Memories Pizza in Indiana learns about tolerance


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Lmao.....yeah jdeucebag Ted Cruz would win a general election. Your election predictions might be worse than your game of the year predictions

anything more comical than jdeucebag quoting sheriff joe? Fucking hysterical

can you post the pizza shop total again. We are all so jealous. Hahahaha

New member
Sep 21, 2004
LOL, vtard has no family or friends! LOL, that's why he spends 20 hours a day on this site, begging people to interact with him. LOL, everyone who has ever met him wishes he was dead. LOL, he's a proven liar and loser.

Is that how nine-year-olds converse with each other nowadays?

Rx. Senior
Nov 8, 2007
Equating the homosexual lifestyle with skin color? Non sequitur.

I did not do any such thing. I simply questioned how this marketing strategy with other similar marketing strategies.

wikipedia says non-sequitur requires a conclusion. Asking a question is not the same as drawing a conclusion.

Now to hypothesize: My thought is that right not the anti-gay support is much greater than the anti-black support, but in a few years that will change as the gays are becoming more and more popular. A lot of credit to these guys for timing this perfectly

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Libtard Logic 101:



Not a conspiracy:

New member
Oct 29, 2010
LOL, vtard has no family or friends! LOL, that's why he spends 20 hours a day on this site, begging people to interact with him. LOL, everyone who has ever met him wishes he was dead. LOL, he's a proven liar and loser.

Is that how nine-year-olds converse with each other nowadays?

You're always here

im 60-47 and just won an ncaa contest. You are 0 for your last 3 including a hysterically funny game of the year loser. Please post one of those golden fades. For Easter gift

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Like Joe said...when politicians aren't willing to rise up and take a stand against this shit, the people sure as hell are.

The People vote against thse immoral Hollyweird perversions in OVERWHELMING numbers in state after state, yet the militant sodomite agenda marches forward usurping the People's rights every step along the way. If the ruling class refuse to listen and cave these witch hunts, if the courts refuse to abide by the rule of law...what then is the final course?

Eventually, civil disobedience which could snowball into a new American revolution, becomes the ONLY course.

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, -
-That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
Sep 21, 2004
I did not do any such thing. I simply questioned how this marketing strategy with other similar marketing strategies.

wikipedia says non-sequitur requires a conclusion. Asking a question is not the same as drawing a conclusion.

Now to hypothesize: My thought is that right not the anti-gay support is much greater than the anti-black support, but in a few years that will change as the gays are becoming more and more popular. A lot of credit to these guys for timing this perfectly

Timing it perfectly? You act like it was a deliberate plan on their part?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013



I have a dream.

I have a dream that I will wake up one day in a country where we don’t have to go to court or pass a law to protect our fundamental natural rights—from the government.

I have a dream of a place where elected officials have so much regard for the Constitution that they memorize it like Scripture, in order to not sin against it.

I have a dream about a country where it doesn’t matter if you are on the right or the left, because you have so much respect for the freedoms you were given that you’d do nothing to put those liberties at risk.

If you told me that America in 2015 was such a place, I’d have to say, “April Fools” and go back to sleep.

Unfortunately, the joke is on us.

States have been forced to pass laws in order to protect the First Amendment right of Americans to practice their faith and believe as they choose—if they happen to own a certain type of business.

The fact that new laws are necessary to uphold a fundamental right is a travesty.

And it is a sign of how far we’ve fallen from the Founders’ vision of a nation where the government kept its hands off your business, your religion and your rights.

Regardless of the politics of this embarrassing charade playing out in Indiana and other states, the stakes couldn’t be higher. This battle isn’t about a gay person’s right to be served; this fight is about whether a gay rights activist can use the government and the courts to coerce someone into doing something that violates their faith.

That takes this out of the bedroom and puts this debate squarely into the realm of the Constitution. After all, does a woman who wants an abortion have the right to demand that a “pro-life” gynecologist perform it? No. That would violate that doctor’s faith. Does the woman lose the legal right to obtain an abortion if one doctor refuses to perform it? No. She simply has to find an abortionist.

It’s not rocket science. It’s about respecting the diverse range of religious belief that makes up America.

And to think the left is always harping about “diversity”—but that’s only as long as you agree with them.

Is there a limit to what an individual can force a business to do? Can a Jewish Kosher deli be forced to sell me a BLT if I take it to court? Can a Muslim be forced to violate his faith in order to please the demands of a Christian customer who wants a ham sandwich and a beer?

Does a Christian business owner have “equal rights” under the law? Or is it time to acknowledge that the big push for “equality” by gay rights activists has never been about equality?

