Michael Savage on Autism


New member
Sep 20, 2004
GTC, you seem to be contradicting yourself here...

The original comments, while insensitive, are in the direction of what you are saying, ie. people should be more accountable by disciplining their kids rather than getting some type of nouveau art deco diagnosis for their bad behavior. (I'm not saying that autism is necessarily such a diagnosis, just pointing out the argument the author is trying to make, even if he is not succeeding)

Are you suggesting that people should apply the same prinicples to discipline adult strangers as they do to discipline their own children?

New member
Jul 21, 2006
parsons, remember who keeps these people employed, we do. if we dont listen to there show ,they have no job. i loved it when people got outraged and dumped imus before over that comment attacking the rutgers team. people stood up and said hey, you need to be responsible for what you say and you need to actually think before you speak.

these days, majority of you seem to be ok with these radio figures saying whatever they want because the people listening have no morals themselves. they dont hold these people responsible for what they say, which is a moral lost many years ago in this once great nation.

now if we were back in the old days and you had these hosts talking like they are now, the hosts would be long gone.

just listen to your kid the next time he talks to you. if you did the same thing to your father you would've had your ass handed to you.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
GTC, I don't listen to such radio shows, so if everyone was like me, these guys wouldn't have a job. I also don't apply double standards because I'm not trying to silence anyone who says stuff I disagree with.

I just think disciplining your own kids is completely different from disciplining radio show hosts.

New member
Mar 16, 2006
GTC, I don't listen to such radio shows, so if everyone was like me, these guys wouldn't have a job. I also don't apply double standards because I'm not trying to silence anyone who says stuff I disagree with.

I just think disciplining your own kids is completely different from disciplining radio show hosts.

The main problem I have is his attempt to put a number on it like 99%

dp the market is so huge what ever nutty views you have there is probably a profitable market. So turning them off won't silence them. Some ppl unfortunately might not understand the stupidity of his statement.

I can see some really stupid parents laying a azz whipping on their autistic son under Savages advice, and that aint right.

New member
Jul 21, 2006
GTC, I don't listen to such radio shows, so if everyone was like me, these guys wouldn't have a job. I also don't apply double standards because I'm not trying to silence anyone who says stuff I disagree with.

I just think disciplining your own kids is completely different from disciplining radio show hosts.

no because you are the one who controls the host. the host has no job if you keep him accountable for what he says and his actions, similar to a kid. if a kid talks back to you, or says something wrong, you discipline him. if a radio host does that, we discipline him by complaining and getting him kicked off the air, like imus.

problem with society these days is the parents let the kids say whatever they want to them and dont discipline and hold them responsible. theyll be ok with rush calling someone a n***** because the listeners themselves have no morals anymore, which reflects on a criminal, abandoned, and troubled youth in america.

the typical american parent essentially has no ethical or moral values anymore. you got kids in high school calling teachers bitches and assholes, they think its ok because they say it to there parents and the parents wont do shit. just complete degeneration of our society.

people in this thread backing these idiot hosts are just more examples of a huge problem. and dont give me this free speech. people know whats right and wrong, and whats acceptable or not.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
The difference between disciplining a radio show host and disciplining your own kid is that you have almost 100% control over how you raise your kid, yet you have about 0.000001% control over what happens to a radio show host. Also, you have a huge vested interest in your kid's success or failure while the fate of a radio show host that you've never even heard about is not going to impact your life too much. So you are looking at huge influence over something with a great impact on your life vs. almost no influence over something with little impact on your life.

BTW are you saying the 1st amendment is flawed?

New member
Sep 20, 2004
The main problem I have is his attempt to put a number on it like 99%

dp the market is so huge what ever nutty views you have there is probably a profitable market. So turning them off won't silence them. Some ppl unfortunately might not understand the stupidity of his statement.

I can see some really stupid parents laying a azz whipping on their autistic son under Savages advice, and that aint right.

Maybe so, but I can see other parents getting their kids drugged up for something that's not even a real disease under the advice of those types who want to silence this guy and guys like Imus.

Too much shit going on in the world to get all riled up about what one guy says on the radio IMO. Every day over 100,000 people die because of poverty/malnutrition yet some people only seem to get worked up about the latest thing shown in the media, almost as though the other stuff isn't there.

