Michael Savage on Autism


New member
Sep 21, 2004
and the circus show between the left and right continues and you all play along

With all due respect to conservatives and those on the right, I wouldn't say that this is a right/left issue. This is a decent persons/bigoted idiots issue. Most on the right are decent persons.

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
the guy is paid to rant and stir up controversy of course these talking heads are gonna say stupid shit from time to time

instant media attention

didn't read what mamaitried wrote....that's what i mean....
Oct 30, 2006
The Autism Controversy

My comments about autism were meant to boldly awaken parents and children to the medical community's attempt to label too many children or adults as "autistic."

Just as some drug companies have overdiagnosed "ADD" and "ADHD" to peddle dangerous speed-like drugs to children as young as 4 years of age, this cartel of doctors and drug companies is now creating a national panic by overdiagnosing "autism, for which there is no definitive medical diagnosis!

Many children are being victimized by being diagnosed with an "illness" which may not exist, in all cases. Just a few weeks ago doctors recommended dangerous anti-cholesterol drugs for children as young as 2 years of age! Without any scientific studies on the possible dangers of such drugs on children, corrupt doctors made this controversial, unscientific recommendation.

Increasingly, our children are being used as profit centers by a greedy, corrupt medical/pharmaceutical establishment. As the brother of a severely disabled person who suffered and died in a New York "snake-pit" of a "mental hospital," I know first-hand what true disability is.

To permit greedy doctors to include children in medical categories which may not be appropriate is a crime against that child and their family. Let the truly autistic be treated. Let the falsely diagnosed be free.

Michael Savage

New member
Mar 16, 2006
"As the brother of a severely disabled person who suffered and died in a New York "snake-pit" of a "mental hospital," I know first-hand what true disability is."

Fk off your brother was a faking lazy fk, if only your daddy had kicked his ass like he did yours he would of been normal.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I would suggest Savage is reacting to the over diagnosis of the disease, rather than the disease itself, although he didn't say that. There is little doubt that it is over diagnosed, similarly to ADHD.

Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Nov 17, 2005
I like Savage but, he was out of line here.

Agreed, I like some of his points although I wouldnt call myself a fan

here he was out of line, however not to the point D2 is taking it. JMO

New member
Dec 7, 2005
Agreed, I like some of his points although I wouldnt call myself a fan

here he was out of line, however not to the point D2 is taking it. JMO

The guy is out of line for expressing his opinion? I don't get it.

Everyone has a disease. Everyone needs a pill.
Someone has to call out the medical/pharmaceutical complex.

"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004

A survey by Newsday asked:

Should shock-jock Michael Savage be fired after his remarks on autism?
Yes, they're outrageous (927 responses)
No, it's a free country (713 responses)
No, he's thrives on saying offensive stuff (176 responses)

Conservative radio talk show jock Michael Savage
is the POS who coined the oft repeated absurdist statement that Joe C and the rest off the wingnut crowd parrots every other day-

"Liberalism is a mental disorder."

" Autism is "a fraud, a racket he says... In 99 percent of the cases, it's a brat who hasn't been told to cut the act out. ... They don't have a father around to tell them, 'Don't act like a moron. ... Act like a man. Don't sit there crying and screaming, idiot. "
Michael should have listened to his father.
Maybe Phil Graham is right-. there are simply too many hate filled "Weiners" in this country- starting with you Michael.
Outraged parents protested outside the Manhattan offices of his broadcaster, calling for his firing.

No big deal.

Aflac Pulls Ads from 'The Savage Nation'
July 21, 2008
-By Kenneth Hein
Aflac announced today (July 21) that it is pulling its ads from the nationally-syndicated talk radio show The Savage Nation. A rep for the insurance provider told Brandweek that it will no longer advertise on the show hosted by Michael Savage (real name Michael Alan Weiner) because of offensive comments he made about children with autism.

Big deal.

