I love how this ignorant moron asserts Americans weren't productive before his precious Fed and ridiculous Keynesian theories came along.
Keynes was a dumb-ass socialist himself, so of course he'd be pro-govt spending and of course his ideas appeal to morons like alkiefagdrunk. Suggesting or implying a n economy can't function without government spending is idiotic.
Never fear, though. I'm announcing here on the RX that I'll be running for the presidency in 2024...and I'm also currently accepting all staff opening applications. Want to know my platform? It's simple. Here you go:
I don't give a fuck what your pet programs are, or how much money you think our government should be spending. If it isn't in the enumerated powers, it doesn't get funded.
Simply put, fuck everyone. That's my campaign slogan...fuck everyone. We as a nation are obese, so to get back into shape...take spending down to -1% of revenue and make equal percentage cuts to every single government program...INCLUDING FEDERAL SALARIES, pensions, and elected officials.
Fuck all of them. Balance the damn budget like any grown adult has to balance their own damn budget. Make it a damn federal law that simply states the following.
1. Government is forbidden from spending more that 99% of revenues in any tax year.
2. Half of all surpluses above projected and actual revenues automatically go towards paying down the national debt.
3. Of that remaining half, half of that will go towards paying back money borrowed from Social Security...and the other half will go to a rainy day National Emergency Interest Bearing fund which can only be used when Congress declares a national emergency.
4. Congress can only borrow money during times of a declared National Crisis, or declared war by a vote of Congress...and any such money borrowed must be paid back within the next Congressional or Presidential Term.
My other idea? Abolish the Federal Reserve, then transfer the debt to the treasury. The Treasury then can take the interest on the national debt down to zero and (by law) start paying it down...back to the Federal Reserve member banks at 0% interest, just paying the principle. Treasury notes could be fractional gold and silver notes, and the value of the dollar would increase after it gets tied to real currency.
Voila...back we go to a Constitutional money supply. It would improve our standard of living and elevate US currency to greater global respectability We would become the de facto standard for international trade. The end result? We become debt-free in a decade, and then the surpluses could start going to things people want/vote for (providing we can afford them). Maybe community college?
Vote JD in 2024. Remember...Fuck everyone! That's my campaign slogan!