After all, equality means that you have no more “rights” than anyone else. There are no “straight rights” groups. There are no “straight, Christian rights” groups. And there are certainly no “straight, Christian, white male” groups. If any formed, they’d be laughed out of existence, and rightly so.

Most Americans are sick and tired of having their beliefs and their values assaulted on a daily basis in the name of a false equality. While I abhor any crime committed against a person because simply because they are gay—that is evil and the perpetrator should be punished to the full extent of the law—that does not condone “gay rights” groups pressuring the government to harm an innocent business owner simply because of the tenets of his or her faith.

The gay rights movement, in concert with hardcore leftists in power today, has pushed for “anti-discrimination” laws in every state and university and public institution that essentially make it illegal for Christians to hold true to their faith without having to go to court.

In California, a Christian organization or any faith-based organization can no longer be recognized on campus if it requires candidates to profess a belief in the tenets of that faith as a requirement for leadership.

The left trades on noble-sounding causes, but really has one agenda: revenge. That victim mentality is a particularly dangerous pathology, and it is virulently anti-American in its ideology.

The idea that Americans would have to choose between violating their faith or losing their businesses is an insult to those who risked everything to found a country where religious liberty was first and foremost protected from the government.

If the Government and the Supreme Court uphold the right to coerce an individual against their will to do something that is against their faith, then we will have legalized tyranny in the land founded on freedom.

Today, it’s cake and flower shops. Tomorrow, the government will be in the door of your church—just as the mayor tried last year in Houston—to dictate what you believe and what you can say or hear from the pulpit.

Don’t believe it could happen here? It already has and will continue until enough people take a stand. We must stand with the business owner and throw off the chains of militant propaganda being force-fed by our government, through our media, and in our schools, and say:

“I don’t care what you do in your bedroom or who you choose to love, but when you come into my church and my business and try to coerce me to do something against my beliefs, that’s where I draw the line! Just as I have no right to tell you what you can and cannot do in the privacy of your bedroom, you have no right to tell me what I can and cannot do in my business. So, if you cannot respect my beliefs, get out and stay out!”

And then we need to remember that we must defend that right for every American, regardless of race, religion or creed, because this is about defending one of the most important freedoms this country was founded to protect—religious liberty.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Posted by soopermexican on Apr 5, 2015 at 11:17 PM in Politics | 0 Comments
By soopermexican

LGBT advocates, feminists and liberals are all going insane over the donations that “Memories Pizza” has received from Americans who support their right to Freedom of Religion. In order to “show up” conservatives, one had the bright idea to start their own donation campaign for money to help homeless LGBT kids:

Many of the comments specifically mention the “Memories Pizza” campaign that made $842,600, saying that they’re going to show us “what being Christ-like is REALLY about!” Well, two days in and they’re doing a pretty crappy job of it:

What they don’t understand is that the donations to Memories Pizza wasn’t about hatred or bigotry, but they were about people supporting our freedom to practice our faith. All they have proven with this campaign is that charity driven by love will succeed, but that driven by hatred will die on the vine.

Read more:


Rx. Senior
Nov 8, 2007
Timing it perfectly? You act like it was a deliberate plan on their part?

Whether it was deliberate or not, they deserve a lot of credit for it. Do you really disagree with that? Do you really disagree that if anyone tried this 20 years ago it would have meant a nearly million dollar profit? If not, than you absolutely have to agree it was timed perfectly

New member
Aug 28, 2012
I cant believe how far they will go when someone doesn't agree with their agenda.

So are people shocked that hard-core Christian family business said they wouldn't cater a gay wedding? Shocking isn't it???

But, did this Christian family say they would protest that wedding? Did they say they would call in threats to that wedding? Did they say they would burn the wedding venue down? Did they say they would boycott anything and everything that gay couple would do?

What gets me is how one side just made a simple statement and said they wouldn't support/cater a gay wedding..... Because its what their religion believes is wrong

Then the other side doesn't make a simple statement, they go extremely hardcore.... Hate calls/emails/twitters... threats of violence and arson... etc, and force them to close their business... all because they don't approve of the other persons beliefs.

Which side is more tolerant of the others beliefs?

Guess its ok to say what your beliefs are, as long as they are in agreement, you will be ok... but if you disagree... WATCH OUT!!!

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Lets flip this around ....

If a GAY operated pizza place was asked to cater an "Anti-Gay" rally, and they refused... would it be ok for those saying pizza places have to cater to anyone, regardless of their beliefs? Would these same people call and threaten that gay owned pizza place and threaten them with arson and violence, put up fake reviews, bully their facebook page?

