Michael Savage on Autism


New member
Sep 20, 2004
Darryl, you and Romo are my 2 favorite posters in the Political Forum.


Heh, thanks QL. Couple times I was thinking to myself why the hell I hang out here and I went through some ideas...

to find friends? Nahh, I've got a family, don't even have enough time for the friends I got, so cyber buddies are enough...

to find a man for my daughters someday? Hmmm...maybe...let's see, from the Rx is there anyone that I could imagine...I went through everyone I could think of here and I made a short list of three ... I think it was you, Romo and tizzy.

Don't get excited, though, my 14 y.o. won't even consider anyone over 16 (she's a control freak) and my other one is only 4. It was just a silly mental exercise I did while passing some time...

Defender of the Faith
Aug 13, 2005
Parents better be damned sure that the physician actually does have their child's best interests in mind. Sorry, but I don't believe that they necessarily do.

What evidence do you have to back this statement?

New member
Sep 20, 2004
family. family is the most important thing and the thing that has been absent in this society for years now. i'm not only talking about the one parent families you guys only make deals about, i'm talking about the mom dad household who never do anything with there kids, dont advise them, just go off in there own world of work, essentially thinking of the child as more of a burden then something positive.

essentially the normal american household is eating in 3 separate rooms now, instead of at the table together. when that happens you let ouside influences break you down, instead of staying to the core, which is your family.

family is completely gone in this country

I definitely agree with you there. Spoken like a true social conservative.

IMO the public school system does a lot to break families apart, that's why I'm homeschooling my kids. They teach you to get your important info. from various experts and authority figures and not your parents.

Just a little thing but highly symbolic of bigger things...

I remember in driver's ed class the teacher explained that you should never do rolling stops. He said, "Maybe you see your parents do rolling stops but you should know that that's wrong. Even at 2 mph you are in a small amount of danger. Your parents develop bad habits over time and I'm here to show you how to do it right."

After that lesson, being young and impressionable, I remember thinking "hey yeah, he's right, I'm gonna be like him and I'll be a great driver"

So then next time my dad did a rolling stop I argued with him about why that's wrong. He basically admitted it's wrong but said he's too lazy and can't be bothered. So I came out of the episode admiring the teacher and thinking my dad was a lazy goofball.

That was at age 16. Then about 15 years later, after I developed my philosophy of life, I realized the system was wrong and my dad was right, although he shouldn't have admitted to being lazy IMO.

Of course there is nothing wrong with a rolling stop. Stop signs are the silliest thing in the world in 98% of the cases. The only reason intersections don't have yield signs in one direction and free passage in the other direction is that there are a lot of idiots out there who will speed and do dangerous stuff. Well I'm not one of those idiots so it is absolutely correct for me to do a rolling stop whenever I'm sure that it's safe and I can get away with it. That's the lesson I plan to teach my kids and sadly it's in direct conflict with what they would hear in school.

The point of what I'm saying is that the education system pitted me against my dad and actually won a small battle for my heart and mind. Do that on enough issues for enough time and you can do some real damage to family unity.

Of course it's not just the education system at fault. A lot of parents just don't seem to care and I agree that's a tragedy.
Dec 11, 2006
Johnny Mac,

Try this from Google:

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=j>May 2, 2006: FDA adverse drug reaction reports linked 45 child deaths to new antipsychotic drugs. There were also more than 1300 reports of other ...
www.cchr.org/press_room/int_drug_warnings_since_2004/ - 61k -

or this:

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=j>I’m even more disturbed by the fact that a psychiatrist at a major medical center would prescribe powerful medications requiring careful dosage to a child ...
warner.blogs.nytimes.com/2007/02/22/why-rebecca-died/ - 235k

or this:

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=j>Prominent child psychiatrist William Ayres pleads not guilty ...... In total disregard of the drugs' new warnings, doctors continue to prescribe SSRIs to ...
psychdata.blogspot.com/2007_04_01_archive.html - 217k

My point was that I have witnessed myself, firsthand, cases where adults were mistreated with the wrong drugs. I swear that it's a guessing game for many physicians. Why would the treatment of children be any more ethical?

Defender of the Faith
Aug 13, 2005
Johnny Mac,

Try this from Google:

<table style="width: 507px; height: 486px;" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td class="j">May 2, 2006: FDA adverse drug reaction reports linked 45 child deaths to new antipsychotic drugs. There were also more than 1300 reports of other ...
www.cchr.org/press_room/int_drug_warnings_since_2004/ - 61k -

or this:

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td class="j">I’m even more disturbed by the fact that a psychiatrist at a major medical center would prescribe powerful medications requiring careful dosage to a child ...
warner.blogs.nytimes.com/2007/02/22/why-rebecca-died/ - 235k

or this:

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td class="j">Prominent child psychiatrist William Ayres pleads not guilty ...... In total disregard of the drugs' new warnings, doctors continue to prescribe SSRIs to ...
psychdata.blogspot.com/2007_04_01_archive.html - 217k

My point was that I have witnessed myself, firsthand, cases where adults were mistreated with the wrong drugs. I swear that it's a guessing game for many physicians. Why would the treatment of children be any more ethical?

Your first statement (that I quoted in post #62) implies that physicians are intentionally prescribing medications to children because they are in the drug company's pockets, and hence the physicians really do not care about the best interest of the child/patient. Those are pretty bold statements. Essentially, you are saying doctors do not care about kids. I find that ludicrous.

The Google cites above are not actual links, so I cannot divine any context from them. Your personal experience above I don't think really backs up your original point, because it is rather unclear. I mean, are you saying the doctors were guessing with prescriptions in trying to find a course of treatment? Or were they intentionally mistreating an individual for fun or profit?

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
"45 child deaths" certainly creates a dramatic image, until we ask, "Out of how many doses?"

Sep 23, 2004
One thing is for sure, this guy knows a fraud. He sees one in the mirror every morning. He doesn't even use his real name on the job. He should go by his real name... Mick Weiner.
Dec 11, 2006
Johnny Mac,

Where did I imply that doctors were mistreating people "for fun and profit" or because they were in the "drug company's pockets"? I didn't.

There can be a whole myriad of reasons why doctors misprescribe drugs, none of course which they would admit to. I gave you some anecdotal evidence that they do from my personal experience.

I have no dog in this hunt. I have nothing to do with the medical community.

My contention was simply that they do misprescribe drugs. Some doctors. Sometimes.

I am not particularly computer savvy. I did the best I could to bring you the links from the Google search I did to support my contention as you requested. The links are there. Type them into your search bar. If you are not satisfied with that do your own search using keywords "child psychiatry" and "overprescribed drugs". Or "misprecribed drugs".

I had a different perspective to lend to the conversation. I did.

Thank you.

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