family. family is the most important thing and the thing that has been absent in this society for years now. i'm not only talking about the one parent families you guys only make deals about, i'm talking about the mom dad household who never do anything with there kids, dont advise them, just go off in there own world of work, essentially thinking of the child as more of a burden then something positive.
essentially the normal american household is eating in 3 separate rooms now, instead of at the table together. when that happens you let ouside influences break you down, instead of staying to the core, which is your family.
family is completely gone in this country
I definitely agree with you there. Spoken like a true social conservative.
IMO the public school system does a lot to break families apart, that's why I'm homeschooling my kids. They teach you to get your important info. from various experts and authority figures and not your parents.
Just a little thing but highly symbolic of bigger things...
I remember in driver's ed class the teacher explained that you should never do rolling stops. He said, "Maybe you see your parents do rolling stops but you should know that that's wrong. Even at 2 mph you are in a small amount of danger. Your parents develop bad habits over time and I'm here to show you how to do it right."
After that lesson, being young and impressionable, I remember thinking "hey yeah, he's right, I'm gonna be like him and I'll be a great driver"
So then next time my dad did a rolling stop I argued with him about why that's wrong. He basically admitted it's wrong but said he's too lazy and can't be bothered. So I came out of the episode admiring the teacher and thinking my dad was a lazy goofball.
That was at age 16. Then about 15 years later, after I developed my philosophy of life, I realized the system was wrong and my dad was right, although he shouldn't have admitted to being lazy IMO.
Of course there is nothing wrong with a rolling stop. Stop signs are the silliest thing in the world in 98% of the cases. The only reason intersections don't have yield signs in one direction and free passage in the other direction is that there are a lot of idiots out there who will speed and do dangerous stuff. Well I'm not one of those idiots so it is absolutely correct for me to do a rolling stop whenever I'm sure that it's safe and I can get away with it. That's the lesson I plan to teach my kids and sadly it's in direct conflict with what they would hear in school.
The point of what I'm saying is that the education system pitted me against my dad and actually won a small battle for my heart and mind. Do that on enough issues for enough time and you can do some real damage to family unity.
Of course it's not just the education system at fault. A lot of parents just don't seem to care and I agree that's a tragedy.