For those who think he's untouchable:
He got canned from his TV show for hate speech- telling a listener to "die of Aids you pig."

"Aflac has a strong commitment to helping children through the Aflac Cancer Center and Aflac Foundation," said a rep. "We understand that radio hosts pick on any number of targets however we found his recent comments about autistic children to be both inappropriate and insensitive."
Aflac spent $90 million on advertising last year, per Nielsen Monitor-Plus.

Now THAT will get you canned like tuna every time...

Have a nice permanent vacation Michael....:howdy:

Hate speech comes in many forms- you of all people should know that...:nohead:



"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004
If he had just limited his hate speech to Big Pharma I would have given him a medal.

But he attacked the most innocent and helpless of our people- the sick and dying of everything from tainted vaccines children of this country.

Leave those kids alone you maggot.

Who can defend you for that?

There is no forgiveness for that.

Racist rants against blacks and other minorities schooling their children to fake a cough to get an asthma diagnosis and more "welfare" money?

Worse than "knappy headed ho's"

Worse than Rush Limbaugh making fun of Michael Fox.

And then he throws Big Pharma under the bus trying to wriggle out of his stupid remarks?

Now that is a real mental disorder.

They will cut your nuts off and chew them in front of you for that big mouth. Welcome to the real world dipshit...:nohead:

So nice to see evil eating itself for a change.


"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004
<TABLE class=tborder style="BORDER-TOP-WIDTH: 0px" cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR title="Post 5571098" vAlign=top><TD class=alt1 align=middle width=125>Joe Contrarian</TD><TD class=alt2>I think TR has autism.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


Dont we all Joe... dont we all.

It is something inside of us - unseen
A concentrated impulse to revise something that is not so uniform
To be wiped off the board in haste for want of something new
Which jabbers on endlessly- "Today my name is...."


"Here we go again"
Jul 1, 2006
I despise savage, but I don't think he should be fired or fined, let the free market decide that. If enough peopl find it offensive they should not listen, and if enough people don't listen he will lose his job.

That said, his comments right there show how ignorant he is on the subject.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
I agree the comments were insensitive, but I can't imagine being even 1% as offended as D2 seems to be for anything anyone could say on the radio, or anything at all for that matter.

Find my achilles heel, take apart my kids' DNA, find the weakest gene in it, say they have that gene because I'm a loser/asshole/racist/whatever, have all the liberals applaud, make a law that disallows my kids from ever going to public schools or getting any public money whatsoever, while making us all subject to the same taxation as everyone else, have all but the most hardcore righty doctors stick their tongues out at me and go na-na-na-na-na and say "we don't treat losers" whenever I go for treatment, etc. etc. (you get the idea) ...

and I still don't think I'd be anywhere near as offended as D2 seems to be.

That's the part I don't get. :think2:

New member
Jul 21, 2006
ill say it once, ill say it again. just because you talk for a career doesn't mean you can't be held responsible for what comes out of your mouth. the same people who say turn the dial, switch the station, are the same ones who want rap banned, "because of its bad message". can't have it both ways.

people need to be held responsible for their actions instead of this dumb you can say whatever you want free speech shit. this is how the country has downspiraled so much. nobody takes responsibility for what they say. they dont think before they talk.

Defender of the Faith
Aug 13, 2005
The American people own the airwaves, Weiner's company only holds a license to operate on them. When he says something like this that is so ignorant of the medical facts and hateful to boot, he should lose his privilege to broadcast on publically owned frequencies.

New member
Jul 21, 2006
where did we fall apart? why are so many of you afraid to hold somebody accountable for what he says? why dont you guys stand up to that type of rhetoric instead of passively allow it. 30-40 years ago you say what the normal american kid says to you, they kick your ass and take you behind the woodshed.

you guys are ok with it though for some reason, which is a big reason with lack of morals and ethical values in society. parents who dont give a damn what there kids say or do, because they wont hold them accountable. this thread is the poster child for that.

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