminals stealing their wealth and savings pick their candidates.

Clinton, Bush 2.0, McCain, Obama, Romney, Clinton 2.0, Bush 3.0, Romney...lather, rinse, repeat....

It's a Gong Show in Washington, DC.
Jan 24, 2012
Then the American people aren't willing to face the truth - yet. At some point, this is all going to come to a head and candidates like Cruz will take center stage.

Of course anyone who wants to keep the 'progressive' money tree charade going is going to be attacking Ted Cruz. Convincing people he's 'stupid' won't work, so they will try defining him as 'crazy' (whatever that means). If Cruz were black, the lamestream media would call him an Uncle Tom. It's same and song dance over and over against anyone who threatens the entrenched criminal establishment.

The middle class is getting hammered by aaaktard's Big Government money tree bullshit, so one would think at some point the American people are going to wisen up and stop letting the criminals stealing their wealth and savings pick their candidates.

Clinton, Bush 2.0, McCain, Obama, Romney, Clinton 2.0, Bush 3.0, Romney...lather, rinse, repeat....

It's a Gong Show in Washington, DC.

Cruz is an opportunist and nothing more. I'm surprised you'd like a guy who is an Ivy League educated, Harvard JD( like Obama and Romney), and a career politician. Maybe it's the Canadian roots you can relate to.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Cruz is an opportunist and nothing more. I'm surprised you'd like a guy who is an Ivy League educated, Harvard JD( like Obama and Romney), and a career politician. Maybe it's the Canadian roots you can relate to.

Because he's a smooth-talkin' bar room brawler conservative who pisses off all the people I hate.

You can research every candidate where they stand on the issues and find your ideal 'match' - she's pro-life, I'm pro-life; he wants to repeal Obamacare, I want to repeal Obamacare etc.

That don't mean a thing if they'll eventually compromise their principles.

I love the fact Cruz is Canadian (better than a Kenyan!) and love the unconstitutional precedent set by the Community Organizer of governing with a pen and phone - no more messy negotiations with Congress and caving to commies in both parties! :103631605

Jul 4, 2012
That's a myth. In our economic system, we are all funded by the government or banks. Free enterprise has nothing to do with it.


The fact that you think you know anything about economics is surreal.

Jul 4, 2012
Economics is more complex once you graduate high school.

Um, you have no education in economics, you've never started a business, ran a business, made business decisions, hired or fired anyone, nor have you had a real job.

So you wouldn't know anything about the topic.

Your posts are comedy gold.


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