New member
Jul 21, 2006
Maybe so, but I can see other parents getting their kids drugged up for something that's not even a real disease under the advice of those types who want to silence this guy and guys like Imus.

Too much shit going on in the world to get all riled up about what one guy says on the radio IMO. Every day over 100,000 people die because of poverty/malnutrition yet some people only seem to get worked up about the latest thing shown in the media, almost as though the other stuff isn't there.

parsons, my point is where did we fall off. just in general. i mean why do i have to hear imus call someone a gook or a n***** to be entertained. what moral, ethical, lessons can i learn from that. i mean shit even on tv.

remember the days where you had family matters, cosby, full house, golden girls, shows that were entertaining but taught people important lessons. why are all those shows now replaced by your typical nightly lineup of murder, death, bad attitude, sex, etc. that we see. that happened because we regressed as a society, lost moral, ethical values.

we have MMA on cbs primetime, which is enough for me to conclude that the ball landed with a fuggin thud.

Everything's Legal in the USofA...Just don't get c
Jun 27, 2007
remember the days where you had family matters, cosby, full house, golden girls, shows that were entertaining but taught people important lessons.

All of those shows really sucked, except Golden Girls. Which just plain sucked.

I'll be in the Bar..With my head on the Bar
Oct 3, 2004
He NEVER insulted kids with Autism........NEVER not once did he say anything about kids WHO ACTUALLY HAVE AUTISM.....He was talking about MISDIAGNOSED cases of which there are millions. He admitted he took liberties in saying 99 out of 100 but he's a talk show host, not a reporter and exaggerating facts is no crime.
In particular he talked about a case where a woman had a son who was diagnosed with Autism by THE SCHOOL STAFF......NO medical doctor at all JUST the idiots at her sons school who came to this conclusion after running a 20 minute test ! She spent THOUSANDS on treatments, analysis, drugs, who knows what all. Then she read about a Dr who worked with Autisic children she brought her son to him. HE SPENT 4 HOURS RUNNING TESTS....4 HOURS, not 20 mins AND told the woman her son was perfectly fine!!!!!
This is what he was talking about and these damn uninformed liberals who fly off the handle.."eww he's attacking kids" NO he wasnt!! he was attacking the Pharma corps and the liberal deadheads in our schools who go along with this bullshit JUST TO MAKE MONEY!!!! these same liberals sit around all day and cry that BIG OIL is robbing us blind AND NO ONE WILL SPEAK OUT.......Yet Savage speaks out against these rapists and they cry about him...
And that my friend is how a long legged mack daddy pimp can become the nominee of these liberal fools...

Oh boy!
Mar 21, 2004
I agree the comments were insensitive, but I can't imagine being even 1% as offended as D2 seems to be for anything anyone could say on the radio, or anything at all for that matter.

Find my achilles heel, take apart my kids' DNA, find the weakest gene in it, say they have that gene because I'm a loser/asshole/racist/whatever, have all the liberals applaud, make a law that disallows my kids from ever going to public schools or getting any public money whatsoever, while making us all subject to the same taxation as everyone else, have all but the most hardcore righty doctors stick their tongues out at me and go na-na-na-na-na and say "we don't treat losers" whenever I go for treatment, etc. etc. (you get the idea) ...

and I still don't think I'd be anywhere near as offended as D2 seems to be.

That's the part I don't get. :think2:

Darryl, you and Romo are my 2 favorite posters in the Political Forum.


Everything's Legal in the USofA...Just don't get c
Jun 27, 2007
mixed martial arts

Oh. I have to agree with you there. If enough people are actually watching that for them to put it in prime time, then it doesn't bode well for our future.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
The difference between disciplining a radio show host and disciplining your own kid is that you have almost 100% control over how you raise your kid, yet you have about 0.000001% control over what happens to a radio show host. Also, you have a huge vested interest in your kid's success or failure while the fate of a radio show host that you've never even heard about is not going to impact your life too much. So you are looking at huge influence over something with a great impact on your life vs. almost no influence over something with little impact on your life.

BTW are you saying the 1st amendment is flawed?

What someone like Savage tells millions of his listeners can impact people. And when he's telling impressionable listeners that kids who are labeled autistic (or 99% of them) are just fakers, frauds, have bad parents, are morons, idiots, putzes, etc etc who just need to be yelled at and ridiculed.....that can have effect on people. Unfortunately.

