He served his time, so give him another chance, I am ok with that. But I don't believe for one second that this guy has changed a bit. Just like Pac-Man, he will fvck up again and end up out of the league for good. This guy has been in making bad decisions his entire life, it is a part of his DNA. Distributing marijuana, flicking off fans, Ron Mexico, dogfighting, water bottle incident in airport, ect, ect. Think about how heinous this whole dogfighting incident was. This guy is completely soulless. Again, I am not saying that he does not deserve another chance, he does. He has paid his debt (well, some of them, creditors are probably pretty happy about the signing). But getting an endorsement from Tony Dungy is not enough to convince me that this is a good guy. Congrats Philly, your locker room has officially turn into a media circus.
beat me too it, i agree... i cant stand the people who are trumping him as a changed man, there was a report out that when he was speaking to a youth group in atlanta about whatever they "paid" him to speak about he was basically mailing it in, just there because he had too, i dont for one minute believed he changed.