If he had just limited his hate speech to Big Pharma I would have given him a medal.
But he attacked the most innocent and helpless of our people- the sick and dying of everything from tainted vaccines children of this country.
Leave those kids alone you maggot.
Who can defend you for that?
There is no forgiveness for that.
Racist rants against blacks and other minorities schooling their children to fake a cough to get an asthma diagnosis and more "welfare" money?
Worse than "knappy headed ho's"
Worse than Rush Limbaugh making fun of Michael Fox.
And then he throws Big Pharma under the bus trying to wriggle out of his stupid remarks?
Now that is a real mental disorder.
They will cut your nuts off and chew them in front of you for that big mouth. Welcome to the real world dipshit...:nohead:
So nice to see evil eating itself for a change.