Rx. Poster
Dec 9, 2007
D2, dont you think that most people know that his comments were ridiculous? I mean, how many people in this country think that autistic children are faking? Answer...very few. How many would change that opinion after listening to Michael Savage? Answer...very few. I dont think his comments will influence anyone in this regard.

I am a conservative and I listen to Savage all the time. He makes a lot of sense a lot of the time but, he also says some crazy shit once in a while. I do not agree with all of his political and social positions and I do not agree with him on the autism rant.
Dec 11, 2006
I happen to think that there is a lot of truth in what the guy said.

And no I don't see this as a conservative/liberal issue.

It is an issue of how our healthcare system has devolved.

Drugs. Drugs. And more drugs. This is our current system of healthcare's solution to everything.

Autism is a foggy disease. There is no green dot that appears on a chlid's forehead to definitatively signal autism.

If I were the parent of a child with such a diagnosis I would think long and hard before submitting my child to any drug program.

I have seen physician abuse of drugs in several adult situations. Why would I want my child to go down that path unless I were absolutely sure that there was no alternative. If physicians cavalierly misprescribe drugs for adults what makes you so sure that they don't do the same for children?

It cannot be a healthy thing for a child to one day recognize that the society of which he is a part considered him unfit to partake in that society without altering his chemistry through a pill.

Parents better be damned sure that the physician actually does have their child's best interests in mind. Sorry, but I don't believe that they necessarily do.

As for Michael Savage's right to say what he said, remember that free speech applies to everyone, not just the people enunciating the message you support.

As for attacking children - gimme a break. I'll guarantee that there aren't five children in America who heard Michael Savage's message or the fallout from that message. Of the five that may have heard it it is likely that none have even the slightest clue as to what he was trying to say.

He is ADVOCATING for the children by shaking a finger at parents and the medical community. The children aren't the target. Parents and the medical community are.

Talk about message misinterpretation. You guys are so hateful of the messenger that you couldn't possibly hear the good in his message.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
parsons, my point is where did we fall off. just in general. i mean why do i have to hear imus call someone a gook or a n***** to be entertained. what moral, ethical, lessons can i learn from that. i mean shit even on tv.

remember the days where you had family matters, cosby, full house, golden girls, shows that were entertaining but taught people important lessons. why are all those shows now replaced by your typical nightly lineup of murder, death, bad attitude, sex, etc. that we see. that happened because we regressed as a society, lost moral, ethical values.

we have MMA on cbs primetime, which is enough for me to conclude that the ball landed with a fuggin thud.

Hehe, funny you should mention MMA. I just came back from seeing Affliction Banned live in Anaheim. Flight to other side of the country cost $350, ticket to the event was $450 (I paid face value), food/drinks/hotel/car another $500, all just to see a bunch of guys pound the crap out of each other.

I think I can make an excuse for MMA and other aggressive sports in that it provides an outlet for aggression that can be therapeutic for a lot of people (especially males). Without such outlets you'd see a lot more violence in everyday life IMO. Also, MMA requires a lot of talent, unlike WWF which was all theatrics.

But I agree with you overall that there has been tremendous moral decay in society over the past few decades. The big questions are what are the causes and what should be done about it, if anything?

New member
Jul 21, 2006
Hehe, funny you should mention MMA. I just came back from seeing Affliction Banned live in Anaheim. Flight to other side of the country cost $350, ticket to the event was $450 (I paid face value), food/drinks/hotel/car another $500, all just to see a bunch of guys pound the crap out of each other.

I think I can make an excuse for MMA and other aggressive sports in that it provides an outlet for aggression that can be therapeutic for a lot of people (especially males). Without such outlets you'd see a lot more violence in everyday life IMO. Also, MMA requires a lot of talent, unlike WWF which was all theatrics.

But I agree with you overall that there has been tremendous moral decay in society over the past few decades. The big questions are what are the causes and what should be done about it, if anything?

family. family is the most important thing and the thing that has been absent in this society for years now. i'm not only talking about the one parent families you guys only make deals about, i'm talking about the mom dad household who never do anything with there kids, dont advise them, just go off in there own world of work, essentially thinking of the child as more of a burden then something positive.

essentially the normal american household is eating in 3 separate rooms now, instead of at the table together. when that happens you let ouside influences break you down, instead of staying to the core, which is your family.

family is completely gone in this country

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