Or would they support the gay owned pizza place in their decision because of their personal beliefs not to cater an anti-gay rally?

Jan 15, 2010
Personally I think any private business should be able to not serve anyone for any reason. The civil rights act, is an act for a reason, it's not meant to be law of the land forever, and one day it will be outdated, some of it already is. The sad thing is all this discrimination against gays, comes from a perverted view of christianity. Pretty sure if Jesus was around today, he'd not only invite gays in for pizza, he'd probably break bread with them too.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Personally I think any private business should be able to not serve anyone for any reason. The civil rights act, is an act for a reason, it's not meant to be law of the land forever, and one day it will be outdated, some of it already is. The sad thing is all this discrimination against gays, comes from a perverted view of christianity. Pretty sure if Jesus was around today, he'd not only invite gays in for pizza, he'd probably break bread with them too.

I think he would as well... But like I said a couple posts up, even if he didn't, Jesus would let them go about their business without uttering a negative word.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Lets flip this around ....

If a GAY operated pizza place was asked to cater an "Anti-Gay" rally, and they refused... would it be ok for those saying pizza places have to cater to anyone, regardless of their beliefs? Would these same people call and threaten that gay owned pizza place and threaten them with arson and violence, put up fake reviews, bully their facebook page?

Or would they support the gay owned pizza place in their decision because of their personal beliefs not to cater an anti-gay rally?

This is not a reasonable comparison. I've seen righties doing this lately. Using KKK groups as comparisons and so on. Totally outrageous and not the same thing.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
This is not a reasonable comparison. I've seen righties doing this lately. Using KKK groups as comparisons and so on. Totally outrageous and not the same thing.

So a Christian pizza place saying they wont cater a Gay event vs a Gay pizza place saying they wont cater an anti-gay event aren't in the same thing?? Totally outrageous??

So what makes this so outrageous? Whats not reasonable about it? Both refuse to cater something they "BELIEVE IS WRONG" and its the same exact issue....

New member
Oct 29, 2010
So a Christian pizza place saying they wont cater a Gay event vs a Gay pizza place saying they wont cater an anti-gay event aren't in the same thing?? Totally outrageous??

So what makes this so outrageous? Whats not reasonable about it? Both refuse to cater something they "BELIEVE IS WRONG" and its the same exact issue....

Because one is hateful discrimination and the other isn't. These comparisons were mocked pretty well on the daily show last night. I realize conservatives hate the show because it laughs at this type of right wing argument but you should check it out

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Because one is hateful discrimination and the other isn't. These comparisons were mocked pretty well on the daily show last night. I realize conservatives hate the show because it laughs at this type of right wing argument but you should check it out

So refusing to cater one event because it goes against what you believe in is hateful discrimination... but when another person refuses to cater an event because it goes against what they believe in is perfectly fine?

So if you don't believe in gay marriage you are hateful and discriminate? If you believe in gay marriage, everything is fine?

Yeah... that's retarded.... anyone who believes that is retarded....

So by what you are saying, is no one can have any beliefs, religious or otherwise, because if they do, they cant stick to them, no matter what... because you are hateful and discriminatory if you do.

Yeah that is fucking insane... and you call people loons, uneducated and biased.


New member
Aug 28, 2012
And every business has a right not to cater an event they don't believe in, that's their right.

Don't want to cater a gay wedding? That's fine, its your business....

Don't want to cater an anti-gay rally? That's fine, its your business....

Don't want to cater a GREENPEACE rally?.... That's fine, its your business....

Don't want to cater the Republican National Convention? That's fine, its your business....

Don't want to cater the Democrat National Convention? That's fine, its your business....

Cant fault a business for what they believe, its their pocketbook. And saying that when you refuse to cater one thing is discriminatory, yet refusing to cater something else isn't... is retarded. Cant have it both ways... its one way or the other.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
So refusing to cater one event because it goes against what you believe in is hateful discrimination... but when another person refuses to cater an event because it goes against what they believe in is perfectly fine?

So if you don't believe in gay marriage you are hateful and discriminate? If you believe in gay marriage, everything is fine?

Yeah... that's retarded.... anyone who believes that is retarded....

So by what you are saying, is no one can have any beliefs, religious or otherwise, because if they do, they cant stick to them, no matter what... because you are hateful and discriminatory if you do.

Yeah that is fucking insane... and you call people loons, uneducated and biased.


youre not grasping this. It is no different if they refused service to blacks. Anytime you refuse service based on color or sexual me that's discrimination. The concept is pretty simple

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